Worst thread ever, heheh

lumitalvi said:
Umm... give me an example. I don´t know how to tell them apart now!

Lift / Elevator
Pavement / Sidewalk
Civilisation / Civilization (and pretty much all -ise and -ize endings)
Colour / Color (same thing with these endings)

and myriads of others, I just can't remember any others right now.

I actively try to stick to the British versions, but it's so easy to lapse into Americanisms because majority of the TV crap I watch is made in America, hence more exposure.

British English is, hmm, more polite and refined. Yanks are sloppy.

Have you got a car? (British) / Do you have a car? (American)
At the weekend (British) / On the weekend (American)
Write to me soon (British) / Write me soon (American)

Americans also take English words and alter their meaning. "Pissed", for example. Americans think being pissed equals to being angry, whereas Brits will think you're heavily drunk. Also, "a fag."
It´s coming again!! weekend withOUT internet. I need some pills soon! :yell:

272. Your opinion on beanies? (I mean those hats that have something written on the front)
273. How many dictionaries you have and what language they are about?
274. Do you like to have responsibility?
275. You and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. Your friend gets it. Are you able to be happy for him/her?
276. What would be the best place to go on a first date?
277. You are thinking/watching something disgusting. Where do you feel it? ( if you´re not quite getting this, I mean my ass and lower back tingle in situations like these)
278. How old were you when you spoke out your first curse word?
279. What have you tried once and never will again?
280. Who do you pity?

Thank you Rusty... now you made me think of EVERY word I say!!!! :erk:
lumitalvi said:
Rahvin dearie... how do you manage appear EVERY time after I´ve put some q´s up?? Are you spying on me?
i have email notification on, and i check my mailbox (automatically) every two minutes. so right after each new post on this thread i get a mail with the link and i come read. ;)
or i'm obsessed with you. :p
271. English english roxxor!
272. Your opinion on beanies? (I mean those hats that have something written on the front) Eh? Gay?
273. How many dictionaries you have and what language they are about? I don't know. I share my bookshelf with a woman. I have one english-finnish-english.
274. Do you like to have responsibility? Responsibilty is the worst thing in life.
275. You and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. Your friend gets it. Are you able to be happy for him/her? What's to be happy about if someone has to go to work?
276. What would be the best place to go on a first date? Porn festival.
277. You are thinking/watching something disgusting. Where do you feel it? ( if you´re not quite getting this, I mean my ass and lower back tingle in situations like these) Oh yeah, me testicles may get this funny feeling, as my lower stomach.
278. How old were you when you spoke out your first curse word? My guess is 4.
279. What have you tried once and never will again? Joga singing. Yesterday.
280. Who do you pity? Myself mostly.
271. do you prefer english english or american english (or another kind of english?)

british english. althought i'm also influenced by the other kind


272. your opinion on beanies?

it must be one of the three things in the world i have no specific opinion about


273. how many dictionaries do you have and what language are they about?

english-italian-english, swedish-english-swedish, german-italian-german, danish-italian-danish, french-italian-french, finnish-english-finnish, latin-italian-latin, (ancient) greek-italian.
so eight


274. do you like to have responsibilities?

some, yes. not the whole fucking lot


275. you and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. your friend gets it. are you able to be happy for him/her?

not if i feel i was better qualified for the job, at first. then afterwards, even in that case


276. what would be the best place to go on a first date?

obviously finland :lol:


277. you are thinking/watching something disgusting. where do you feel it?



278. how old were you when you spoke your first swearword?

don't remember. not very young, for sure


279. what have you tried once and never will again?

being smart


280. who do you pity?

nobody. if someone can't stand the pain, i might be sorry for their weakness, but that's about it


