Worst Guitar solo ever heard?

Kenneth R. said:
going with the EVH trend...

don't crucify me yet. It's cool. It was groundbreaking. It was a solo that had no song to go with it, unless you consider it an intro, and even then it's a pretty bad intro. Great playing, terribly used. It's also clearly a showboating spot.

It's an interesting moment in guitar rock history. It was like a shot fired over the bow, you know. "Check this shit out! Top that!" And I remember hearing it and going, "Holy fuck!" Then I learned to play and was a bit less enthused about it. Now, I realized it spawned a lot of shitty imitators. But I do think it pushed technicality.

It's like a pendulum: you had Eric "Slow Hand" Clapton (whose solos EVH learned note-for-note, incidentally) doing really cool, feeling-laden solos. Clapton was God at the time. Then EVH blows the doors off the joint and all of a sudden the way is paved for Yngwie and Satriani. Then some ten years later, you get Phil Anselmo telling Dimebag that people don't want to hear solos anymore... and then the oddly sololess (and productionless) St. Anger. It swings back and forth. We're in sololand again for a while, I think. But it won't last long.

Bad solo: basically any Maiden solo by Janick Gers. I'm a hater, what can I say?
i love agalloch,i really do..but their solo in She painted fire across the skyline part 2 (i think,,its in plae folklore but im not too sure in which song) misses like a million time its mark when bending strings, it doesnt reach the desired pitch or falls short, and in general feels very amateursish
wow im slow. I thought nirvana had a song called shotgun........5 minutes later i got the joke
hanneman's solo on the song 'gemini' is superb. i wish they consistent used such solos. also everything, even the solos, work on reign in blood. that album is untouchable.