Worst Guitar solo ever heard?

biggsy said:
i dont know how anybody else feels about this band but honestly: NAPALM DEATH. i cannot listen to them. every single one of their solo efforts offends me.

It offends you? Wow, toughen up!
Don Corleone said:
pop in dream theater's train of thought" for the last song on the album, like we said. hear the solo towards the end.

just to make a comparison, pop in pink floyd's "the division bell" for the last song on that album right after listening to dream theater. hear the solo at the end.

are we talking about feeling? there's the ultimate answer.
:worship: that's what i'm talking about!!!!

but then it isn't a fair comparison. Gilmour slays many a guitarist.
Those comparisons are just as stupid as it gets, you just don't realize it !! Ah AH !

Seriously, Petrucci has done quite a few tasty, melodic and emotionnal solos that can give you shivers ( if you can listen to the music without the stick in your ass that says Petrucci is an emotionless shredder but I agree its a hard one for some to pull off !!!)

Examples : Another Day, Learning To Live, A Change OF Seasons, Hell's Kitchen ( shred with emotion, yes it is possible who would have believed?), Voices, Lines in the sand ( one of the most beautiful solos ever !), peruvian skies, The Spirit Carries on (his gilmour tribute by the way), goodnight kiss etc etc etc stuff from liquid tension is fantastic !

And the solos of the Train Of Thaught album were meant to be extreme, fast and brutal !
And I agree that is playing has not evolved in the good direction (too machine gun like) but he can be very tasty when he chooses to !

Gilmour is the master at what he does but he does just that, nothing more !

Back to topic : Rolling Stones : Sympathy for The Devil : the idea of the solo is great but the excecution is just pathetic !
Death_To_False_Metal said:
Examples : Another Day, Learning To Live, A Change OF Seasons, Voices, Lines in the sand ( one of the most beautiful solos ever !), peruvian skies, The Spirit Carries on (his gilmour tribute by the way), goodnight kiss etc etc etc stuff from liquid tension is fantastic !
Add Surrounded, Through Her Eyes to that.

but off Train of Thought? Endless Sacrifice. MAYBE. His new shred-up-a-storm style pales in comparison to those songs.
I love the solo in BHS, its perfect in context. Kudos for providing mp3s though.

As for DT, ToT is an album that splits opinion a lot - don't give up on them after hearing that, but there's a good solo in As i Am. Thoughts on that? Still very shreddy though.

Sometimes i love DT, sometimes they bore me.
As I Am is their "look we can be Metallica better than Metallica can" song. For that value, I wish Metallica would take a hint for their new album. The band has even admitted to this, so please, don't dispute me on it. If you disagree, listen to AIA and then Sandman or Bell Tolls. If you hear no similarity in vocal style and riff phrasing... sorry. Good song though.

Octavarium I think is an improvement, but with a lot of duds. They're going to have to try harder to get my full attention back.
Oh yeah i definitely know what you mean, done in a very DT way but its like a Metallica cover turned into their style. Really good song though, lots of great riffs at first the vocals seemed a bit weak for the song but they really grew on me.
I thought Octavarium was a bit dissapointing really, compared to their earlier stuff.
And how many so called giants of music (Led Zep, Beatles they all did it !) also "stole" riffs from bluesmen ?
Ask Willie Dixon what he feels about Whole Lotta Love please !
So now DT does impressions of renown bands ( it is easier to point out a metallica reference but how many people know the entire catalogs of bluesmen of the 40's and 50's ???) and people think they are somewhat evolved musically because they found a similarity with Blackened ???

Give me a FUCKING break !!!!!:yuk:

Good Night !
I'm not saying they "stole" anything. The album is clearly a homage (and a look, you used to be good like this, but now we can do it better) at metallica. however i'd rather have Kirk write the solos than Johnny boy on that record.
The Smell Like Teen Spirit solo sucks very bad.

Kenneth R. said:
Octavarium I think is an improvement, but with a lot of duds. They're going to have to try harder to get my full attention back.
There is no way in hell I can possibly agree with that. Even though I still like it, I thought Octavarium was the cheesiest, most horrendous, and lightest album made to date.

Falling Into Infinity was way better (IMO). Hell's Kitchen was an incredible song.

Let's all be nice now! :)
Death_To_False_Metal said:
Gilmour is the master at what he does but he does just that, nothing more !

i think he does all that is necessary. for himself and for pink floyd...

hell's kitchen is an excellent instrumental. i ADORE his overall guitarwork on SFAM, too. but that solo i mentioned...:erk: it's just TOO fast. why is it so hard for some people to admit?
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I think I'm misunderstanding something here...are you talking about Octavarium being an improvement over Train Of Thought? If so, that's what I was talking about.

Awake, I&W, FII, etc > 8vm > ToT.

that's what I'm saying.
:OMG: I'm speechless. I don't know how in the world Octavarium could be better than any of them.

Although Awake is my favorite.

Okay, I realize that this isn't an argument, but it's completely off-topic and turning into mindless babble, so let's just stop it here.
Kenneth R. said:
It's some of the fastest playing I have EVER heard. The problem? I'm listening to the groove and then out of nowhere Petrucci busts in with something that doesn't even sound like guitar. Wheoohwheeooowheeooowheeoo call the frikin ambulance because my ears just got raped. It made me laugh out loud the first time I heard it, doesn't fit the song *at all* and is clearly an attempt at showmanship instead of trying to write something tasteful. In The Name of Godawful.

That said, his solo spot with Theresa Thompson on SFAM Live is some of the best soloing i've ever heard.

With regards to the:
First part of your comment, dont call an ambulence. Call KEVIN MOORE!!!!!!!!

Second part of your comment, check out the live improv of 'Hollow Years' on Live At Budokan.SMOOOOOKIN'