Worst metal you've ever heard?

The Bringer said:
I listened to the "Other New Song" by Metallica. I don't know if it can even be considered metal. It sounded like a very very bad punk song.

This song actually made me lol as soon as James opened his mouth. The song is so horrible.
Cephalic Carnage was horrible also. I just checked them out and man. I think I need to vomit. Good thing I didn't check out Death yet I think it's about time I do. I always save a good band to check out for a time when I check out a horrible band like Cephalic Carnage :p
biggsy said:
napalm death.. end of story.

Dude now im calling you out!

How can you go and say a band who started all the Death Metal you today the worse metal you've ever heard? of course its not the leavel all the Death Metal bands are today, but it was one of the bands who started it all.

I hate Linkin Park. and worse is how a few people in the army with me think they'e metalheads for listening to them..eww.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!! irvy!!! LOLOL.... Napalm Death started up grindcore not death metal!!! Unless you ment grindcore that is. If not Celtic Frost was who invented Death Metal. But omg that was so freakin hilarious thank you so freakin much for the laugh I didn't laugh at all yet today LMAO!!!!
ivry91 said:
How can you go and say a band who started all the Death Metal you today the worse metal you've ever heard? of course its not the leavel all the Death Metal bands are today, but it was one of the bands who started it all.

You don't necessarily have to like bands that originated the genre. You can acknowledge their importance, but liking them is all up to you.
Napalm Death did not start death metal and are 'grindcore'. What the hell is wrong with people.
The Greys said:
Napalm Death did not start death metal and are 'grindcore'. What the hell is wrong with people.

Allright guys let me clear it up. what i meant is they're work eventually got the Death Metal genere started. Death Metal was created from Grindcore and Thrash metal and Napalm Death were the ones to start using downtuned guitars as regular. so if you want to look at as if they had nothing to dow ith Death Metal thats you're choice but in my view you wouldn't Death Metal today if not for Death and Napalm Death(Which later led to the formation of Carcass.)
^ That's correct.


Rap metal is not and never was a genre; RATM were rap/rock.