Worst metal you've ever heard?

Killbot said:
If we're talking actual metal and not metalcore or nu-metal, I'd go for Nargaroth. So boring I die a little inside everytime I hear it.

:cry: i know the guy has some not-too-hot shit but some of his songs are AMAZING!
ender7227 said:
The worst metal is easily screamo and nu-metal, that isn't even a decent question.
Its pretty odd opinion, considering that you admit you listen to some nu-metal and alternative metal bands.

I also dont really get it when ppl mention "emo" here, when the question was about metal.

subj: Deicide
Perpetual Catatonia said:
I like them (Demon Hunter) but I consider them to be Metalcore, not just Metal.

Demon Hunter is metalcore. Their vocalist needs some lessons and it would be nice to hear the rest of the band play something memorable. All they do is "chug chug chug" and "tap tap tap" mid-tempo crap, with the occasional keyboard appearance.
Susperia said:
According to my boyfriend, every single band that I love.

Your boyfriend is a well documented ass-hat, though.

Discounting "screamo, emo, nu" etc etc, I would have to say that it would probably be Venom...I mean, really, for such a supposedly influential band, they sure did Suck Ass:erk:
For me, the worst real metal is old Metallica. Except for a couple of good songs, I don't see what the big deal is. I can think of a billion better thrash bands than they were. Their songs are boring as fuck too. If they want to make a song 8 minutes long, at least make the song as technical as Mercyful Fate, Voivod or Watchtower.
Oh yeah, Lar$ is also a fucking terrible drummer.
Life Sucks said:
Their inane sex lyrics are one of the reasons I hate them. IMO the lyrics and music both suck.

you don't think there is one single metal band with worse music than WASP? have you heard any bands of 15 year old kids who can't play and record onto home tape decks?