Worst metal you've ever heard?

ohiogrinder said:
hello! Napalm Death's first two albums were grindcore, fuckface.

and I love grindcore, clearly.

I never said they were not Grindcore. but they still did alot to create the Death Metal genere.
biggsy said:
I respect what they've done for the genre but fuck me, they sound like a cat being raped in a hurricane.

thats not a bad sound, then again I get an erection from pushing blind kids into oncoming traffic.
Blue_Jay said:
Children Of Bodom is actually one of the best metal bands I listened to among others also. What's wrong with your ears.

nothing at all, I just don't care for endless guitar and keyboard masturbation, thats all.
Worst metal? IMO Wormeaten are the worst. It is similar to Brodequin but the production is horrible, in case you didn't know that makes the music sound very shitty.
Yes, but unique does not equal virtuosity, the girl I am dating is a 2nd year musician and has no trouble playing their stuff, whom she loves as it is. I am a in my 14th year and I've no troubles with the music they make either.
Vacant_Planets said:
Yes, but unique does not equal virtuosity, the girl I am dating is a 2nd year musician and has no trouble playing their stuff, whom she loves as it is. I am a in my 14th year and I've no troubles with the music they make either.

Virtuosity isn't limited to incredible technicality. Uniqueness and direction are also big factors in deciding.