Worst metal band name ever

I assume someone said this, but I'm saying it again:

Children of Bodom

Looks like Children of Bottom, no?
Children of Bodom suck on all front don't they?
Deicide is pretty gay for a name too.
Cradle of Cunts stinks cock.


Machine Head. WTF IS MACHINE HEAD. Fuck.
Agreed on Machine head.

I think Children of bodom is a cool name, but when I first saw it, I immediately thought "bodom, sodom, sodomy"...so still some anal issues with it.

Machine Head has to be the most cliche dumb name in history, and to top it off the band sucks beyond words.
isn't Dying Fetus grindcore? ehh whatever but uhh...o i got one...Anal Cunt and these guys aren't signed but they are grindcore (actually drums and the sound of screaming babies...hence...they suck) and are called Fuzzy and the Happy Mountain Gentlemen
Unwanted-Soul said:

Although, it is still a fucked up name.

I don't like death aswell.. I mean, How un original is that name? ;P

Shut up. It does too.

And Death is a fucking awesome name. What's wrong with you??

Just wanna point out that Machine Head was named after the classic Purple album, I guess. Not that that makes it any better....
Death is a great band name especially for a band who formed so early. When it's 84 and your band is called 'death' and you are helping to start a more extreme music evolution that's awsome.
I remember seeing Death on the original headbanger's ball, and yeah...I thought it was a corny name too even at the time. Actually, at the time, I thought Slayer was a dumb name too....right up there with Killer.
