Worst thread ever, heheh

rahvin said:
ouch, yes, conscious doesn't mean that at all. bad rahvin! bad rahvin! :oops:
I was thinking of making fun of you for it, but then I remembered you could always say something really mean in Italian to me and I wouldn't have a clue anyway. So count yourself unlucky, mister.
232. a) ever cried while listening to some album?
b) and what was the reason of this?

a) yes, mostly projector and skydancer by dt
b) i'm a sissy


233. for musicians: ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic against the wall and stop playing/singing once and for all?

i indeed threw my kazoo against the wall in a rage once. it bounced back and fell to the floor with the sweetest sound ever, so i ran to it in tears, picked it up, and cuddled it fluffily promising i'd never hurt it again


234. for musicians again: in what state of mind do you usually feel the urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)?

during moments of pineapple-driven mental alteration i pen my best lyrics


235. have you ever found a cure in music for you mood/depression?

countless of times. listening to some songs when i'm in a certain mood can either emphasize or placate the extremes. i listen to music continuously, except when i'm at work, and even there i play stuff in my head. most of all, buying a new album or downloading new good songs helps me overcome general everyday misery


236. what saddens you the most in your life?

that i'm never going to make teh difference for anyone


237. what is the best song ever?

shadow duet by dark tranquillity


238. have you ever thought of committing suicide?

not really. i guess when i was a young and silly adolescent i might have considered - and then refused - the option, but it's definitely not something that tempts me now. i value my life although i'm sure there is no worth in it: i want to spend it, possibly in very non-conventional ways, but certainly not throwing it away


239. have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide?



240. a) do you sleep naked?
b) do you sleep with a blanket/pillow between your legs?

a) only if asked to do so
b) fuck no
c) did i mention that, in any case, i don't sleep? :p

211. Is Madonna the queen of pop? For all I care yes.
212. Is Elvis the king? The king of rock'n roll!! Yes!

213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower? For fucks sake! No.
214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had? 2,5 would be the most correct expression.

215. Will you ever get married? I could.
216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city? I wanna live underground :)

217. Nuclear Power Plants? Such jolly things. If Shell didn't have all the rights to sun power inventions we would need as much those as now.
218. Are you often commando? (without underpants) I take them off when I shit or fuck.

219. Boat or airplain? Boat.
220. When was the last time you cried? I don't know. I've had a couple of wet eyed situations lately, but total-blast-crying. I don't remember, but I think it was last year at some point.

221. Hugging or kissing? Both are fine to me.
222. Do you like going to buy food in a market? Very much, as long as there is no hurry!

223. What is your e-mail address? (no, no catch...right) I can't tell that, I'd get loads of spam.
224. Are you into sports? like watching, not doing. Never been.

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark? Last summer.
226. What is/was the best ride? That new thing...the ramp...whatever.

227. Are you superstitious? No.
228. About what thing you´re happy it is over? Almost all things actually. The trip to London at 2001.

229. How many times in a week you eat junk food? Chinese is not junk food :D 0-1.
230. Do you like old people? Generally, no.

231. Want more sex? I'm happy the way things are :D
a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album) No I don't think I have. Or maybe Ben Folds Five's The unofficial biography of Reinhold Messner made me shed a few tears...?
b. ) And what was the reason of it? An absolutely beautiful song with an absolutely beautiful lyrics.
233. for musicians: Ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic on the wall and stop playing/singing for once and for all? Oh yeah, but it gets really bad only few times a month. I go the thing through every day at some level though.

234. for musicians again: In what state of mind you usually feel urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)? There's no urge in it. I feel something all the time, but nothing comes up. Perkele Saatana.

235. Have you ever found cure in music for your mood/depression? No.
(if yes, tell abit about it)

236. What saddens you the most in your life? It's flowing to waste at most parts and I just don't know what to do about it.

237. What is the best song ever? (name only one song) Late Goodbye, by Poets of the Fall.

238. Have you ever thought of commiting a suicide? Yes. I didn't do it cause I probably didn't want to do it hard enough. But I thought it for weeks. Right now it's easy to think it as teenage angst, but it was very serious back then. It's really hard to believe at times, specially when you're younger, that things will eventually take care of themselves.

