Worst Movies You've ever seen

the first X-men movie
i was such a hard-core fan of the comic and the semi-adult-ish cartoon that sort-of followed the comic, and well the 1st movie was such a completely different world, that i couldn't really get "into" it

i guess me not liking it is kinda like the main continuity Marvel fans that hate the Ultimates titles, so feel free disagree with me and say how much you loved the X-men movies

I was persuaded to watch it and told it was amazing and really well made.

It was fucking awful

Iron Maiden, Arch Enemy, Lacuna Coil, Motorhead, Interlock, Children Of Bodom, Adastreia, Megadeth, Lamb Of God,


It's definitely not amazing but still, I wouldn't call Juno awful.
Iron Maiden, Arch Enemy, Lacuna Coil, Motorhead, Interlock, Children Of Bodom, Adastreia, Megadeth, Lamb Of God,


It's definitely not amazing but still, I wouldn't call Juno awful.

I would.

Wooden and un convincing acting and dire script trying too hard to be hip and different.
Hostel.... utterly banal, horribly executed ideas and plot, lame gore, bad acting...

Rock Star and also anything with Jennifer Aniston or Mark Wahlberg.

all the new spoof things Hollywood cranks out..

most M. Night films...

also seconding any/all Dane Cook or Kutcher movies.
Hostel.... utterly banal, horribly executed ideas and plot, lame gore, bad acting...

Rock Star and also anything with Jennifer Aniston or Mark Wahlberg.

all the new spoof things Hollywood cranks out..

most M. Night films...

also seconding any/all Dane Cook or Kutcher movies.

except i never actually saw hostel