Worst metal band name ever

LightningLixxx said:
Whaaa??? :erk:

I'll contribute a name...Dying Fetus. It's just rediculous. At least some of the ones that have been listed here sorta sound cool. But...Dying Fetus? Their music sucks too.
*prepares to be killed by a fan*

*kills you*

I like the name, because I like the death metal aesthetic that it gives off. It is better than Opeth which is meaningless to me. At least Dying Fetus tells me what it is and gives off a punch. Their music is quite good as well.
Seasonreaper said:
personally i like CODC, but Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis is just stupid, who the hell is going to remember that?

It's not easy to remember the band's actual name, but it is so out there that it is easy to remember the band itself as "that one with the really long unpronounceable name"
Newer death metal bands, then again I do not care about any of them anyways.
cookiecutter said:
For the record I think that not listening to NS bands is a good thing.
It's an ignorant thing. You can listen to NS bands and not agree with the ideology. If someone is a Jew or a minority, I understand why they wouldn't want to listen to NSBM or bands like Arghoslent, but otherwise I see no reason to refuse to listen to NS bands. Theoretically speaking, if there was some African anti-white NSBM band, I would listen to it if I liked the music. Come to think of it, I think I read about some pro-black NSBM band from Angola, but I forgot the name, and have never actually heard them (let me know if you can help me out, I'm curious to hear it).
Spectacular Views said:
Art Ensemble of Chicago - Les Stances a Sophie
Autechre - Tri Repetae
The Books - The Lemon of Pink
Frog Pocket - Gonglot
Fugazi - The Argument

They probably arent metal but still really bad names. "Art Ensemble of Chicago" christ.
Life Sucks said:
It's an ignorant thing. You can listen to NS bands and not agree with the ideology. If someone is a Jew or a minority, I understand why they wouldn't want to listen to NSBM or bands like Arghoslent, but otherwise I see no reason to refuse to listen to NS bands. Theoretically speaking, if there was some African anti-white NSBM band, I would listen to it if I liked the music. Come to think of it, I think I read about some pro-black NSBM band from Angola, but I forgot the name, and have never actually heard them (let me know if you can help me out, I'm curious to hear it).

That form of hatred is too real for me to just shrug off even if I like the music. All the stuff about killing Christians or Satan destroying the world are obviously not going to happen, but anti-semitism is far too real and far too disturbing to me. That's just my viewpoint.
More people die in the name of religion than of race, so I don't really know what you're talking about.
Life Sucks said:
It's an ignorant thing. You can listen to NS bands and not agree with the ideology. If someone is a Jew or a minority, I understand why they wouldn't want to listen to NSBM or bands like Arghoslent, but otherwise I see no reason to refuse to listen to NS bands. Theoretically speaking, if there was some African anti-white NSBM band, I would listen to it if I liked the music. Come to think of it, I think I read about some pro-black NSBM band from Angola, but I forgot the name, and have never actually heard them (let me know if you can help me out, I'm curious to hear it).

How is it ok spread hatred towards christians but not jews? It's basically the same thing except that the jews think that they are born that way and not taught into becoming an ignorant fuck by their parents. The whole antisemitism thing has gone way too far, it's about time people stop being political correct about it. Fuck jews, fuck christians, fuck muslims and fuck you if you think I care what race they are.