239: Have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide? No.

240: and to stick with my image:
a.) Do you sleep naked? At times.
b.) Do you sleep blanked/pillow between your legs? No, but do hold a pillow. That way I don't have to think where to keep my hands.
231. Want more sex? - Not if it's just meaningless sex with some random woman I barely know.

232. a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album) b. ) And what was the reason of it? - Quite a few times. Probably most often with Anathema - Judgement, simply because it's so sad. Also happens with My Dying Bride.

233. for musicians: Ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic on the wall and stop playing/singing for once and for all? - Only every time I play. Even stronger if I'm trying to make music and realise I can't.

234. for musicians again: In what state of mind you usually feel urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)? - For creating music, it's when I'm sad/depressed. For playing it can be anything, and often just boredom or to give my hands a break from typing.

235. Have you ever found cure in music for your mood/depression? (if yes, tell abit about it) - Hardly a permanent cure. It can make me feel a little better temporarily, but that's it. And it happens with sad/depressing music, which is odd because you'd think listening to sad music when already sad would make you feel worse, but apparently not. Which is nice.

236. What saddens you the most in your life? - That I've never been the most important person to someone. That even all through school and up to now, no one ever admitted to liking me as anything more than a friend (and in school I was even talkative and popular and stuff like that). That I have no idea what I want to do for a career, or even where I want to spend the rest of my life (I just know that right now I don't want it to be England). That I don't have one talent or anything which stands out above others; I'm sort of good at lots of things but not great at any.

237. What is the best song ever? (name only one song) - Opeth - Advent.

238. Have you ever thought of commiting a suicide? (when yes, what made you not to do it?) - Yes, once when I was 14 or something like that (I chickened out), and also in recent weeks/months.

239: Have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide? - Unfortunately yes, but luckily only attempted and not committed.

240: and to stick with my image: a.) Do you sleep naked? b.) Do you sleep blanked/pillow between your legs? :D - Never, and never.
Rusty said:
236. What saddens you the most in your life? - That I've never been the most important person to someone. That even all through school and up to now, no one ever admitted to liking me as anything more than a friend (and in school I was even talkative and popular and stuff like that). That I have no idea what I want to do for a career, or even where I want to spend the rest of my life (I just know that right now I don't want it to be England). That I don't have one talent or anything which stands out above others; I'm sort of good at lots of things but not great at any.
Don't worry, there's no hurry :D I've gone through the same things. It's a fucking hell. But all that will clear out in time. Or if not, you'll learn to deal with it. Because I have no idea what to do for a career even at this point. I have a profession but I'm not going to make that shit for living. It's just a paper I thought it would be good to have. And people change their plans anyway, many learn new professions during their life. It's not nice to do the same thing for 50 years.

If you're good at lots of things you can get better with angry practicing. No one gets great without work and determination. You just have to choose the things you'll concentrate on.

And girls then. I was 19 when I had my first girlfriend and sex experience. If I was "old", that only means kids rush to sex and spoil the thing. It must be fucking great, the sex of 14-year olds. Wow.

The thing is, every relationship you've had before becomes a ghost if/when moving on. It's not "experience", it's just burden. I don't think it's good to have too many. One in a lifetime would be enough, actually.
43.The color of your toothbrush??
White, if my memory works.
44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they?
45. g-strings: yes or no?
Yes, I like to recycle that same old joke: one below my c-string,sized 0.15

46. name 3 favorite band of yours
Dark Tranquillity, Horna and a band
47. Do you have pets?
Yes. My family has lots of them, I tend to say that i have a dog. she´s western siberian laika, her name is Natja for friends.

48. Do you have siblings?
yep, an older brother.
49. Can you sing?
not really

50. Puppies or kitties?
51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?)

52. do you believe in love from the first sight? no
53. Are you religious?

