Worst Guitar solo ever heard?

froghawk said:
Do you mind informing me how? I could never figure this out. It just sounds to me like they take the popular music of the time (80s rock, nu-metal, etc.) and make supertechnical versions of it in the most pretentious way possible.

bang on! Dream Theater are about as original as Hard-on in a sperm bank
I dont know if anyone said this yet but any solo on In Flame's Soundtrack to You Escape album, although there are only like 2 I feel they are poorly done especially with the quality of the solo's from In Flame's earliest CD's.
Benighted1 said:
I love guitar solos but Petrucci can't solo IMO. He can play TECHNICALLY well but he has no immagination or creativity.

Listen to Liquid Tension Experiment if you want to hear his best playing. If you think that is crap, then I guess you don't like playing style.
Anyone who tries to insist that shredders are worse at soloing than either of the guys in the mp3/video I posted is both horribly wrong and is just an annoying twit trying to make a statement on how they are 'tr00er' than us cause they can separate the technicality from the emotion or some bullshit. This is the wrong thread for that, I'm sick of everything getting hijacked by the same fucking argument, and no one cares besides you. >:< Go troll the dream theater forum if you want to argue with someone.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
You're the dumbass that suggested anyone who listens to Spock's Beard should be banned! Ha! :tickled:

Like you think you can tell me off.

And don't call me a fucking troll. That's Laeth Maclaurie's job.

dude just shhhh. Let it go man, this is MY thread, about the WORST SOLO EVER. this is NOT about dream theater, this is about the worst fucking solo ever, so get your lardy ass out of MY thread, or start naming off shitty guitar solos. Do it...
When I was younger, I considered anything "solo" by The Cars the most over simplified stuff I'd ever heard. I think any five year-old with a pick can copy them.
Goober said:
dude just shhhh. Let it go man, this is MY thread, about the WORST SOLO EVER. this is NOT about dream theater, this is about the worst fucking solo ever, so get your lardy ass out of MY thread, or start naming off shitty guitar solos. Do it...

Any Dragonforce solo
Any solo that is "slow"
Any solo done by Fred Durst
Any bass solo attempting to sound like a guitar (Except Sheehan)
Some solos by Cannibal Corpse

It's impossible to name anymore, as I only listen to good solos. (What I mean is I don't listen to music that has ever had the chance to have a crappy solo, perhaps I've gotten lucky?)

I'm just trying to convince people that Dream Theater does not make crappy solos.

You should also realize that these stupid Dream Theater arguments happen EVERYWHERE. There is not one forum I know of where you can talk about Dream theater and somebody doesn't complain about something. Even the DT forum itself is like that.

I'm not posting anymore in this thread unless somebody wants to keep continuing the argument. (I know I don't.)
There ya go, finally some solos :) Youre welcome to post here, just no dream theater arguements, or this thread gets the boot. Anyways sorry for calling your ass lardy, i just like making a scene.
Goober said:
There ya go, finally some solos :) Youre welcome to post here, just no dream theater arguements, or this thread gets the boot. Anyways sorry for calling your ass lardy, i just like making a scene.
Hey cool, I got some more to add then:

Metallica - any solo off of St. Anger
Megadeth - There were a few solos I really disliked on The System Has Failed

And there was one song off of The Art Of Balance by Shadows Fall that I just hated... but the rest of the album I though was great.


Just kidding. :p
Whoever is the lead guitarist on Dream Theatre-train of thought has to one one of the most unimaginative lead guitarists or rythmn guitarists in general. Stupid riffs and some of the worst vocals i've ever heard.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Hey cool, I got some more to add then:

Metallica - any solo off of St. Anger
Megadeth - There were a few solos I really disliked on The System Has Failed

And there was one song off of The Art Of Balance by Shadows Fall that I just hated... but the rest of the album I though was great.


Just kidding. :p

Do you realise Chris Poland plays the solos for about 9 songs on that album? CHRIS POLAND DAMMIT!!!!!
The Greys said:
Whoever is the lead guitarist on Dream Theatre-train of thought has to one one of the most unimaginative lead guitarists or rythmn guitarists in general. Stupid riffs and some of the worst vocals i've ever heard.

Does anyone want to start discussing the "drummer"?

Haha, just kidding.
Anything by Children fo Bodom.

Lol, just kidding...

There's a Mars Volta song (a lot of their solos are impromptu) that just doesn't sound good in the slightest... I just can't remember which song it is off the top of my head.
I was watching MTV randomly and they were airing a making-of of some Sum 41 video and they actually invited Kerry King to come play a solo in their song. That just made me laugh. Paying a drunk homeless man a bottle of vodka to come play a solo on your album would result in something better than Kerry King could churn out in a hundred years.

I honestly am always confused by just how much praise Slayer gets. They are one of those bands that I just don't "get".

I totally fucking agree!! I don't see why so many people praise Slayer solos! - you beat me to saying it. Just like you beat me to saying "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!? to the fred durst solo hahahahaah seriously... what the hell was it?
What's worse than Fred's pseudo solo was the fact that the crowd was chearing for him.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
You're the dumbass that suggested anyone who listens to Spock's Beard should be banned! Ha! :tickled:

Like you think you can tell me off.

And don't call me a fucking troll. That's Laeth Maclaurie's job.

I wasn't directing my post at you, it was at the people you were arguing against. I was complaining about all the idiots that jump in whenever dream theater is mentioned and say they lack emotion, etc. I don't care if you defend dream theater, i actually like them. I just don't want those clowns trying to jump into a thread and say those are the worst solos around when obviously they aren't and they're just trolling.

Cool off, it's like you didn't even read my post.

And the spock's beard thing was a joke, I actually own 3 of their albums, I just make fun of my friends for liking them all the time cause I hate snow.