Worst thread ever, heheh

Yay! Q´s from Rusty-cutie! :)
(who´s now waking up for having a nice day at uni and I´m veryvery jealous.. :bah: )

243. Whereabouts do you live??
Pretty much on the edge of the city. If one goes even further on he´ll soon end up to be almost at countryside.

244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole??
Just moved :) so... but it seems very nice. Pretty much a place where you grow old and have kids and start to jogg every morning :ill:

245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment??
The word is row house I think.

246. How many floors/storeys does it have??
Two. We have this nice lady living above.

247. How many rooms??
Two rooms and a kitchen. And sauna :D

248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill??
Two yards, in front and in the back. Not flower box yet, but I think I´ll get one in the summer. In the front yard we have this big juniperkindatree.

249. How much do you like living there??

250. Who lives there with you (including pets)??
My boyfriend and two cats.
241. don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages?

of course i do


242. don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where ie is set up so that only one instance of it can be open at any time and it's really bloody awkward and you hate it but can't be arsed to change it since you'll be going to a really boring maths lecture in 5 minutes anyway although you don't know why since you'll probably fall asleep anyway since you actually got up at a reasonable time this morning instead of sleeping in for ages??

absolutely. hated it every time it happened


243. whereabouts do you live?

in a town of about one million people


244. is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole?

it's pretty average for italian standards, which means quite nice comparing to most neighbourhoods in england or the states


245. do you live in a house or a flat/apartment?



246. how many floors/storeys does it have?

five. well, not my flat. the building.


247. how many rooms?



248. do you have any sort of garden/yard or even a flower box on a window sill?

i have two balconies, and potted plants unfortunately abound


249. how much do you like living there?

it's comfortable, but it's getting boring


250. who lives there with you (including pets)?

no one. oh, you said including pets: then i have to mention my mother and father spend most working days in the flat too. ;)

243. Whereabouts do you live?? I live in a suburb almost in the center of Tampere, a city of 190 000 people. However the house are small and wooden and the place reminds a countryside :D
244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole?? Both at the same time.
245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment?? Err...flat?
246. How many floors/storeys does it have?? Two floors, four flats. Times three. Eh.
247. How many rooms?? Two and a small kitchen box.
248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill?? Oh fuck off yuppies! :D
249. How much do you like living there?? It's almost nicer than having a stomach disease.

250. Who lives there with you (including pets)?? My bitch.
lumitalvi said:
Yay! Q´s from Rusty-cutie! :)
(who´s now waking up for having a nice day at uni and I´m veryvery jealous.. :bah: )
Yeah, I sort of ignored the uni thing and decided to stay in my bed, where it was warm. :D

241. Don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages?? - Oh yes.
242. Don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where IE is set up so that only one instance of it can be open at any time and it's really bloody awkward and you hate it but can't be arsed to change it since you'll be going to a really boring maths lecture in 5 minutes anyway although you don't know why since you'll probably fall asleep anyway since you actually got up at a reasonable time this morning instead of sleeping in for ages?? - Yes, but I get over it. Stop moaning.

243. Whereabouts do you live (middle of a city, edge of a city, town, village, middle of nowehere etc)?? - I live on the edge of Nottingham, which has about 250,000 people. I'm half-way between Nottingham and Derby, but Derby is small so there's a little bit of countryside inbetween.
244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole?? - Nice place, as suburbs usually are.

245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment?? - A house.
246. How many floors/storeys does it have?? - 3, one being a loft conversion where my dad works.

247. How many rooms?? - Hmm... *counts* 14.
248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill?? - A small front garden, basically a strip between our house and the next. The back garden is big though, plenty of grass and flowers, a couple of trees, pond, etc. Plenty of animals there too; squirrels, foxes, woodpeckers, once there was a snake.