@lumi: if i were obsessed by you i'd have started using some instant messenger. :p
272. Your opinion on beanies? (I mean those hats that have something written on the front) - I don't know exactly what kind of hat you mean, but in general I think hats don't really have much purpose in everyday life.
273. How many dictionaries you have and what language they are about? - I don't have any myself, but in the house are a few French-English-French ones, one Spanish-English-Spanish, and one Dutch-English (but not English-Dutch :err: ). I've been meaning to get a Finnish-English-Finnish one for ages now but I can't find any in town and I don't particularly trust buying such things online.
274. Do you like to have responsibility? - It depends what type. In general I don't like it, but sometimes it's okay. Such as looking after my neice.
275. You and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. Your friend gets it. Are you able to be happy for him/her? - Probably yes, unless it was a job I desperately wanted.
276. What would be the best place to go on a first date? - Tuska. :( More seriously, some sort of gig would be good because if she turned out to be crap and boring at least there's some (hopefully good) music to listen to.
277. You are thinking/watching something disgusting. Where do you feel it? ( if you´re not quite getting this, I mean my ass and lower back tingle in situations like these) - My testicles and stomach both tingle.
278. How old were you when you spoke out your first curse word? - I have no idea. Probably not too young though, when I can remember swearing at a younger age I was always scared someone would overhear.
279. What have you tried once and never will again? - Getting over my fear of spiders.
80. Who do you pity? - If I say myself, will you kill me?? :erk:
241. Don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages?? i drive my car instead

242. Don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where IE is set up so that only one instance of it can be open at any time and it's really bloody awkward and you hate it but can't be arsed to change it since you'll be going to a really boring maths lecture in 5 minutes anyway although you don't know why since you'll probably fall asleep anyway since you actually got up at a reasonable time this morning instead of sleeping in for ages?? switch to linux :Spin:

243. Whereabouts do you live (middle of a city, edge of a city, town, village, middle of nowehere etc)?? town

244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole?? it's a nice neighborhood, but i hate it

245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment?? house

246. How many floors/storeys does it have?? 2

247. How many rooms?? 3 bedrooms and a bonus room(which is my bedroom)

248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill?? i have a yard

249. How much do you like living there?? i hate it with a passion

250. Who lives there with you (including pets)?? parents, cat, and too many fucking squirrels in the yard

251. Men or women, ladies and gentlemen? ladies and gentlemen

252. Why is it that people so much enjoy watching murders and stuff on TV? I am one of them, so please, tell me why!!!!!! because we're all sick sadistic fucks, but don't want to admit it to ourselves

253. How long do you wanna live? a long time

254. NOW expecting something cool to happen? yep

255. What would happen to you if you had to live in a house where all walls were made of glass? i'd move

256. What country makes the best movies? i rarely see foreign flicks, so i'm gonna say USA

257. How often do you eat candy? too often

258. Do you eat it slowly and saving it for later or just throw them all in your mouth and feel sick rest of the day? both

259. Best day in a week? one where im not at work

260. Best time of the day? dusk

261. What is the name of the new drummer in Farmakon? :heh: *shrug*

262. How was your puberty? Was it as hard as it always is been descrived? it was strange. i remember the first time i noticed that i popped a wood. i was like, "what's wrong with my wiener? it's sticking straight out!"
263. How old are your pillows? i'll be getting new ones soon

264. Do you have a dishwasher? yes

265. My cat is being castrated on Friday. Am I cruel? yes, you sick fuck :Spin:
266. If you could make ONE THING disappear from the world, what would it be?

267. Do you like garlic? yes

268. Racism? it's for weakminded twatwaffles

269. Do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fuckig time you come out of shower? (what do you mean I have experience on this one?? ) no

270. Do you like to be in a room with bright light or when it´s dim? depends

271. Do you prefer English English or American English (or another kind of English)?? since i'm american, i'm gonna go with that. but english english can be damn funny

272. Your opinion on beanies? (I mean those hats that have something written on the front) i wear them

273. How many dictionaries you have and what language they are about? 2, one in american english and the other is a spanish/english translator

274. Do you like to have responsibility? no, i'm a lazy fuck

275. You and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. Your friend gets it. Are you able to be happy for him/her? yes

276. What would be the best place to go on a first date? teh bedroom
yes i know, i'm a horny fuck :lol:

277. You are thinking/watching something disgusting. Where do you feel it? ( if you´re not quite getting this, I mean my ass and lower back tingle in situations like these) stomach

278. How old were you when you spoke out your first curse word? really young

279. What have you tried once and never will again? dip. thats where you put tobacco in your mouth in between your teeth and bottom lip. then just leave it there and spit all the time until you take it out. fucking disgusting.

