Worst metal band name ever

~Neurotica said:
I find it shallow, and vapid, and gay... its like if an actor would making "stamps" while playing a role...

I agree about the name sucking. I'm not sure what you just said but since you said it I agree.
The Greys said:
If you want to.

When I used an example of an actor - coz when an actor plays he must take his role as its in his life, real. 1. Or he gotta feel it through his self and make his feelings real, imagining the situation. 2. Or he gotta have a talent to fake really-really good. It hapens that stupid actors use "stamps" like making some standard shallow acts, mimicry, gesture, that you always expect him to make as the reaction on something... its like when you feel a smell of the really tasty food and you're rounding with your palm on your stomach imagining how great that food is - thats a fucking stamp.
The words like Soul and Fly are stamps too. Coz they are overrated like hell. Almost every stupid song has that words in its text. Those words are almost everywhere... too overrated. And also the meaning of "soulfly" is gay for a band like that.
Sorry I know Im not the greatest orator and maybe nobody has got my explaining, but prolly thats the best way I can explain it.
~Neurotica said:
When I used an example of an actor - coz when an actor plays he must take his role as its in his life, real. 1. Or he gotta feel it through his self and make his feelings real, imagining the situation. 2. Or he gotta have a talent to fake really-really good. It hapens that stupid actors use "stamps" like making some standard shallow acts, mimicry, gesture, that you always expect him to make as the reaction on something... its like when you feel a smell of the really tasty food and you're rounding with your palm on your stomach imagining how great that food is - thats a fucking stamp.
The words like Soul and Fly are stamps too. Coz they are overrated like hell. Almost every stupid song has that words in its text. Those words are almost everywhere... too overrated. And also the meaning of "soulfly" is gay for a band like that.
Sorry I know Im not the greatest orator and maybe nobody has got my explaining, but prolly thats the best way I can explain it.
Point well made, especially when an actor reads it( :lol: ). And actually, in that sense you are very much right.
>>>What the hell's wrong with Sodom? Ok so I didn't have to think very hard to get your point, but come on...leave Sodom alone.

lol...well I think in addition to this name, it's the font they use on their Cd's that make it seem so ametuer looking.


PS - I think the name "Soulfly" sucks too, but they are a sweet band.
How is Dimmu Borgir not Black Metal anymore?

Because they add a little flavor and creativity to the generic cold feeling BM has to offer?

V.V.V.V.V. said:
No you don't. Metal is based on narrative song structures, which nu-metal does not have. End of fucking story. You are a cunt.

Youre a dick, wanna cyber?

And no, not all metal is based on narrative song structures. I won't even bother to list any examples of metal bands who don't follow this "rule".
Consuming Impulse said:
did between the buried and me is the worst name ever?

i also add opeth, arch enemy, and in flames to my list.

Whaaa??? :erk:

I'll contribute a name...Dying Fetus. It's just rediculous. At least some of the ones that have been listed here sorta sound cool. But...Dying Fetus? Their music sucks too.
*prepares to be killed by a fan*
SheisMySin said:
How is Dimmu Borgir not Black Metal anymore?

Because they add a little flavor and creativity to the generic cold feeling BM has to offer?


Because they turned shit and said "we don't concider our new way of expressing blahblahblahsatanblah black metal anymore, we have gone a step beyond it" in an interview and I instantly agreed.
SheisMySin said:
How is Dimmu Borgir not Black Metal anymore?

Because they add a little flavor and creativity to the generic cold feeling BM has to offer?


DB has crossed has stepped over many lines drawn by "tr00 kvlt" black metal elitists that define the genre. They have committed several black metal "faux-pas" such as more thrashy melodies, wide commercial output and overproduction of their more recent albums.

I myself still consider DB a black metal band as my personal definition of the genre is quite comprehensive. The elitists have a very narrow definintion of the genre and have called DB traitors for taking the genre to such levels.
Zephyrus said:
DB has crossed has stepped over many lines drawn by "tr00 kvlt" black metal elitists that define the genre. They have committed several black metal "faux-pas" such as more thrashy melodies, wide commercial output and overproduction of their more recent albums.

I myself still consider DB a black metal band as my personal definition of the genre is quite comprehensive. The elitists have a very narrow definintion of the genre and have called DB traitors for taking the genre to such levels.
Fucking elitists. They expect a band to stay in this noce little pocket and never branch out. Dumbasses.
Life Sucks said:
other bands with notably bad names:

Into the Gore
Final Thrash
Send More Paramedics
Assorted Heap
Venereal Disease
Cock and Ball Torture
Circle of Dead Children
Old Wainds
Cankered Corpse

personally i like CODC, but Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis is just stupid, who the hell is going to remember that?