54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation
8, excellent but a bit fat.
55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind?
pic of garfield and pelt of an elk
56. Do you dye your hair? god no

57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one?
58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors?
in all kinds of colours, except light blue and yellow and red

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind?
60. Are goths gay?
not really

61. What is your favourite tree?
i dont have
62. Do you wear socks?
not at the time

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture? my bed
64. Do you consider yourself as an adult?
not really

65. Your opinion on marijuana?
i dont want involve myself into it
66. Leatherpants or jeans?

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion?
68. What language would you wanna learn?

69. Do you wear glasses?
no, i have perfect sight
70. Studying or working?
Windom Pearl said:
Don't worry, there's no hurry :D I've gone through the same things. It's a fucking hell. But all that will clear out in time. Or if not, you'll learn to deal with it. Because I have no idea what to do for a career even at this point. I have a profession but I'm not going to make that shit for living. It's just a paper I thought it would be good to have. And people change their plans anyway, many learn new professions during their life. It's not nice to do the same thing for 50 years.
Oh yes, I realise I probably won't be doing the same thing my whole life anyway. I just wish I had some sort of aim right now, something I want to be/do for the next few years or so. But if I left uni now and needed to get a job, I wouldn't have the slightest clue what to go for. Nothing stands out from everything else.
Windom Pearl said:
And girls then. I was 19 when I had my first girlfriend and sex experience. If I was "old", that only means kids rush to sex and spoil the thing. It must be fucking great, the sex of 14-year olds. Wow.
Haha, I know, I'm not sorry about missing out on sex in school. ;) But you'd like someone to at least have a crush on you, wouldn't you?? Even you weren't interested in them back, at least it would do something for the ol' confidence to know that someone has liked you at some point.
Windom Pearl said:
One in a lifetime would be enough, actually.
Oh I'd be quite happy with that, as long as it lasted a long time.

And yes, I do realise (or at least bloody well hope) it will either pass or I'll learn to deal with it. But like you said, it is hell. ;)

On an more upbeat note, who's going to make questions tomorrow in case Rahvin doesn't appear?? :D
143. Are a good cook? yes :D

144. Do you like cleaning? no

145. Suicide is...? for pussies

146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up? GAY

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies? in my town, enemies

148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist? yes

149. How do you want to die? during sex :D

150. Tell me what you think of me (Lumitalvi). i don't know you all that well, but you seem pretty cool

151. What is the most stupid stereotype? probably ones about americans

152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar? POPstar

153. Britney or Christina? Cristina

154. What is/was your favourite toy? transformers or GI Joe

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you? yes

156. Are you afraid giving speeches? deathly

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker? blacksmith

158. Wiccas are...? strange

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person? yes and no

160. Wanna go out when it´s raining? hell yes

161: What do you think of me (Rusty)?? ummmmm, you're a brit, and ummmm....

162. What do you think of rahvin?? he's cool

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska? because he's a flaming homo :p

164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him?? hehehehe, i'll get back to you :heh:

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning? i dunno

166. Why I am so fucking short of cash? you need a better job

167. How many cousins do you have? a lot

168. Do you often buy new clothes? no, but i'd like to

169. Is honesty the best policy? yes

170. Do you take good care of your health? no, not really

171. Vegetables or fruits? fruits

172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar? almost never, they're too far away and i work on the weekends

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best) six feet under, they blew

174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene) no

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come? yes, women will start wearing less :Spin:

176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like? haha, no

177. One thing in your life you would do differently. play guitar better

178. Is fucking animals cool? huh?

179. What instrument would you wanna play? drums

180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with*

181. Do you actually read others answers? yes

182. What do you think of Marko? *thumbs up*

183. What do you think of Toni? *thumbs up*

184. What do you think of Lassi? *thumbs up*

185. What do you think of Horza? *thumbs up*

186. What do you think of Tooled? awesome taste in women, needs to bring back the ass avatar

187. What do you think of Hearse? REP WHORE!:p

188. What do you think of Maza? *thumbs up*

189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries? :p don't care

190. What do you think of Farmakon? neato

191. What is your favorite sex position? woman on top. better for her, easier for me, and its got the best view:dopey:

192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?) :lol:
And to be more exact, I mean CLEAN genitals, not festival genitals after 3 days without a shower o_O
ewwwwwwnever gone down on a chick