280. Who do you pity? myself right now
:wave: hi people!!! how are ya all????
what a wonderfully crazy thread :loco: it's 4.34 am,sunday, and i still don't feel like going to bed... i like this sort of threads,so you'll put up with me even if the half of you have never seen me before :p

1.What is your full name? Maria M..... (i don't like giving my surname :p)
2.How old are you? (don´t cheat, ladies!!) 23

3.Favourite color? Black, purple
4.Favourite food and drink? tomatoes stuffed with rice, cereal, fruit , coffee

5.Favourite movie? Pulp fiction and the 3 LoTR movies
6.Favourite tv-serie? Friends, malcolm in the middle, futurama

7.Favourite cartoon character? Leela from futurama
8.Favourite game? Wordracer on yahoo, domino

9.The sickest thing you know? fanatic people of all kind
10.What is the thing you like doing best? being out walking here and there or being in a cafe with friends and talking or reading

11.The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you? i can't remember, but i've definitely been told many evil stuff :p
12.The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you? beautiful words of love

13.The best gig you´ve ever been to? All 3 haunted gigs i've been to, my first Dark Tranquillity gig, opeth last year
14.What foreign countries you have visited to? Cyprus, Spain, Andorra, germany

15.In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday? Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Faroe islands, denmark,finland, canada, holland
16.The best coutry in the world? Greece (yeah,i wish :p)

17.Coffee or tea? i love both equally, but i'd take coffee right now....
18.Milk or water? Milk sucks...water for me

19.The ugliest thing you own? some sort of summer nightdress (or how it is called)...i've never worn it *yuck*
20.The best word in the whole wide world? cariño

21.What is your job? loser
22.What would you WANNA do for living? translations or sth with languages

23. The worst band you know? hammerfall :p
24. Best season? Winter

25. Who is your best friend? fathervic
26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? HELL NO!!!

27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman) women: Liv tyler...men: don't really know
28. Best in Christmas? presents, holidays and some family members

29. Do you like sleeping? mmmmmmmmmmm a lot!!!!
30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear? hmm right now noe,but sometimes i get some strange tendencies :loco:

31. Best author? too many to decide
32. Your favourite book? Terry Pratchett &Neil Gaiman -Good omens
and Torbjörn Flygt-Underdog

33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)? www.dn.se and www.in.gr
34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens? errr???

35. For what are you fanatic for? coffee,tea, swedish
36. Support McDonald´s? naaaaaaaah

37. Death Metal or Black Metal? black
38. Darkness or light? mostly darkness...but it depends

39. Like Lord of the Rings? yup, a lot
40. Who´s the best charachter in it? aragorn!!!

41. Rain or shine? rain
42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die? eat some certain stuff

44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they? nope
45. G-strings: yes or no? ^???string underwear you mean?? no, it's unhealthy

46. Name 3 favorite band of yours? in the woods..., ulver, arcturus
47. Do you have pets? yup...3 dogs...had at least :(

48. Do you have siblings? a brother who loves pissing me off from time to time
49. Can you sing? better no

50. Puppies or kitties? puppies
51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?) yes to both

52. Do you believe in love from the first sight? no
53. Are you religious? No

54. Rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation 7, i¨m rather average, sometimes a bit of a freak. i can be both interesting and uninteresting as a person, it depends on how one sees it...
55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind? some Ulver photos,a puzzle, a ved buens ende poster, 2 from in the woods... , 2 from arcturus, an alchemy one

56. Do you dye your hair? no
57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one? me:loco:

58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors? mostly black, also dark blue, sometimes some lighter stuff

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind? Mute
60. Are goths gay? not really...does it matter anyway?

61. What is your favourite tree? eucalyptus
62. Do you wear socks? yup,can't be without socks

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture? a shelf for books
64. Do you consider yourself as an adult? hmmm....i have my doubts

65. Your opinion on marijuana? i don¨t care of its existence
66. Leatherpants or jeans? jeans

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion? no,no
68. What language would you wanna learn? icelandic

69. Do you wear glasses? No
70. Studying or working? working mostly...studying a bit at the same time...and a high salary of course :p

71. What festivals have you been to? none...i don't like fests...they are too crowded...
72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well) paralyze with fear

73. Will you one day have kids? most probably yes...not in the following 7 years i hope :p
74. Do you yet have names for them picked up? What are they?
Anna or Ariadni would be ideal for a girl, Erik for boy

75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park? -
76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to? i love candles

77. What do you parents do for a living? workaholics...my dad will retire in a couple of years
78. Did you have a happy childhood? hmmm so and so, it could have been better or even worse...i prefer being an "adult"

79. Roof or floor? roof
80. Do you often picture people naked? nope

81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it? -
82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot? Sherlock