249. How much do you like living there?? - Quite a lot, enough to make me not want to move out at all just yet.
250. Who lives there with you (including pets)?? - My parents and a brother. No pets. :(
243. Whereabouts do you live (middle of a city, edge of a city, town, village, middle of nowehere etc)?? i live in the historical center of mantova, a small town of about 52000 people
244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole?? it's very quiet and nice, considered to be one of the best neighborhood of the town, well, apart from my next door neighbor, that is

245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment?? i live in a small apartment of about 50 square meters
246. How many floors/storeys does it have?? it's all on one single floor, but the building where it's located has three floors.

247. How many rooms?? a big kitchen+living room, bedroom and bathroom
248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill?? unfortunately, no garden, but i have many potted plants and flowers inside, and in summer i put flower-boxes on the windows.

249. How much do you like living there?? well, the place is very nice... i just can't stand that nosy old bat who lives next door
250. Who lives there with you (including pets)?? my three cats and an unknown number of spiders... apparently, they like living somewhere inside the antique wooden ceilings *sigh* oh, and i've also found a couple of little scorpions, so far, even if the landlord has the whole building treated with poison once a month. they're not dangerous, only a tad creepy when you see them moving. well, actually i found one dead and the other didn't look too healthy, but at least i managed to bring it out

and here's a picture of my neighborhood, follow the pinkish line to see my windows :p

Here's my house:


Also, somebody please come up with some questions tomorrow morning. I'll be in uni doing a really boring practical at 9 o'clock so a distraction would be just peachy. ;)
243. Whereabouts do you live (middle of a city, edge of a city, town, village, middle of nowehere etc)?? Right in the middle of Tampere, ~200000 people city.
244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole?? Just moved in, but the house is nice, it's the oldest still standing apartment house in Tampere. HAven't met too many people yet and those I have haven't spoken anything (that's a finnish tradition...)

245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment?? This is an apartment/flat
246. How many floors/storeys does it have?? Has three, I live on the top one

247. How many rooms?? Two plus kitchen... No sauna tho :yell:
248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill?? Nope, don't have any plants

249. How much do you like living there?? Very much, this seems like a very nice place
250. Who lives there with you (including pets)?? Only me at the moment, but it's going to change soon... :)

And since it seems like a new trend to post a pic of ones house:

edit: note the fine use of colour and the width of the pencil...
Now where were we...
Here, yes..

251. Men or women, ladies and gentlemen? *smells a good fight*
252. Why is it that people so much enjoy watching murders and stuff on TV? I am one of them, so please, tell me why!!!!!!

253. How long do you wanna live?
254. NOW expecting something cool to happen?

255. What would happen to you if you had to live in a house where all walls were made of glass?
256. What country makes the best movies?

257. How often do you eat candy?
258. Do you eat it slowly and saving it for later or just throw them all in your mouth and feel sick rest of the day?

259. Best day in a week?
260. Best time of the day?

261. What is the name of the new drummer in Farmakon? :heh:
262. How was your puberty? Was it as hard as it always is been descrived?

263. How old are your pillows?
264. Do you have a dishwasher?

265. My cat is being castrated on Friday. Am I cruel?
266. If you could make ONE THING disappear from the world, what would it be?

267. Do you like garlic?
268. Racism?

269. Do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fuckig time you come out of shower? (what do you mean I have experience on this one?? )
270. Do you like to be in a room with bright light or when it´s dim?
251. men or women, ladies and gentlemen?

err. women i generally like better for all purposes, from conversation to horrid romance


252. why is it that people enjoy so much watching murders and stuff on tv?

we tend to take visceral pleasure in the suffering of others just because them is better than us. it makes us feel like survivors. there's also still some thrill in seeing "prohibited" stuff exposed, like sex or violence


253. how long do you wanna live?

that's enough, thank you


254. now expecting something cool to happen?

still nothing. come on, make something cool happen so i can be surprised for once


255. what would happen to you if you were made to live in a house were all walls are made of glass?

- i would go insane from constant exposure to the outside world
- i would manage to cut myself somehow, given my propension to domestic accidents


256. what country makes the best movies?

maybe england


257. how often do you eat candy?

can't say. whenever i happen to have some


258. do you eat it slowly, saving it for later, or just shove it all in your mouth and feel sick the rest of the day?

i'm not that fond of candy, so i only eat very little of it, and quite slowly.