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle? either/or

194. Like to recieve/do some spanking? sure, why not

195. what do you think of while having sex? hmmm, maybe sex

196. Do you like the scent of heat? sometimes

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex? i dunno, they have some strange power over me o_O

198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay? orgasm, duhhh. and right after :D

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman? :p lots of foreplay is where it's at

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? nope

201. Want more sex related questions? :p sure :p

154. What is/was your favourite toy? transformers or GI Joe


186. What do you think of Tooled? awesome taste in women, needs to bring back the ass avatar

o_O :lol:
202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone? yes

203. What color are your bedroom-walls? light blue, i hate it

204. Do you talk with yourself? - Not out loud, but in my head a lot.

205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness? - No

206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs? - more willpower than me :lol:

207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing. hot nympho chick :dopey:

208. What is the best pick up -line you know? i only use those for a laugh

209. Toilet eat, up or down? i always put it down, habit i guess

210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet? - You will survive without the internet, but you won't survive without Rahvin. Have a nice afterlife. :wave:

211. Is Madonna the queen of pop? yeah, i guess

212. Is Elvis the king? yes

213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower? no :(

214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had? no boyfriends, 2 girlfriends
215. Will you ever get married? doubt it :lol:
216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city? both

217. Nuclear Power Plants? no

218. Are you often commando? (without underpants) only when all my underwear is dirty

219. Boat or airplain? airplane

220. When was the last time you cried? not recently

221. Hugging or kissing? kissing :dopey:

222. Do you like going to buy food in a market? not really

223. What is your e-mail address? (no, no catch...right) -

224. Are you into sports? like watching, not doing. i watch american football, hockey, and sometimes mixed martial arts fighting

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark? - couple years ago

226. What is/was the best ride? rollercoasters

227. Are you superstitious? not anymore

228. About what thing you´re happy it is over? i dunno right now

229. How many times in a week you eat junk food? too many :lol:

230. Do you like old people? Some, some not.
thebigyetti, i love you :loco:

231. Want more sex? always :Spin:

232. a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album) b. ) And what was the reason of it? yes, machine head - through the ashes of empires, because i can relate to so much on that cd, more specifically "days to blue to gray" not exactly, but close

233. for musicians: Ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic on the wall and stop playing/singing for once and for all? all the time

234. for musicians again: In what state of mind you usually feel urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)?
any emotion really...

235. Have you ever found cure in music for your mood/depression? (if yes, tell abit about it) - Hardly a permanent cure. It can make me feel a little better temporarily, but that's it.

236. What saddens you the most in your life? - That I've never been the most important person to someone. That even all through school and up to now, no one ever admitted to liking me as anything more than a friend (and in school I was even talkative and popular and stuff like that). That I have no idea what I want to do for a career, or even where I want to spend the rest of my life (I just know that right now I don't want it to be England). That I don't have one talent or anything which stands out above others; I'm sort of good at lots of things but not great at any. --- about the same for me, except the england part, replace that with USA.

237. What is the best song ever? (name only one song) Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

238. Have you ever thought of commiting a suicide? (when yes, what made you not to do it?) - yes, but changed my mind every time.

239: Have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide? - Unfortunately yes, i've had some attempt. i've also had one commit it accidentally.

240: and to stick with my image: a.) Do you sleep naked? b.) Do you sleep blanked/pillow between your legs? :D yes and no. blanket, yes when it's cold.
181. Do you actually read others answers? Thrice.
182. What do you think of Marko (Windom Pearl)? Hippie-faggot.
183. What do you think of Toni (Nevershine)? Faggot-wanker.
184. What do you think of Lassi (Downfall)? Wanker-hippie.
185. What do you think of Horza? Jesus reborn.
186. What do you think of Tooled? Alcoholic.
187. What do you think of Hearse? Plain wanker.
188. What do you think of Mazah? Too polite.
189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries? Food for faggots and the like.
190. What do you think of Farmakon? Hippies, faggots and wankers.

191. What is your favorite sex position? Woman on top, but penetration-centered sex is mostly for stupid cunts who want nothing else than to feel a log between their legs, anyway
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? I'm a famous muff diver, if that's what you're trying to imply.

