Worst metal you've ever heard?

GRIM REAPER is most definitely the worst metal band of all time. If you're looking for a good laugh though, they have to be one of the best bands of all time.
Authentic Metalhead said:
Dragonlord is much better, in my opinion. Thrash isn't very high on my list anyway.

I think we may be two of the three (inclufing Eric Peterson) people in the world that believe this to be true...:kickass:
Carcassian said:
Anyway, back on topic, I'm pretty "meh" on almost all of Testaments back catalogue...

The Legacy and The New Order are good for the time but highly overrated. These albums are alittle outdated now and lack the extreme part in metal and other metal around the time. I'm not saying metal has to always be 'extreme' but for thrash I would just rather listen to older destruction and kreator.

Testament had the more oldschool metal vibe and other thrash bands were going more into the being 'extreme thing' rather than just being a traditional no thrills metal band.

Destruction and Kreator,etc.. are reasons why we have death metal. These were the type of bands for the next generations to take metal into a more twisted realm.
It's not an extremity thing, and yes, their first couple of albums are easily the best; it's more that they couldn't right a catchy song to save their lives past a certain point.

I'm not saying it's bad - just not my cup o'tea.
I found their songwriting to be to catchy and predictable(like metallica). I get sick of it pretty easily. Testament's rythmn playing and songwriting are incredible simplistic along with the drumming just the lead guitar player is really good.
Low is not a bad release for Testament trying to blend in with the regular 90's southern metal. It's not classsic but a better attempt as metal than 90's metallica megadeth and slayer.
Selfmonarch said:
Pantera, they are easily the worst metal band of all time.

One of the best (Originality 10/10)

Authentic Metalhead said:
Worst? Definitely not; there are many other bands that Pantera wipes the floor with. Highly overrated? Yes. Their glory days are gone. Pantera died with Dimebag.

I actually find it hard to listen to Pantera now since Dime's death so thats a very true statement.
Nothing ive ever heard is similar to CFH, VDOP, FBD. They were the first of their kind, they invented Power Groove, and they were 10 years ahead of their time. You would expect to see Cemetary Gates on Scuzz nowadays, they do not seem like early 90's albums.