Worst Movies You've ever seen

HOuse OF THe DEad... any Uwe Boll movie. Most of the shit put out by Lions Gate, Anchor Bay or Asylum entertainment. I worked in a video store.....those companies make utter trash.
Seen so many bad movies that i dont remember which ones the worst, but Hairspray was was worse then choking on a stick.
Undefeatable with cynthia rothrock is the actual worst film I have seen in my life and I expect it always will be. One of the fight scenes is on youtube (actually the whole film is) it features that delayed 'arghhh' macho sound only found in the cheesiest of cheesy films and ridiculous gore and the cheesiest, worst lines ever.
The movie my Mom and Sister are watching. Let me summarize it.

Girl likes her fake dad
Her real dad wins a custody battle and now she has to live with him
She and her fake dad are sad

And its on Lifetime...
Evil Dead. Why? Because it's so stupid, the acting is... How can I say this... Horrific. The characters are all so stupid I wanted to kill them myself for it! mean if they are in an abandoned cabin in the middle of teh forest and the demons are in the forest you don't run out of the door and into the pitch black forest because you're scared!! The "monsters" (or more specificly, the people that are possessed by canarian demons, where the fuck did they get that?) are so stupid-looking it made me fall of my chair laughing, until they started to make noise. The noise they make is so terribly stupid and annoying I seriously considered stopping the film and calling it quit.
Omega cop or atack of the monsters. Theyre public domain so you can download them for free or buy them at walmart for $1. Acually Laserhawk with mark hamill was terrible too. Also free on the interwebs.
Beowulf or Queen of the Damned for me. I was doubly disappointed because I was actually looking forward to both films as well!
I work in a cinema so I get to see more than my fair share of duff movies. The really annoying thing is that we have to talk up the releases even when we know it's going to be shite and then the customers come out of the film and personally blame you for how dreadful the film was!
dot.com saw it last night on showtime and when it went off i was pissed i killed time watching it....so lame
Obviously anything directed by Uwe Boll is crap and everybody hates him (Alone in the Dark,BloodRayne,Postal,Bloodrayne II)
Can you believe he asked Hideo Kojima ,creator of Metal Gear Solid,if he can make a movie for the game? Hideo's response was "Absolutely not! I don't know why Uwe Boll is even talking about this kind of thing. We've never talked to him. It's impossible that we'd ever do a movie with him." LOL harsh.

And seriously,I don't see whats the big deal with Ms.Jolie. Tomb Raider and her marriage with Brad Pitt sure upped her popularity,but name me one fucking movie worth watching with her in it other than 'Girl,Interrupted' ? Pfft Not even.

There has been many horrible movies as of recent,especially all the slap-stick parody's of blockbuster movies like 'Superhero movie' and 'Meet the spartans' ..geez.
The man who climbed a hill and came down a mountain...off course its obvious from the title that the movie is extremely boring n not to mention pointless!!
i wonder why they ever made it in the 1st place ,its a complete waste of time to have watched it n to know that ppl actually paid money for this thing!!
I liked Lady in the Water, I loved V for Vendetta, and I thought Dude, Where's My Car was hilarious... :kickass:

EDIT: I loved The Day After Tomorrow... :Smug:
