Worst Guitar solo ever heard?

Tubbs Mcgee said:
The Smell Like Teen Spirit solo sucks very bad.
No it doesn't.

Just because it's not creative doesn't mean it sounds bad.
I have a lot of respect for The Mars Volta, but Omar clearly thinks he's a better guitarist than he actually is. Frances the Mute hade some horrible solos, as did his solo album. He just tries to play fast and "cool" but fails. :(
nirvana solos suck bad in general...kurt cobain sucks as a guitarist..i dont care what anyone says...and none of that #1 Band Ever bull shit either...and theres no way in hell he should be within the top 100 guitarists
Led Opeth said:
nirvana solos suck bad in general...kurt cobain sucks as a guitarist..i dont care what anyone says...and none of that #1 Band Ever bull shit either...and theres no way in hell he should be within the top 100 guitarists

There is simply no way anyone can justify any of it. He was very influential, but that doesn't change the fact that he sucked.
Tubbs Mcgee said:

Yes it does.

You are wrong.

The only way you can defend that statement is by saying that ridiculously technical, fast, but unlistenable guitar playing is better than a simple but good song.

And edit: Yeah Cobain was nothing special as a guitarist but he was a fine songwriter, if not the most creative. Don't hate on him excessively just because it's the cool thing to do.
Jude said:

You are wrong.

The only way you can defend that statement is by saying that ridiculously technical, fast, but unlistenable guitar playing is better than a simple but good song.

And edit: Yeah Cobain was nothing special as a guitarist but he was a fine songwriter, if not the most creative. Don't hate on him excessively just because it's the cool thing to do.
Thanks for lettimg me be entitled to my opinion. :)

Apparantly you think you are always right, therefore that makes you an elitist.

Nirvana is a poor band with poor solos, and I would take wanking over that simple garbage anyday.
i agree in general, but i still think he was a below average guitarist, and average songwriter at best. and people on this board should know by now i'm hardly ever in step with what the cool thing to do is :)

simple but good > fast but shite

wank is equally boring as a 3 powerchord album. neither one has sonic depth or range of expressive emotion.
Kenneth R. said:
i agree in general, but i still think he was a below average guitarist, and average songwriter at best. and people on this board should know by now i'm hardly ever in step with what the cool thing to do is :)

simple but good > fast but shite

wank is equally boring as a 3 powerchord album. neither one has sonic depth or range of expressive emotion.
I'm disagreeing with you again.

I say simple but good = fast but shite.

I don't listen to fast "Shite" though, I listen to good "Shite".

Simple stuff is too boring for my big brain.

(Insert IQ joke here if you want to.)
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Thanks for lettimg me be entitled to my opinion. :)

Apparantly you think you are always right, therefore that makes you an elitist.

Nirvana is a poor band with poor solos, and I would take wanking over that simple garbage anyday.
Wank and poor solos are equally bad, but I wouldn't call Nirvana's solos unlistenable, whereas when people say wank they usually mean technical to the point of being unlistenable...

Both are fairly boring but I would rather listen to Nirvana any day.