Worst death imaginable!!

Balor =/= Balrog. It's a major demon. That said, I don't remember anything particularly unpleasant about them as far as beings from the depths of hell go. I would say there are worse ways to die in D&D.
it was too gay.

the worst death would be to die while on hold with a U.S. customer service representative. I'm sitting here on international hold trying to cancel a hotel reservation and I've been here for way longer than "just a few minutes."

ah well best to ease in gently to the "omg wtf is this really my country" mindfuck.
it was too gay.

the worst death would be to die while on hold with a U.S. customer service representative. I'm sitting here on international hold trying to cancel a hotel reservation and I've been here for way longer than "just a few minutes."

ah well best to ease in gently to the "omg wtf is this really my country" mindfuck.
when in international, skype.