259. best day of the week?



260. best time of the day?



261. what is the name of the new drummer in farmakon?

something with plenty of ä's, i bet


262. how was your puberty? was it as hard as it's always described?

i'm sure it was harder on those around me. i was probably even more stupid than now *shivers*


263. how old are your pillows?

a few years


264. do you have a dishwasher?



265. my cat is being castrated on friday. am i cruel?

no, go ahead. i'm not a cat person


266. if you could make one thing disappear from the world, what would it be?



267. do you like garlic?



268. racism?

pffff. no, thank you


269. do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fucking time you come out of the shower?

no, my skin is just fine. i never put cream on


270. do you like to be in a room with bright lights or when it's dim?

when it's dark, no lights at all are teh best

Fucking hell, I'm absolutely positive I said something interesting in those answers, but I'm buggered if I can remember it. I'm going to watch Friends to relieve my stress. I may be some time...


Oh yes, arsegiblets is a corking word. *grins*
241. Don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages?? - Yep

242. Don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where IE is set up so that only one instance of it can be open at any time and it's really bloody awkward and you hate it but can't be arsed to change it since you'll be going to a really boring maths lecture in 5 minutes anyway although you don't know why since you'll probably fall asleep anyway since you actually got up at a reasonable time this morning instead of sleeping in for ages?? - Fuck it!

243. Whereabouts do you live (middle of a city, edge of a city, town, village, middle of nowehere etc)?? - I live in the "center" of Valkeakoski just 50 meters from Irish pub where we drink and play backgammon. :D

244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole?? - Nice shithole

245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment?? - A 30 square meters flat.
246. How many floors/storeys does it have?? - 3.

247. How many rooms?? - 1
248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill?? - concrete.

249. How much do you like living there?? - I have a roof over my head liqueur store and a bar right next to me and a Kebab place under me... Not much.
250. Who lives there with you (including pets)?? - No one.
251. Men or women, ladies and gentlemen? *smells a good fight* Women
252. Why is it that people so much enjoy watching murders and stuff on TV? I am one of them, so please, tell me why!!!!!! fun fun fun!

253. How long do you wanna live? as long as my mind keeps in touch with reality... i hope 70-75.
254. NOW expecting something cool to happen? Snow?

255. What would happen to you if you had to live in a house where all walls were made of glass? I think I would become an exhibitionist.
256. What country makes the best movies? Mongolia. They make good drama!

257. How often do you eat candy? a few times a week.
258. Do you eat it slowly and saving it for later or just throw them all in your mouth and feel sick rest of the day? Depends.

259. Best day in a week? Friday
260. Best time of the day? evening/night

261. What is the name of the new drummer in Farmakon? :heh: Matt Helluvalotofrock
262. How was your puberty? Was it as hard as it always is been descrived? Never had one... Whats it like?

263. How old are your pillows? THEY MOVE!!!
264. Do you have a dishwasher? I AM THE DISHWASHER!

265. My cat is being castrated on Friday. Am I cruel? No.
266. If you could make ONE THING disappear from the world, what would it be? uncertainty.

267. Do you like garlic? yes please... but if we are gonna kiss... have some for yourself too. ;)
268. Racism? Go Räikkönen!

269. Do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fuckig time you come out of shower? (what do you mean I have experience on this one?? ) In winter my head and if it's really cold also my face dries up. It sucks arse!
270. Do you like to be in a room with bright light or when it´s dim? Dim Bor *HAHA! What a cracker!*
251. Men or women, ladies and gentlemen? *smells a good fight* - Women and ladies, please.
252. Why is it that people so much enjoy watching murders and stuff on TV? I am one of them, so please, tell me why!!!!!! - You mean actual live (so to speak) murders?? Maybe you're just really sick. :D If you mean acted murders, maybe it's just the action. If you mean news about murders, maybe you're just boring and watch the news.

