Worst Opeth Song Moment

Hey Opet,
If you think I'm gay, you'd better take a long look at yourself in the mirror, pal. I just can't understand how you guy's can dislike
something you say you like so much. It makes no sense to me.
I guess I'm a little "too" open-minded for you people. Peace.
:lol: Oh, that's right! What was I thinking. Every single note that was ever created by thoust mighty "O" should be molested and tongued for all eternity. Be quiet, silly.

Have an independent thought for Christ's sake! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by thebigfish
'by the pain i see in others' i personally find a big disgrace. like: we have all these riffs and parts and bits that aren't good enough for the first five songs, well just randomly knock them together and let's call it a song. fuck that. that outro is just incredibly dumbfounded... who would care waiting three minutes of silence for some backward vocals. that whole secret track concept shouldve never been invented anyway.

Why is everyone so turned off by the backwards stuff at the end? Haven't you guys ever heard of the Butthole Surfers?

And while that song jumps around a bit, it's certainly not boring...
I even made an account for this, but my least favorite part of any Opeth song is the part in Remember Tomorrow when he says "....SKYYYYYY, YEAH!" when i first heard that i started laughing because i thought there was no way they were serious with that part
For me it is the entire song of Dirge for November. That is the only Opeth song I flat out don't like.
As the thread states, picking a moment out of a song... I always fast forward through the first 1:50 of The Moor. I'd have to go with that.
When I read complaints about Black Rose Immortal, I get all fanboyish and think "fucking losers don't you realize how great it is, the first five minutes are explosive, full of despera-aaa-aation and anger, it's fucking perfect", but then I realize people think the same about me when I complain about how utterly dull Blackwater Park the album is.

The worst Opeth-parts for me are those that simply do not interest me; cause Opeth songs generally ALWAYS interest me with their structure (or lack thereof), beauitful melodies what have you, it's extra painful when they do something I just don't care about for some reason.

Examples include the entirity of 'Atonement', 'Harvest', and similarly Opeth moments that simply have too little variety in them. I like it best when they are dynamic, as in the earlier material but also in songs like 'Ghost of Perdition' and 'Harlequin Forest' where the band is all over the place musically. Some of the brutal songs have some parts that drag on for too long as well, such as parts of 'Wreath' , but the fuzz makes up for it.
Most of Orchid... or all of it :) The part where he sings "Serenity Painted Death" and that awful pinch harmonic... hmmm the abrupt ending in the same song and the intros of both Master's Apprentices and By The Pain I See in Others.... oh and the bonus "outro" thingy in Deliverance... what's that all about???

PS - Anyone speaking ill of Bleak should die an awful death :)

I don't like that much the first two albuns. For me they sound like a bunch of riffs glued together. There are some good moments, but I don't think the songs are well constructed. Morningrise was my first Opeth album anyway.
I love Epilogue as well, I think it's nigh on criminal that they don't play it live.

In the vast enchanted forest! YAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Ditto :p

I love the song, but that part makes me cringe. While on the whole, I love Mike's lyrics, there are one or two lines from the earlier albums that are well "absolute black metal nonsense", and that would be my top pick.

As for my overall worst moment: the end of Closure. I get the irony that Closure isn't allowed to properly close, but the song just builds up to this amazing peak, but stops short just before it.
The only Opeth song that I really dislike is Ending Credits. It's quite bland and the only track that seems like "filler". In fact, I didn't even bother putting it on my IPod because I'd just skip it anyway. So for me, all of EC is the "worst song moment".