Why so much hate for Machine Head?

Choptop Sawyer

New Metal Member
Apr 3, 2012
I noticed a lot of people call MH posers & nu metal garbage. Every band has 1 or 2 albums that are crap. Supercharger was just that a nu metal attempt that failed miserably & was a horrible album & The Burning Red I thought was better than 99% of the nu metal crap that was out back then but still wasn't to good. Aside from that I think the band is great. Rob & Phil play their asses off & have become a great guitar team solid bass playing & killer drummer. Blackening,Locust,Ashes,Burn & The More Things Change are killer! Glad that they brought some of the Vio-lence into MH. I love Vio-lence but their never coming back so I support MH. Keep the heavy shit coming! My question is why do you love MH or why do you hate them
Cause of the GROOVE man, people hate groove in metal for most parts it seems. Burn My Eyes is a fucking killer album for sure. And live they are fantastic.
Good point I love the groove shit Pantera MH & even Overkill had it on Horrorscope. They are great live & are really cool people. At least when I met Phil & Rob they were. Unlike some asshole like Scott Rosenfeld! Aka Scott Ian!
I don't mind the first two albums. I personally hate music that does not have form of rythmn/groove to it.
their albums after the shitty nu-metal phase are good, especially The Blackening
They're sort of a trendy band. They were groove in the 90's when bands like Pantera were playing groove and making it popular. They were nu metal band around the early 2000's and late 90's when nu metal was very popular. The Blackening has a metalcore sound, which is very relevant right now.
They're sort of a trendy band. They were groove in the 90's when bands like Pantera were playing groove and making it popular. They were nu metal band around the early 2000's and late 90's when nu metal was very popular. The Blackening has a metalcore sound, which is very relevant right now.

Metalcore's still relevant?
Because they're a big name band and you can't have "true metal cred" if you like the popular bands.

I'm not gonna say The Blackening and Unto the Locust were THE GREAT EVARRRR, but they're damn kickass records and a welcome addition to any metalhead's collection.
They're sort of a trendy band. They were groove in the 90's when bands like Pantera were playing groove and making it popular. They were nu metal band around the early 2000's and late 90's when nu metal was very popular. The Blackening has a metalcore sound, which is very relevant right now.

Not a terrible point. Although, really, Chimaira's an even more egregious trend-hopper and they seem to be well-regarded.
A lot more metal fans and sites, it seems, like Chimaira a good deal. They're considered more "legit" than a Machine Head. Which baffles me since they were 110% nu-metal when they started out and instantly hopped off that train when the trend died.

As for MH, I don't agree with them being trend-hoppers. The only really "trendy" thing they did was change for The Burning Red. Supercharger was horrible, but it wasn't following much of anything. It was just bad. Through the Ashes was a pure return to their old sound only bigger and more mature, and The Blackening continued from that.
it probably has something to do with resentment. Rob Flynn was in Vio-Lence and then he goes and makes Machine Head? It's the same thing with Max Cavalera going from Sepultura to Soulfly