Worst metal band name ever

On the subject of nu-metal, some people and websites have started using the term rapcore to encompass Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit etc. Nu-metal was bad enough, but now it's reproducing and creating sub-genres.
other bands with notably bad names:

Into the Gore
Final Thrash
Send More Paramedics
Assorted Heap
Venereal Disease
Cock and Ball Torture
Circle of Dead Children
Old Wainds
Cankered Corpse
PanzerKunt said:
Not at all, just because you dont like nu metal doesnt make it not metal. I don't like it either but it's still a metal genre, or a poor result of metal gone wrong.
It's strayed too far from metal to be considered metal anymore. Nu metal shares about as many characteristics with metal as does hard rock
Blinded By Blood said:
It's strayed too far from metal to be considered metal anymore. Nu metal shares about as many characteristics with metal as does hard rock

Here's an example.

Dimmu Borgir. Their old stuff is bm, their new stuff isnt. Old nu-metal (say, korn) is still nu metal, the cd they made in 1990something is still the same. That doesnt mean that Linkin Park takes the genre into a new one, it means they base their shit on nu metal and add more shit to it resulting in rapcore or whateverthefuck.
Dimmue Borgir has nothing to do with anything. How does their early work being Black Metal and their later work not being Black Metal relate to Korn's entire discography being Nu Metal? And how does Dimmu Borgir moving away from Black Metal relate to Linkin Park being Nu Metal? They're still Nu Metal, while Dimmu Borgir is not still Black Metal. Maybe if you can better explain what you're trying to say I would agree.
PanzerKunt said:
Here's an example.

Dimmu Borgir. Their old stuff is bm, their new stuff isnt. Old nu-metal (say, korn) is still nu metal, the cd they made in 1990something is still the same. That doesnt mean that Linkin Park takes the genre into a new one, it means they base their shit on nu metal and add more shit to it resulting in rapcore or whateverthefuck.

But to what extent is nu metal actually based on metal? The entire genre was influenced by The Deftones and Tool, who aren't metal
I don't know where the line goes but you can't deny the fact that whichever band started it was inspired by metal or some form. What I'm saying is that when bands change by time they don't take the genre with them, they move from it. "Nu-metal" doesnt stick with everything that is on tv nowadays that has fuzzy guitars in it, it has gone from nu-metal most likely and added mainstream elements to it.
ender7227 said:
I like this name, personally

I find it shallow, and vapid, and gay... its like if an actor would making "stamps" while playing a role...