Worst thread ever, heheh

Oh yes. I've only been up half an hour, and I have a lot of uni work to do but I'm too tired to think right now. So damn bored...
This is getting ridiculous.

231. Want more sex? Fuck no. I hate cunts who're begging for cock.
a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album) Yes. Burzum: Erblicket die Töchter des Firmaments
b. ) And what was the reason of it? I shoved a shovel up to my ass while listening to it.

233. & 234. Musicians are gay.

235. Have you ever found cure in music for your mood/depression? Of course.
236. What saddens you the most in your life? Let me put it this way (can't remember who said it):"Me tulemme helvetistä, elämme helvetissä ja menemme helvettiin. Kuinka kukaan voi hetkeäkään kestää ihmisenä olemiseen peruuttamattomasti liittyvää loputonta, ehdotonta ja täydellistä yksinäisyyttä, sitä minä en käsitä." Or actually, I'm more saddened because of how selfish and evil bastards humans can be (and are).

237. What is the best song ever? Impossible to say. But at the moment Skepticism's "The March and the Stream" popped into my mind.
238. Have you ever thought of commiting a suicide? Yes. But then again, if I'd done everything that has crossed my mind, I'd be in prison for life. Thousands of lifes, actually.

239: Have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide? No.
240a. Do you sleep naked? No.
240b. Do you sleep blanked/pillow between your legs? No.

241. Don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages?? Not more than any other human scum.
242. Don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where IE is set up [...] Was it thebigyeti who said it: use GNU/Linux. Debian, preferrably.

243. Whereabouts do you live (middle of a city, edge of a city, town, village, middle of nowehere etc)?? In a suburb near the city centre. Or actually the city's so small it would be a village in international standards.
244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole?? Shithood.

245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment?? House.
246. How many floors/storeys does it have?? Two.

247. How many rooms?? Umm. Only four, actually.
248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill?? It does have a garden of good and evil.

249. How much do you like living there?? Not much. Moving to my own flat, soon. Only that currently I'm totally broke.
250. Who lives there with you (including pets)?? Mama und Papa. Aww!

251. Men or women, ladies and gentlemen? *smells a good fight* Smell the glove.
252. Why is it that people so much enjoy watching murders and stuff on TV? Humans are sick and twisted fucks.

253. How long do you wanna live? Today is a good day to die.
254. NOW expecting something cool to happen?Yes. Global deathrape, dawn of the final Apocalypse, twilight of the Mother Of Disease and THE END OF ALL LIFE. That's cool.

255. What would happen to you if you had to live in a house where all walls were made of glass? I wouldn't have to.
256. What country makes the best movies? Nigeria.

257. How often do you eat candy? Seldom.
258. Do you eat it slowly and saving it for later or just throw them all in your mouth and feel sick rest of the day? Usually all at once if I happen to have some.

259. Best day in a week? Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
260. Best time of the day? Ynghh Blaargh R'lyeh Fak-Fook-Fak-Fak-Fak!

261. What is the name of the new drummer in Farmakon? Yutte Hermsgervørdenbrøtbørda
262. How was your puberty? Can't remember.

263. How old are your pillows? Young, juicy and horny.
264. Do you have a dishwasher? Yes.

265. My cat is being castrated on Friday. Am I cruel? Yes you are, but not because of that.
266. If you could make ONE THING disappear from the world, what would it be? Humankind.

267. Do you like garlic? Yes.
268. Racism? Complete holocaust is by definition not selective or discriminating. Everyone goes, regardless of anything.

269. Do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fuckig time you come out of shower? No. And your skin won't get used to it as long as you keep artificially moistening it every time.
270. Do you like to be in a room with bright light or when it´s dim? Not too bright, not too dim.

271. Do you prefer English English or American English? In theory I prefer British English, but have been most likely been influenced more by American English (and bad English in general).
272. Your opinion on beanies? Gay.

273. How many dictionaries you have and what language they are about? Fin-Swe-Fin, Fin-Eng-Fin, Fin-Ger-Fin.
274. Do you like to have responsibility? Not when it's forced to me by reasoning with "you have to take responsibility because it's your responsibility". I take the responsibility of my own makings and in my own terms.

275. You and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. Your friend gets it. Are you able to be happy for him/her? I am not happy. About anything.
276. What would be the best place to go on a first date? For a walk.

277. You are thinking/watching something disgusting. Where do you feel it? I shit my pants.
278. How old were you when you spoke out your first curse word? My first word was definitely "SATAN".

279. What have you tried once and never will again? Life.
280. Who do you pity? Humankind. Even if it doesn't deserve pity.

Three facts:

1) All cunts ever do is beg for cock, or prepare the grounds so that begging wouldn't be necessary.

2) All you've heard about men from the mouths of women is actually true concerning the cunts themselves - they're insensitive, self-centered, don't want anything else than to get laid, and don't understand any other emotions than their own pleasure.

3) I'd kill that little bitch who'd dare to come now and whine to me about how I should do something about the tickling feeling between the cunt's legs.

That's pretty much the whole story, if you ask me.
Horza said:
2) All you've heard about men from the mouths of women is actually true concerning the cunts themselves - they're insensitive, self-centered, don't want anything else than to get laid, and don't understand any other emotions than their own pleasure.
that doesn't make it any less true for men too. it's pretty much the same. but i've met a couple of dogs who were really sensitive and selfless, in the past.
That is, of course, also true. The point of my trolling (no, really?) is to reverse the direction those kind of rants are usually directed. It seems to me that it's widely acceptable for women to scream out loud whatever obscenities about men they ever can come up to, and with a single examples to generalize those to apply the whole male sex.