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle? Gentle, most of the time.
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking? A little soft slapping and such is fine, but wouldn't say that actual _spanking_ is.

195. what do you think of while having sex? Not much.
196. Do you like the scent of heat? Belongs to the matter at hand, if I undestood what you meant by that.

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex? Love. Yes, you read correctly. Fuck you, you cock-suckers.
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay? Kissing, fondling, caressing and cuddling before, during and after it. Yes, I am also wondering how gay can a straight man be. No need to mention it.

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman? Go fuck yourself, you fucking abominable twat.

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? A little, but mostly because I was wondering why anyone would be so interested in other people's sex lifes.
201. Want more sex related questions? Shoot.

202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone? No.
203. What color are your bedroom-walls? Ugly green.

204. Do you talk with yourself? Yes.
205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness? They tried to diagnose me, but I told them to go fistfuck each others.

206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs? Nothing special, other than that absolute refusal in all circumstances seems a bit weird.
207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing. One special person.

208. What is the best pick up -line you know? Oh dear god, please say this is a bad joke. If not, please incinerate all retards who use "pick up -lines" in real world.
209. Toilet seat, up or down? Put it however you like it.
210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet? Abolish Internet.

211. Is Madonna the queen of pop? She's the queen of ugly cunts.
212. Is Elvis the king? He's the king of fuck-asses.

213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower? No. Or well, hmm. It does have an adjustable nozzle or whatever, but I really don't think it can be called massaging in any way.
214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had? Depends how you define a "girlfriend". A loathsome word. 2-5. None of them have been very long-term, though, as I'm one of those guys who only their own mother can love.

215. Will you ever get married? God forbid.
216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city? In between.

217. Nuclear Power Plants? I like the Russian ones. Beloyarsk and Novovoronezh, especially. When fire rains down from the sky, mankind will reap as it has sown. "The concrete cracked so violently is burning now, bluish flames are rushing out as uranium turns into the hand of god, a melting god, increasing his strength every second, his poison spreading in the wind and melting into the ground, gushing from the cracked manifestation of hybris. We are all dead now, the heroes of The Apocalypse, and so are you. And so is the mother disease."
218. Are you often commando? (without underpants) No.

219. Boat or airplain? Yes, you can tell the difference from a picture.
220. When was the last time you cried? Not long ago. Before that I had quite a long break. Too long, maybe.

221. Hugging or kissing? Both.
222. Do you like going to buy food in a market? If it's relatively quiet.

223. What is your e-mail address? Ask in private.
224. Are you into sports? Rarely and barely.

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark? It was so frigging long time ago that I have no idea.
226. What is/was the best ride? That 10-year old boy I fucked up the ass in the men's room.

227. Are you superstitious? No.
228. About what thing you´re happy it is over? A couple of relationships with schizoid women.

229. How many times in a week you eat junk food? Depends. A lot.
230. Do you like old people? I do not like people.
Rusty said:
On an more upbeat note, who's going to make questions tomorrow in case Rahvin doesn't appear?? :D
i appear in a puff of smoke, but have next to no time to think of questions... maybe i can try tomorrow in the morning, if i get inspired tonite for any reason. ;)
Here, all the questions in a nice one post : (I'm going to answer when I feel like answering)

1. What is your full name?
2. How old are you? (don´t cheat, ladies!!)

3. Favourite color?
4. Favourite food and drink?

5. Favourite movie?
6. Favourite tv-serie?

7. Favourite cartoon character?
8. Favourite game?

9. The sickest thing you know?
10. What is the thing you like doing best? OR
10. Is sex the best thing in the world?
( ´cause the pressure of the public eye )

11. The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you?
12. The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you?

13. The best gig you´ve ever been to?
14. What foreign countries you have visited to?

15. In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday?
16. The best coutry in the world?

17. Coffee or tea?
18. Milk or water?

19. The ugliest thing you own?
20. The best word in the whole wide world?

21. What is your job?
22. What would you WANNA do for living?

23. The worst band you know?
24. Best season?

25. Who is your best friend?
26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman)
28. Best in Christmas?

29. Do you like sleeping?
30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear?

31. Best author?
32. Your favourite book?

33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)?
34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens?

35. For what are you fanatic for?
36. Support McDonald´s?

37. Death Metal or Black Metal?
38. Darkness or light?

39. Like Lord of the Rings?
40. Who´s the best charachter in it?

41. Rain or shine?
42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die?

43. The color of your toothbrush??
44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they?

45. g-strings: yes or no?
46. name 3 favorite band of yours

47. Do you have pets?
48. Do you have siblings?

49. Can you sing?
50. Puppies or kitties?

51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?)
52. do you believe in love from the first sight?

53. Are you religious?
54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation

55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind?
56. Do you dye your hair?

57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one?
58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors?

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind?
60. Are goths gay?

61. What is your favourite tree?
62. Do you wear socks?

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture?
64. Do you consider yourself as an adult?

65. Your opinion on marijuana?
66. Leatherpants or jeans?

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion?
68. What language would you wanna learn?

69. Do you wear glasses?
70. Studying or working?

71. What festivals have you been to?
72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well)

73. Will you one day have kids?
74. Do you yet have names for them picked up? What are they?

75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park?
76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to?

77. What do you parents do for a living?
78. Did you have a happy childhood?

79. Roof or floor?
80. Do you often picture people naked?

81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it?
82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot?

83. Do you hate copy-machines? (this question has something to do with the thing that I´m dealing here right now...and I say YES)
84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat?

85. Skating or skiing?
86. Hair open or with a pony-tail?

87. Gymnastics or dancing?
88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do?

89. Do you have a driver´s licence?
90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself?

91. How tall are you?
92. Would you wanna build your own house?

93. Do you like being photographed?
94. Have you ever posed nude?

95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself!
96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not?

97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...)
98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see?

99. What animal would you wanna be?
100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not?

101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words)
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general?

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch?
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it?

105. Long skirts or short ones?
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights?

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had?
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean.

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood?
110. Math or languages?

111. Blonds or brunettes?
112. The best ice cream tastes like...?

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard?
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result?

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle?
116. Have you kept a diary?

117. What magazines you like to read?
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up?

119. Are you bi-sexual?
120. Enough yet?

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror?
122. Why are we still here?

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester?
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come?

125. George W. Bush?
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies?

127. You like getting a tan?
128. You got tattoos/piercings?

129. ...shit...
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman?

131. When is your birthday?
132. Getting or giving gifts?

133. Do you boicot something?
134. Could somebody else please take over?

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject)
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid...

137. How often do you wash your hair?
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower?

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"?
140. Speaking or listening?

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive)
142. Politics?

143. Are a good cook?
144. Do you like cleaning?

145. Suicide is...?
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up?

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies?
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist?

149. How do you want to die?
150. Tell me what you think of me.

151. What is the most stupid stereotype?
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar?

153. Britney or Christina?
154. What is/was your favourite toy?

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you?
156. Are you afraid giving speeches?

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker?
158. Wiccas are...?

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person?
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining?

161: What do you think of me?? (Rusty)
162. What do you think of rahvin??

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska?
164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him??

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning?
166. Why I am so fucking short of cash?

167. How many cousins do you have?
168. Do you often buy new clothes?

169. Is honesty the best policy?
170. Do you take good care of your health?

171. Vegetables or fruits?
172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar?

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best)
174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene)

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come?
176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like?

177. One thing in your life you would do differently.
178. Is fucking animals cool?

179. What instrument would you wanna play?
180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with*

181. Do you actually read others answers?
182. What do you think of Marko (Windom Pearl)?

183. What do you think of Toni (Nevershine)?
184. What do you think of Lassi (Downfall)?

185. What do you think of Horza?
186. What do you think of Tooled?

187. What do you think of Hearse?
188. What do you think of Mazah?

189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries?
190. What do you think of Farmakon?

191. What is your favorite sex position?
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?)
And to be more exact, I mean CLEAN genitals, not festival genitals after 3 days without a shower

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle?
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking?

195. what do you think of while having sex?
196. Do you like the scent of heat?

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex?
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay?

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman?
200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions?

