Worst thread ever, heheh

301. Is reading/studying easier to you if you listen to music/have tv on or do you need complete silence? - I can't read novels with music at all. It sometimes helps me to work if I listen to some really mellow music - like Sigur Ros, Martin Taylor & Gordon Giltrap, etc. Nothing fast or heavy though.
302. What is the first thing you see when you close your eyes in bed at night? - I'm tempted to say the inside of my eyelids... but I won't. I also won't say what I do see. :p
303. What makes you feel you´re important? (Rusty.. I´m warning you.. ) - When certain people show me that I'm important. It's never enough to just be told it, they have to show it in how they are around me. Recently, it hasn't been shown too much. Is that an acceptable answer??
304. You have a kid now. Do you teach him/her religion and what kind? - I don't teach him/her anything to do with religion, including trying to make him/her an athiest. He/she can make his/her (gods, this is annoying) mind up.
305. Do you often have dé ja vú´s?? (however the spelling goes) - Yes. Not one every day or anything like that, but when they come they're really strong. I once freaked someone out by saying to him what he was about to say to me in a conversation. :D
306. How do they make you feel? - Just very strange, and annoyed. I rack my brains trying desperately to remember if it's just something similar happening again or if it really is some weird phenomenon.
307. Porn? - Not much, it's overrated.
308. Farting? - ...much. :/
309. Hannibal Lecter? - Only seen Hannibal, but he's great.
310. Do you have better sight or hearing? - Pardon?? ....:tickled: ...Gods I'm crap. Sight.
311. Testing with animals? - I'd prefer testing on human volunteers.
312. Like musicals? - Not really.
313. How many books you have? (yes, go and count them!!!! :heh: ) - In this room, there are *counts* 23. My old room, which is now a spare room, has copious shelvage, so most of my books are in there. Only my favourites are here.
314. How often you change your underwear? - Every day. Very occasionally, if I'm really really lazy and I know I'm not going out anywhere or doing anything that day, I won't bother. :p
315. Was Freud a genious? - Which one??
316. Paperbags or plastic ones? - Plastic.
317. Is it better to be the boss or the employee? - I'd rather be an employee, I think. No responsibility for me, thankyouverymuch.
318. What is the time of the day when the clock goes the slowest? - Sometimes late in the evening when I'm bored but not tired enough to go to bed yet.
319. Have you been bullied? - Yeah, but everyone has. Not really physical bullying, just name-calling and piss-taking, the usual.
320. Ink or pencil? - Ink, pencils can annoy me quite easily.
282. Wanna go to Las Vegas and gamble? hell yes!

283. You win ..let´s say about 1 million of whatever your money is called. What do you do with it? turn it into 10 million :hotjump:

284. Do your friends already have a family with children? a few of them

285. Are you a morningperson or nightkind? night

286. Do vampires facinate you? No

287. Jason or Freddy? jason

288. Is eating everything else but real food (I´m talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder? no, just unhealthy

289. Your favourite story? (bed time and blaa) round robin

290. Women with bandshirts? I don’t mind. Some they fit… some they don’t. I could date one easily. sure

291. Wanna tell us all a joke? 2 guys walk into a bar. the third one ducks

292. Do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness? no

293. Would you rather work in social services ( conserning children) or in old folks home? kids

294. Ever been in a fight? ("real" fight, with fists) yes, and i usually win

295. Ever been in court? was there last week for a traffic ticket

296. What would be your worst nightmare in life? dunno, probably a combination of things. but then again, i think i'm probably going through it right now.

297. How old would you want to be now? (real age is not accepted) 25, thats when i can get somewhat decent car insurance :lol:

298. How long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going? i dunno

299. More about cursing...do you curse often??? i need to do it a lot less

300. Now who´s a vegetarian in here? not me

301. Is reading/studying easier to you if you listen to music/have tv on or do you need complete silence? slow, soft music

302. What is the first thing you see when you close your eyes in bed at night? the back of my eyelids

303. What makes you feel you´re important? (Rusty.. I´m warning you.. ) lots of compliments and praise

304. You have a kid now. Do you teach him/her religion and what kind? no, he/she will learn about it and make their own decision

305. Do you often have dé ja vú´s?? (however the spelling goes) not really

306. How do they make you feel? :erk:

307. Porn? yes, and preferably starring me :dopey:

308. Farting? as long as they don't stink

309. Hannibal Lecter? wanker

310. Do you have better sight or hearing? sight i guess, my hearing is getting worse :erk:

311. Testing with animals? Cures for diseases yes. Makeup and stuff… No!

312. Like musicals?
no thanks

313. How many books you have? (yes, go and count them!!!! ) a lot

314. How often you change your underwear? e
very day

315. Was Freud a genious? he was a hack

316. Paperbags or plastic ones? p

317. Is it better to be the boss or the employee?

318. What is the time of the day when the clock goes the slowest? whenever it's almost time to leave work

319. Have you been bullied?
not since my early school days

320. Ink or pencil? ink
Rusty said:
303. What makes you feel you´re important? (Rusty.. I´m warning you.. ) - When certain people show me that I'm important. It's never enough to just be told it, they have to show it in how they are around me. Recently, it hasn't been shown too much. Is that an acceptable answer??

