Worst thread ever, heheh

Right. Lumitalvi, you're good-looking. Lassie, you're not boring. Rahvin, you're not going bald. Now I've buttered you all up will one of you ask more questions?? :yell:
i'm not in the questions-making team, so your buttering me up only had the effect of making me fall in love with you. sorry. when shall we move in together?

edit: @lumi: i am, how about you? managed to eat something today? :p
Yesterday, please.

Right, I'm off to uni soon. Wish me luck that a nice-looking girl will come and sit next to me again like she did last week. Then wish me luck that I pluck up enough courage to say "hi" if she does. Then wish me luck that she doesn't hate me. Then when I come home and get online console me when it turns out that at least one of those things turned out wrong. And if there aren't any questions when I return, I will be an even more unhappy bunny than I will be after the nice-looking girl has nothing to do with me because last week was a fluke.

181. Do you actually read others answers? Barely.
182. What do you think of Marko (Windom Pearl)? Chaaarming.

183. What do you think of Toni (Nevershine)?
184. What do you think of Lassi (Downfall)?
185. What do you think of Horza?

I'm sorry, I really can't answer to these without either writing a book, or calling them all gay.

186. What do you think of Tooled? A worthless, but oh so jolly, cunt.
187. What do you think of Hearse? A calculating person, who probably is much more interested to know the answers to the sex questions than he likes to impress.
188. What do you think of Mazah? I barely know him, but he seems like a great guy, has an unbelieveable tolerance to booze, and owns everybody in guitar twice in a row.
189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries? Gay as George Michael.
190. What do you think of Farmakon? The worst mistake of my life..?

191. What is your favorite sex position? Spoons, but I prefer lots of changes.
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? Yes, but I'm not sure if I can do a general answer here.
193. Do you like it ruff or gentle? Depends on the current state of the relationship, but if I had to choose, ruff.
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking? Yes.

195. what do you think of while having sex? "Dead dogs, dead dogs..." Naw, actually you don't suppose to think during sex, so I try not to think.
196. Do you like the scent of heat? Huh?

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex? Many things. Undeterminable. It's in the essence.
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay? The end of foreplay :grin:

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman? It's not like those kinda things are up to just me, as sex is for 2 or more persons..

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? Slightly, but only because they were asked by Hearse.
201. Want more sex related questions? God no.
Rusty said:
Right, I'm off to uni soon. Wish me luck that a nice-looking girl will come and sit next to me again like she did last week. Then wish me luck that I pluck up enough courage to say "hi" if she does. Then wish me luck that she doesn't hate me. Then when I come home and get online console me when it turns out that at least one of those things turned out wrong. And if there aren't any questions when I return, I will be an even more unhappy bunny than I will be after the nice-looking girl has nothing to do with me because last week was a fluke.
ah, my good boy (that's because we just moved in together), is there ever a time away from tribulation?
when the nice-looking girl comes to sit beside you next time, you're going to say something funny about the subject that's being discussed. not too funny: chances are if she's so good-looking she could be as dim as a wooden plank and if she doesn't get the joke she's going to assume you belong in a lunatic asylum. if you make it simple but she still doesn't smile, leave her alone: she either lacks sense of humour or has too much personal shit in her head to be good company. no "hi" though.

and if everything turns out fine, the best case scenario is one where you're going to start dating her, spend 2 or 3 years (on and off) with her, then suddenly realise she's got no initiative, or much of a personality of her own aside from the times when she's all too happy to try and duplicate yours. shortly afterwards you'll get bored and think that maybe there's someone better out there with a lot more things to say to you, you'll break up and she will start saying plenty of nasty things behind your back to people who are so obviously going to report back to you that you'll wonder if you have just spent years of your life with someone with the wits of a barstool. a couple of months later she'll be dating a male stripper while you are unsuccessfully trying to debate the finer points of your philosophy with a fascinating young student who will never, ever see you as anything more than a friend.
do you want to hear about the worst case scenario now? :)
No thanks, I'll take the best-case scenario, if only because it would make a change from the normal. Or at least my normal.

So, help me think up a funny joke about the Newell, Newell and Sancha Algorithm for working out the order of drawing polygons onscreen or the specular reflection calculation. Preferably within 15 minutes.
@Tooled: fuck is such a boring word. Versatile maybe, but when you can use such colourful words as corking, bugger, bollocks, bastard, arsegiblets and the like, fuck is a mere pale grey by comparison.
Before I start I must share my worries.
I am extremely addicted to this fucking UM at this very minute and I´m afraid I´ll get complaints from my boss. Hope she won´t fire me.
Rahvin hates me. *hides behind a door*
I WON´T BE ABLE TO COME HERE UNTIL MONDAY after I leave here now within an hour. I might die.

181. Do you actually read others answers? now why would I? I´m the one who started this shit. So YES.
182. What do you think of Marko (Windom Pearl)? Hmm.. he´s by brother so..what? should I hate him?
183. What do you think of Toni (Nevershine)? hates women :heh:
184. What do you think of Lassi (Downfall)? I dunno really, he´s ok.
185. What do you think of Horza? :D
186. What do you think of Tooled? mm...a buttman?
187. What do you think of Hearse? has the ability to surprise me from time to time
188. What do you think of Mazah? I dunno, ok.
189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries? I dunno :heh:
190. What do you think of Farmakon? Gooooo-od!

And just because rahvin reguested (10 sex related questions)

191. What is your favorite sex position? man on top
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? no
193. Do you like it ruff or gentle? gentle usually
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking? naaaa

195. what do you think of while having sex? won´t say
196. Do you like the scent of heat? huh?

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex? I hardly never do that. I dunno.
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay? neck- kisses

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman? foreplay

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? if I´d be single there wouldn´t be a problem
201. Want more sex related questions? not really

and now filling Rusty´s request...
Rusty said:
So, help me think up a funny joke about the Newell, Newell and Sancha Algorithm for working out the order of drawing polygons onscreen or the specular reflection calculation. Preferably within 15 minutes.
i suspect a basic knowledge of what any of these things are could be useful. newell and sancha sound like folk singers, but some words in your sentence have me stuck (i'm talking about specular, reflection, algorithm, polygons, calculation, drawing, onscreen, order, out, or, of, and the, mainly).
joke has to be spontaneous and based on something that you can't really predict beforehand. i command you to be witty, rusty!

Think about death. One day you will be dead and it doesn't matter a fly's shit what you've done. If something goes wrong, so what! The people of the past will never know, the people of the future won't remember. The only way to lose is to do nothing.
Hearse said:

188. what do you think of mazah?

Weirdly I dont really have any opinion about him :hypno:


That's is a very good opinion about me :tickled: . I just happen to be the invi(n)sible man...
202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone?
203. What color are your bedroom-walls?

204. Do you talk with yourself?
205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness?

206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs?
207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing.

208. What is the best pick up -line you know?
209. Toilet seat, up or down?
210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet?