Worst metal band name ever

PanzerKunt said:
The expression "running with scissors" is not copyrighted by a writer.
But the band could come up with more original name than that...( I wouldnt be surprized if their logo is a boy with a paper bag over his head:u-huh: )Running with scissors is something that, I at least, assosicate with a particular book and not a metal band. Seems bizzar to make that transition, you know...
Killbot said:
Let's hope for your sake they do. Who else is playing?

Internecine Excoriation
The Dead
People Die
Fuck... I'm Dead
The Day Everything Became Nothing

And some other bands, who were, for the most part, awful.

I watched Fuck, I'm Dead for about 10 minutes, and I must admit they put on a fucking great show. It was really fucking entertaining. But when you've heard 8 songs in 10 minutes, it's not something to hang around for.
what was that for and are those bands playing in Sydney???? Whats the deal with Brisvegas getting all the fucking gigs.

I haven't been to a concert in ages. (Opeth in April I think was the last time, and that wasn't all that great)
Was the first of (I'm told will be) an annual festival called Brutalfest. Twas 10 bands all up, all death/grind except Astriaal. You'll have to come up here for the next one, the guys who organised the show are talking about getting 2 (!) international acts over for it.

Fingers crossed for Immolation.

Edit: yeah we've had a fair few gigs going on here, particularly this year, the best of which were the Urgrund show and the ANZAC Day celebration. Last night was the last gig for a while though, the next being Kriss Hades with Oracle of the Void and Forn Valdyrhiem in August, followed by Kreator :kickass: x1523128
Hey when are Kreator coming down under?

just found out
No fucking Adelaide gig...Fucking hell