Now tell me HOW am I going to be able to show you?? It´s not like you´d be coming to Tuska and we could talk face to face... ;) When the messenger comes... then I´ll try... :)

Rusty said:
315. Was Freud a genious? - Which one??

Sigmund, of course!
lumitalvi said:
Now tell me HOW am I going to be able to show you?? It´s not like you´d be coming to Tuska and we could talk face to face... ;) When the messenger comes... then I´ll try... :)
NOT MY FAULT!! :yell:

315. Was Freud a genius? - Possibly, I dunno. :erk:
lumitalvi said:
Don´t yell at me.. I got so scared my hair is never coming down.
I wasn't yelling at you, I was yelling at stupid life and its stupid not-making-it-easy-enough-for-Rusty-to-go-to-Tuska rule.

I also offer rahvin's body and/or soul for questions. Please??
Well if you did give me your body/soul, then I'd sell it on and buy a lottery ticket with the £1 I'd make from it, so there'd at least be a chance of me coming [edit] to Tuska [/edit]. :p
Rusty said:
Well if you did give me your body/soul, then I'd sell it on and buy a lottery ticket with the £1 I'd make from it, so there'd at least be a chance of me coming [edit] to Tuska [/edit]. :p
i'm so hopeful i'd actually buy my body back for £2 later on, so you can buy two lottery tickets. my soul you can keep until judgement day. :p
But I could sell your soul too. Of course I might have to beat someone into actually buying it, but still. That's at least £3. Now we're really cooking with gas. :)
That's just peachy, I'll be at uni again so I'll miss all the fun as it happens and have to pick up the pieces like the scavenging wretch I am.

But yay, more questions. :D
321. Do you watch reality-shows on TV?
322. Tell us why/why not?
323. Would you ever go and participate in one? What kind?
324. Do you believe there is a possibility to find your true love from a dating show?
325. I personally have never seen any good-looking men in dating shows. But have you guys seen any interesting persons (both, male and fe) in those?
326. Who do you like the most: 1) Monet 2) Picasso 3) Dali?
327. Which would you want rather be: 1) a paintor 2) a sculptor 3) an art-model
328. Do you like museums?
329. Skinny-dipping?
330. Are aliens for real?
331. Do you blush easily?
332. Who was your first crush?
333. Alice Cooper?
334. Do you watch the Osbournes? Like it?
335. Your biggest disappointment? (not quite sure if this has already been up)
336. Is it waste of time to *peep* the curse-words in MTV and wherever?
337. Hitler?
338. Which is more romantic to eat with that special one: Grapes or chocolate?
339. How many of your grandparents are still alive?
340. Do you like sitting on the floor?
321. do you watch reality shows on tv?



322. tell us why/why not

i don't have enough time to waste on watching tv in general. reality shows are usually quite disgusting, and i already know what they're about, so i never bother


323. would you ever go and participate in one? what kind?

they should really pay a lot in order to have me participate, and i would nevertheless avoid anything trivial


324. do you believe there is a possibility to find your true love from a dating show?

my true love i couldn't find in real life, let alone on tv. plus my ideal partner wouldn't take part in a dating show. when it comes to other people, i can't really say. i suppose there is a chance.


325. have you guys seen any interesting person (either male or female) in dating shows?

i don't watch them, so no


326. who do you like the most: 1) monet; 2) picasso; 3) dalì



327. which one would you rather be: 1) a painter; 2) a sculptor; 3) an art model

a painter


328. do you like museums?

usually i don't. there are exceptions, though


329. skinny-dipping?

well, not interested


330. are aliens for real?

we should distinguish between the idea that other forms of life in the universe might exist, and the idea that they might actually come into contact with the inhabitants of planet earth, or that this has already happened. statistically speaking, my answer to the former is: yes, it is highly likely that other forms of life exist in the universe. my answer to the latter is: no, it is highly unlikely that any of those will ever be able to establish any kind of contact with humanity


331. do you blush easily?

due to the colour of my skin, even if i did no one would notice


332. who was your first crush?

cute classmate at the elementary school. at some point i told her about my feelings (...) for her, she said "wow, i feel the same too!", i said "ok" and walked away. we never talked about it again


333. alice cooper?

i like his music


334. do you watch the osbournes? like it?

saw a few snippets. hated it


335. your biggest disappointment?

it took me four years to find out that someone who i thought was smart and blessed with a personality of her own was in fact only very adaptive to mine


336. is it a waste of time to beep the swearwords on mtv or elsewhere?

it's worse, it's counterproductive on a kid's education


337. hitler?

nutty politician


338. which one is more romantic to eat with that special someone, grapes or chocolate?



339. how many of your grandparents are still alive?

two: my dad's father and my mom's mother


340. do you like sitting on the floor?

not really

Time to give out some info about me too.

