why does beer make you so fucking fat!

if this doesn't help somehow, I don't know what else will.

Having beers w/ lunch, dinner etc will make you fat. Beer itself is ok in moderation...but I always noticed I packed more LB's on in the wintertime. Naturally people gain more in wintertime but I watch tons of football and eat and drink alot.
I usually gained my weight(when I did) during the winters too...don't think it has anything to do with the cold though...I live in Israel, it's never that cold in here...I did suffer depression during the winter very often and I saw comfort in food. I kind of wish that when I was depressed I'd be the kind that doesn't eat...I'd hit my target weight by now if I was, since I'd start from a lower weight in the first place.

in any case I'm not much of a drinker
I have one or two pints of beer every month or two
worst case scenario I go on a binge(which rarely happens since I don't take enough money to the bar to limit my drunkness) it's 6 pints tops with maybe a couple of chasers.

by rarely I mean once every 2-3 years
Hmm...winter cant be it (ie The Finnish) and it cant be football (men in croatia watch clinically stupid amounts of football and are not fat) so I believe it must be Pizza Hut XL Pepperoni.

The conclusion is thus:

If you are American you stand a 98% chance of significant weight gain while on a diet of beer and pizza. This chance increases 2% in winter if you live in a northern state. Canadians have a 11% bonus for having healthcare and stricter consumption policies on fast food, but lose 4% of the bonus in the winter, except in Edmonton where the bonus is only 4% (leaving them with a 96% chance). Mexicans stand only a 42% chance of weight gain, leaving the North American average at around 75%. Scandanavians below the age of 30 have a natural immunity to weight gain as a result of alcohol abuse, typically due to the consumption of alternative products* (see below), however still have a 15% chance which increases to 79% after age 30 or severe depression inset. South-Eastern Europeans are immune completely to alcohol related weight gain, preferring instead to blame it on the pastry.

The weight gain factor can be reduced using any of or combination of the following methods:

1. Drink light american beer. This option has the negative side effect of making you suicidal**, which is why option 2 is preferable:
2. Switch to alternative substances such as vodka, rakija, or wine. Note that liver failure is imminent with the vodka choice.
3. Drink till you puke (or go to a bar during a soccer game and cheer for the opposing team)
4. Stop eating pizza and pastry. Its bad for you.
5. Refrain from mixed drinks or soda. Each one (along with beer) can be about 200cal. You (men) are only supposed to consume about 2000cal per day if you are lazy, and 3500cal if you exercise. A typical meal is about 800, so do the math on your binging.
6. **Apply for Swedish citizenship
7. If you know you will be drinkng a lot on a given night, follow this:

morning: fiber. oatmeal with apples, shredded wheat, or corn flakes. no sugar, and no, coco puffs do not count.

afternoon: lean meat and anything with a lot of tomatoes, and i dont mean tomato sauce (stuff is full of sugar). Fresh tomatoes will actually cleanse your system out and prepare your liver for whats coming. If you hate tomatoes like most guys I know, choke down a v8 or eat an orange. Europeans, this is a good time to eat/drink a yogurt. Fat metabolizes slower and you dont want to mix it with all the carbs later.

evening: right before drinking, have a shot of bitters and water, and eat an energy bar or else drink a protein shake. No red bull is not the same thing. This is for vitamin content that gives your gut something to digest and your system something to help deal with the sugar you are about to consume in huge amounts.

finally: drink enough to get buzzed, then quit. Don't be tempted by the late night restaurant stops, if you must go, order green tea, it helps pass the stuff through you faster than coffee.
that's some good advice there
I skip the oranges and yogort though...allergic to citruses and lactoze intollorant.
the rest I applied even when I was overweight...except the pastry thing.
I ate healthy when I was fat...no junk, no sodas...just ate too much
I did find the perfect substitute for my pastry addiction and it's working so far

it's not being hungry...i eat 6 small meals a day with a cup of water before and after every meal...
by eating every 2.5 hours I don't have the time for munchies and my metabolism is a lot faster now.
tis a win win situation
small meals do work yeah. I have also found drinking a ton of water to help too. I typically do it in the form of green tea though, but I got into the habit of drinking a glass when i wake up and after i eat. small meals is like...imagine dividing up everything you eat into single instances...so instead of having the steak, rice, bread, cheese, random green thing, all at once, you eat them in pairs or single over the day. drinking a lot of water is a must while imbibing alcohol anyways, even if you can hold your liquor well, staying well hydrated lessens the impact on your kidneys, helps the sugar pass through better, and keeps you from getting :ill:
I have to agree with Myownsilence here. I gained a hefty amount of weight when I acquired the taste for dark beer. I drank Samuel Adams and Newcastle all the time, and beers like that.. I still love dark heavy beer. But you have to moderate it though, I started substituting all that heavy shit with Mich light, Miller light and so on. I lost a lot of weight just from not drinking heavy beer constantly, not to say I never drink a delicious Sam Adams now and then. Now if you are drinking light beer and still gaining weight like a monster...you might have a hypothyroid condition there buddy.