201. Want more sex related questions?
202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone?

203. What color are your bedroom-walls?
204. Do you talk with yourself?

205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness?
206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs?

207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing.
208. What is the best pick up -line you know?

209. Toilet seat, up or down?
210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet?

211. Is Madonna the queen of pop?
212. Is Elvis the king?

213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower?
214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had?

215. Will you ever get married?
216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city?

217. Nuclear Power Plants?
218. Are you often commando? (without underpants)

219. Boat or airplain?
220. When was the last time you cried?

221. Hugging or kissing?
222. Do you like going to buy food in a market?

223. What is your e-mail address? (no, no catch...right)
224. Are you into sports? like watching, not doing.

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark?
226. What is/was the best ride?

227. Are you superstitious?
228. About what thing you´re happy it is over?

229. How many times in a week you eat junk food?
230. Do you like old people?

231. Want more sex?
a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album)
b. ) And what was the reason of it?

233. for musicians: Ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic on the wall and stop playing/singing for once and for all?
234. for musicians again: In what state of mind you usually feel urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)?

235. Have you ever found cure in music for your mood/depression?
(if yes, tell abit about it)
236. What saddens you the most in your life?

237. What is the best song ever? (name only one song)
238. Have you ever thought of commiting a suicide?
(when yes, what made you not to do it?)

239: Have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide?
240: and to stick with my image:
a.) Do you sleep naked?
b.) Do you sleep blanked/pillow between your legs?

241. Don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages??
242. Don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where IE is set up so that only one instance of it can be open at any time and it's really bloody awkward and you hate it but can't be arsed to change it since you'll be going to a really boring maths lecture in 5 minutes anyway although you don't know why since you'll probably fall asleep anyway since you actually got up at a reasonable time this morning instead of sleeping in for ages??

243. Whereabouts do you live (middle of a city, edge of a city, town, village, middle of nowehere etc)??
244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole??

245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment??
246. How many floors/storeys does it have??

247. How many rooms??
248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill??

249. How much do you like living there??
250. Who lives there with you (including pets)??

251. Men or women, ladies and gentlemen? *smells a good fight*
252. Why is it that people so much enjoy watching murders and stuff on TV? I am one of them, so please, tell me why!!!!!!

253. How long do you wanna live?
254. NOW expecting something cool to happen?

255. What would happen to you if you had to live in a house where all walls were made of glass?
256. What country makes the best movies?

257. How often do you eat candy?
258. Do you eat it slowly and saving it for later or just throw them all in your mouth and feel sick rest of the day?

259. Best day in a week?
260. Best time of the day?

261. What is the name of the new drummer in Farmakon?
262. How was your puberty? Was it as hard as it always is been descrived?

263. How old are your pillows?
264. Do you have a dishwasher?

265. My cat is being castrated on Friday. Am I cruel?
266. If you could make ONE THING disappear from the world, what would it be?

267. Do you like garlic?
268. Racism?

269. Do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fuckig time you come out of shower? (what do you mean I have experience on this one?? )
270. Do you like to be in a room with bright light or when it´s dim?

271. Do you prefer English English or American English (or another kind of English)??
272. Your opinion on beanies? (I mean those hats that have something written on the front)

273. How many dictionaries you have and what language they are about?
274. Do you like to have responsibility?

275. You and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. Your friend gets it. Are you able to be happy for him/her?
276. What would be the best place to go on a first date?

277. You are thinking/watching something disgusting. Where do you feel it? ( if you´re not quite getting this, I mean my ass and lower back tingle in situations like these)
278. How old were you when you spoke out your first curse word?

279. What have you tried once and never will again?
280. Who do you pity?

281. If you had a time machine, would you go forwards or backwards??
282. Wanna go to Las Vegas and gamble?

283. You win ..let´s say about 1 million of whatever your money is called. What do you do with it?
284. Do your friends already have a family with children?

285. Are you a morningperson or nightkind?
286. Do vampires facinate you?

287. Jason or Freddy?
288. Is eating everything else but real food (I´m talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder?

289. Your favourite story? (bed time and blaa)
290. Women with bandshirts?