Worst metal band name ever

SheisMySin said:
I remember seeing Death on the original headbanger's ball, and yeah...I thought it was a corny name too even at the time. Actually, at the time, I thought Slayer was a dumb name too....right up there with Killer.


Slayer was originally named Dragonslayer, if that makes you feel better.

Imagine if it was Vampire Slayer... I would just think of buffy the vampire slayer everytime while listening to slayer. If Slayer would have kept Dragonslayer they could have influenced power metal!
Considering they started off as a sort of Punk/NWOBHM hybrid, it's not all that shocking.
Now I feel like I took a bullet here.. I apologize for the uninformed information.. (WTF Am I saying..)

.. I still dislike the name though.
I thought Savatage was a pretty dumb name the first time I heard it....one of my favorite bands now.

I am war, I am pain
I am all you've ever slain
I am tears in your eyes
I am grief, I am lies
I am pure, I am true
I am all over you
I am laugh, I am smile
I am the earth defiled
I am the cosmic storms
I am the tiny worms
I am fear in the night
I am bringer of light"