In such cases the raving, psychotic bitch is seen as intellectual feminist, who recognizes her value as a woman and has been treated badly by unemotional, selfish, EVYL men, who've only used her as sex toy and not cared about her feelings. Change the positions of sexes, and that raving bloke is a sorry ass, pitiful, boring idiot who can't satisfy his women, and he should just stop moaning, stand up straight and get a life, for god's sake. Probably gay.

Truth is that most men are pigs and most women cows. But because of my own experiences with the opposite sex, it's painfully hard to hear some women explain in all seriousness how all men are insensitive dicks and have no feelings whatsoever (and because I am a man, deep inside I must also be such an asshole just trying to cover it up with pretty words). Especially women who I know to be unbelievably selfish bastards, using men for sex, money, pastime and comfort. You can't say that, though, as in their little world all women are beautiful, kind, nice, sweet, caring, loving and selfless human beings.

Hmh. Got a little carried away there.
Hellooo everybody!

rahvin said:
@lumi: if i were obsessed by you i'd have started using some instant messenger.

I have said this once, and I´ll say it again:
Right :rolleyes:


rahvin said:
276. what would be the best place to go on a first date?

obviously finland :lol:

My god what have I done?? :ill: :lol:

I´m on a smiley-roll again.

281. Forward... but not much. Just to see some things...
281. if you had a time machine, would you go forwards or backwards?

well, backwards, provided i only get to choose one and i can't travel more than once. i think it stands to reason that there is much more to gain travelling once back in the past than fast-forwarding to the future. through knowledge of events that are still to come when i'm back in time, i can easily achieve financial stability and other kinds of neat things.
281. If you had a time machine, would you go forwards or backwards?? - To be a young, innocent child again is certainly damn tempting, and there are a couple of things I'd do differently if I could change them... but on the whole I'd go forwards, though I don't know how far.

Lumidear... ask more questions. ;)
Rusty said:
80. Who do you pity? - If I say myself, will you kill me??

Yes. I have an axe in my bag and I already got away from the security guards at your local airport. Soon I´ll ask you a question which contains words like "how", "much", "pain", "do", "you", "wanna", "feel".

@rahvin: you manipulative piece of... sweeeeeeet flowers. :p
Since Rusty is NOT leaving me alone.... :)

Umm.. this is getting pretty hard.

282. Wanna go to Las Vegas and gamble?
283. You win ..let´s say about 1 million of whatever your money is called. What do you do with it?
284. Do your friends already have a family with children?
285. Are you a morningperson or nightkind?
286. Do vampires facinate you?
287. Jason or Freddy?
288. Is eating everything else but real food (I´m talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder?
289. Your favourite story? (bed time and blaa)
290. Women with bandshirts?
282. Wanna go to Las Vegas and gamble? No, I'd lose everything I have.
283. You win ..let´s say about 1 million of whatever your money is called. What do you do with it? Buy a house, live there with the rest of the money and never do anything again.
284. Do your friends already have a family with children? I'm not sure. I guess it depends on the way you look at it.
285. Are you a morningperson or nightkind? I'm both. Daytime isn't nice at all compared to mornings and nights.
286. Do vampires facinate you? Yes if they're hot women who're dressing in latex and leather. If it's Tom Cruise, then no.
287. Jason or Freddy? Freddy.
288. Is eating everything else but real food (I´m talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder? No, but I do count it pathetic.
289. Your favourite story? (bed time and blaa) Little red riding whip.
290. Women with bandshirts? No. Sorry. Bandshirts are the non-sexiest clothing ever.
291. Wanna tell us all a joke?
292. Do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness?
293. Would you rather work in social services ( conserning children) or in old folks home?
294. Ever been in a fight? ("real" fight, with fists)
295. Ever been in court?
296. What would be your worst nightmare in life?
297. How old would you want to be now? (real age is not accepted)
298. How long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going?
299. More about cursing...do you curse often???
300. Now who´s a vegetarian in here?
lumitalvi said:
Since Rusty is NOT leaving me alone.... :)
This is a good thing... :(

282. Wanna go to Las Vegas and gamble? - If you'll pay. :D I probably wouldn't go actually, not something I'm particularly interested in.
283. You win ..let´s say about 1 million of whatever your money is called. What do you do with it? - Put a lot of it in a nice high-interest savings account. Buy a load of cds. Travel a lot (including going to Tuska, of course).
284. Do your friends already have a family with children? - One of them has a girlfriend who has a child from a previous relationship. Other than that and a couple of teenage pregnancies at school, no.
285. Are you a morningperson or nightkind? - Definitely not mornings, and quite often not nights either. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a person at all.
286. Do vampires facinate you? - Yes. But having said that, I've never read any vampire books or watched any films. It's just the thought of them.
287. Jason or Freddy? - No idea who you're talking about, sorry. I gather they're "famous", and I'm crap with famous people.
288. Is eating everything else but real food (I´m talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder? - I'm not sure. It's most likely not good for you, but I'm no authority to say whether it's a disorder or not.
289. Your favourite story? (bed time and blaa) - I can't remember the name of it, unfortunately, and I only have vague memories of it. I can just remember loving it. There was a family who lived on a hill, and they had great views... but then somehow the hill "popped" and became a really steep valley (like a U) and they couldn't see anything anymore... then at some point there was a boulder in front of the kitchen window so the mother could only see this big rock when she was cooking, so the father painted a really nice scene on it and it made her happy.... :erk: This was from when I was quite young, you understand.
290. Women with bandshirts? - I prefer them without shirts at all... but they can look nice. Especially if they're a big too big and they're all baggy and stuff. Hmm. :/