253. How long do you wanna live? - I don't care really. Only I wouldn't mind living old enough so that I could feel more secure about pretending to be mad/deaf/both.
254. NOW expecting something cool to happen? - Maybe I'll actually be able to post this post.

255. What would happen to you if you had to live in a house where all walls were made of glass? - I'd get warm in summer and a mite nippy in winter.
256. What country makes the best movies? - Well, America has the Godfathers... but then England has The Great Escape (I think), the Bond films, the Python films... doesn't New Zealand have LotR?? Answer: I dunno.

257. How often do you eat candy? - I have a chocolate biscuit or two every day, that's all. Never any sweets anymore.
258. Do you eat it slowly and saving it for later or just throw them all in your mouth and feel sick rest of the day? - Just eat at a normal speed.

259. Best day in a week? - Probably Friday or Saturday, knowing that there's at least one more full day before Monday.
260. Best time of the day? - The evenings. It would be nights too, but then it's so close to being yet another day it pisses me off a tad.

261. What is the name of the new drummer in Farmakon? :heh: - ...Rähvin??
262. How was your puberty? Was it as hard as it always is been descrived? - It was fine for me, dunno what the fuss is about. My voice breaking was a bit annoying, but that was it.

263. How old are your pillows? - I dunno, I think mum's had them for ages. I have one other pillow (more like a cushion actually) I bought myself a few years ago.
264. Do you have a dishwasher? - Yes.

265. My cat is being castrated on Friday. Am I cruel? - Yes, but not just for castrating your cat. :heh:
266. If you could make ONE THING disappear from the world, what would it be? - Me.

267. Do you like garlic? - Yes, it's nice.
268. Racism? - "I'm not racist, I hate everyone."

269. Do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fuckig time you come out of shower? (what do you mean I have experience on this one?? ) - Fortunately not, but I do sometimes get really mild eczema on my hands, which is bloody annoying.
270. Do you like to be in a room with bright light or when it´s dim? - Dim!! My room turns a really dim red colour when I put my light on, it's damn good. :cool:

And I was joking about 265 btw.
251. Men or women, ladies and gentlemen? *smells a good fight* i vote for cats
252. Why is it that people so much enjoy watching murders and stuff on TV? I am one of them, so please, tell me why!!!!!!

253. How long do you wanna live? possibly, until 70... i'd like to read bedtime stories to my granchildren, at least
254. NOW expecting something cool to happen? waiting for someone to show up

255. What would happen to you if you had to live in a house where all walls were made of glass? nothing, because i'd obviously live in a house made with one-way glass (and bullet-proof, too)
256. What country makes the best movies? the united states produce almost all of them, mostly because of lower production costs. however, some of the best actors are/were british (sir laurence olivier, sir alec guinness, sir michael caine, sir anthony hopkins, kenneth branagh, emma thompson, etc.)

257. How often do you eat candy? oh well, at least once a day. right now i'm savouring a deadly halls mentho-lyptus
258. Do you eat it slowly and saving it for later or just throw them all in your mouth and feel sick rest of the day? i always eat slowly. usually, people have coffee while i'm finishing the main course

259. Best day in a week? sunday = sleeping time
260. Best time of the day? the night = sleeping time

261. What is the name of the new drummer in Farmakon? :heh: no idea
262. How was your puberty? Was it as hard as it always is been descrived? not at all, i didn't care about anything but books and computers, at the time

263. How old are your pillows? three years old
264. Do you have a dishwasher? i wish i had, i hate doing the dishes *sigh*

265. My cat is being castrated on Friday. Am I cruel? not at all, it's best for him. all my three beasts are neutered and we're all happy
266. If you could make ONE THING disappear from the world, what would it be? fear

267. Do you like garlic? very much
268. Racism? is a human disease

269. Do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fuckig time you come out of shower? (what do you mean I have experience on this one?? ) also my skin is extremely dry, but i like putting on moisturizer. however, you might want to add some cream to your shower gel, or use dove products, they're good
270. Do you like to be in a room with bright light or when it´s dim? dim light always creates a very captivating atmosphere, but a room bathed in bright sunlight is nice, too