83. Do you hate copy-machines? not really. they're kinds cool
84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat? i hate them and try to avoid them...so i'd go for place to my head off

85. Skating or skiing? none
86. Hair open or with a pony-tail? open

87. Gymnastics or dancing? gymnastics
88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do i take one step back and hope he'll leave me alone soon

89. Do you have a driver´s licence? I do
90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself? dangerous :ill:

91. How tall are you? 170
92. Would you wanna build your own house? No

93. Do you like being photographed? No
94. Have you ever posed nude? no

95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself! sometimes... it depends....
96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not? many earings...i love them

97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...) curse,curse,curse and then wait a minute
98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see? an idiot staying up until super late and then being dead sleepy the next day

99. What animal would you wanna be? troll :p
100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not? I just read some titles/articles in newspapers..i can't stand watching news of tv..it's sort of waste of time
101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words) no...
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general?never i don´t like them

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch? a deep black abyss
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it? dirty knife

105. Long skirts or short ones? long ones
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights? either being out or watching stuff and very often ending up surfing till late like now :rolleyes:

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had? constant nosebleedings...okay that's no serious illness,but it's not fun having your nose bleeding all the time,any place or even waking up with blood in your mug *yuck*
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean. no

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood? eating pepper o_O
110. Math or languages? languages

111. Blonds or brunettes? if it is natural blonde, if not i prefer naturally dakr coloured hair...
112. The best ice cream tastes like...? mmmm mocca icecream

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard? never
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result? i can't recall sth like that...i'm usually very careful with the money....

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? i try to
116. Have you kept a diary?i used to do so regularly when i was 12-13 and sometimes when i was 14....all is thrown away now,hopefully....i was writing terrible stuff....

117. What magazines you like to read? music related, cooking stuff sometimes,a bit of general crap
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up? i guess so, but i'm not 100% sure

119. Are you bi-sexual? noooooope
120. Enough yet? i'll take 20 more,thanks!

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror? science fiction
122. Why are we still here? because... because...errr....

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester? :puke: for both
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? no, but i prefer dvd

125. George W. Bush? no,thanks
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? yup,one

127. You like getting a tan? nope,i hate sunbathing
128. You got tattoos/piercings? tattoos no,but i think i'd like a little discreet one...piercing just in ears (11 in total) and i guess that doesn't count :p

129. ...shit... sucks
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? 12 years ago

131. When is your birthday? 29th of december
132. Getting or giving gifts? getting from everybody,giving just to the special ones *i'm a selfish pig* hehe

133. Do you boicot something? no
134. Could somebody else please take over? :p :dopey:

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject) supermany people,but not me
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid...
yup, many times...it´s comfortable,nice and fun! i love it

137. How often do you wash your hair? every second day, sometimes every day
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? 10 mins

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"? i'm not interesting
140. Speaking or listening? listening

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive) 2 friends of mine who live in another country... preferably alive :D
142. Politics? i hate them...and please don't remind me that we have elections tomorrow (today in fact...in a few hours ) :puke:

143. Are a good cook? hmmm i guess so
144. Do you like cleaning? not really, but i do it....

145. Suicide is...? a permanent solution to a temporary problem. hehe cliché stuff
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up?
i don't care...in some cases it can look a bit funny

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies? something in between
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist? no,i'm a brave girl

149. How do you want to die? rather peacefully...or even while being in a coma and not understanding it...
150. Tell me what you think of me. i don't know you, but you make nice questions :D

151. What is the most stupid stereotype? stereotypes suck
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar? actor

153. Britney or Christina? Jennifer :confused:
154. What is/was your favourite toy? teddybears :hotjump:

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you? my mum sometimes... shport stories in english
156. Are you afraid giving speeches? it depends on the audience...but normally yes

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker? blacksmith
158. Wiccas are...? i'm too lazy to get my dictionary :confused:

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person? when it comes to being patient with others yes...sometimes annoyingly patient...when it comes to stuff i want to do,experience etc etc not so much....
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining? almost always

i need beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed now after all this o_O
more tomorrow....or monday or who knows when
*exhausted on the keyboard*
meeel!! :hotjump: :hotjump:
glad to see you here, on this forum for the very very mad! we needed a professional to help us out of this insanity :lol:
hope everything is going great for you *big hug* :)