251. Men or women, ladies and gentlemen?
-Men in bed but for some relaxing discussion in a café with tea cups, women.
252. Why is it that people so much enjoy watching murders and stuff on TV? I am one of them, so please, tell me why!!!!!!
- I´m a freak.
253. How long do you wanna live?
- about when I´m 80 or so.
254. NOW expecting something cool to happen?
- Not really.
255. What would happen to you if you had to live in a house where all walls were made of glass?
- I would slowly go insane.
256. What country makes the best movies?
- Can´t say since I´ve pretty much seen only Finnish films and those from USA.
257. How often do you eat candy?
- Daily at this moment.
258. Do you eat it slowly and saving it for later or just throw them all in your mouth and feel sick rest of the day?
- Apparently I´m masocistic.
259. Best day in a week?
- Saturday or FridayEVENING
260. Best time of the day?
- 18-20
261. What is the name of the new drummer in Farmakon?
- Hmh.. this is pretty lame question now.
262. How was your puberty? Was it as hard as it always is been descrived?
- I don´t feel I had any real one.
263. How old are your pillows?
- A week old
264. Do you have a dishwasher?
- Yesss :) haven´t used it yet, though.
265. My cat is being castrated on Friday. Am I cruel?
- I was I was ... kittie is soo sad right now. :(
266. If you could make ONE THING disappear from the world, what would it be?
- Garlic
267. Do you like garlic?
- heh
268. Racism?
- Umm.. hard to explain. Windom had pretty good answer on this one.
269. Do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fuckig time you come out of shower? (what do you mean I have experience on this one?? )
- Yepppy
270. Do you like to be in a room with bright light or when it´s dim?
- I have begun to notice that dim light makes me nervous. So light is better for some odd reason.
272. Your opinion on beanies? (I mean those hats that have something written on the front)
- Depends what the sign in our forehead says. Mine says : Hypocrisy :p
273. How many dictionaries you have and what language they are about?
- English-Finnish- English, Finnish- German- Finnish so 2
274. Do you like to have responsibility?
- No! Not much anyway.
275. You and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. Your friend gets it. Are you able to be happy for him/her?
- In time. But it will take a lot of energy.
276. What would be the best place to go on a first date?
- Some nice coffee house or the movies.
277. You are thinking/watching something disgusting. Where do you feel it?
- In my ass and stomach
278. How old were you when you spoke out your first curse word?
- Eight years old I think
279. What have you tried once and never will again?
- Smoking
280. Who do you pity?
- Drug users
282. Wanna go to Las Vegas and gamble?
- I could try...
283. You win ..let´s say about 1 million of whatever your money is called. What do you do with it?
- I´d buy a new car for us and some usefull stuff for our house, for example a new shower but most of the money would be saved for later.
284. Do your friends already have a family with children?
- Yes! 3 couples. When did I come this old! :ill:
285. Are you a morningperson or nightkind?
- Nightkind
286. Do vampires facinate you?
- In some way
287. Jason or Freddy?
- Jason
288. Is eating everything else but real food (I´m talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder?
- Well I´m glad most of you don´t see it as a disorder.
289. Your favourite story? (bed time and blaa)
- Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrope
290. Women with bandshirts?
- :oops:
291. Wanna tell us all a joke?
- Not at the moment
292. Do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness?
- Plenty
293. Would you rather work in social services ( conserning children) or in old folks home?
- Children I suppose
294. Ever been in a fight? ("real" fight, with fists)
- I´m glad I haven´t
295. Ever been in court?
- With my class at school but not for real
296. What would be your worst nightmare in life?
- War
297. How old would you want to be now? (real age is not accepted)
- 25
298. How long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going?
- Your scaring me with the 1000
299. More about cursing...do you curse often???
- Ohh yes.
300. Now who´s a vegetarian in here?
- Not me
301. Is reading/studying easier to you if you listen to music/have tv on or do you need complete silence?
- Complete silence. If there´s ANY distraction I end up repeating the same sentence and never understand what it is saying.
302. What is the first thing you see when you close your eyes in bed at night?
- For months it has been blood and corpses
303. What makes you feel you´re important?
- When people ask my help
304. You have a kid now. Do you teach him/her religion and what kind?
- No, the kid can decide itself everything stuff like this.
305. Do you often have dé ja vú´s?? (however the spelling goes)
- Not often
306. How do they make you feel?
- "fuck that took long!" freaked
307. Porn?
- Sure works for me..
308. Farting?
- when I need to
309. Hannibal Lecter?
- Interesting character
310. Do you have better sight or hearing?
- I quess sight
311. Testing with animals?
- For like make up, no!
312. Like musicals?
- Haven´t seen many, they´re ok
313. How many books you have? (yes, go and count them!!!! )
- Can´t count, cause I´m not home. But there isn´t many.. about 20 maybe
314. How often you change your underwear?
- Every day
315. Was Freud a genious?
- Some of his theories were/are
316. Paperbags or plastic ones?
- Plastic
317. Is it better to be the boss or the employee?
- Depends on the job, but I quess employee
318. What is the time of the day when the clock goes the slowest?
- 10-12
319. Have you been bullied?
- No, there was just this guy who hated me and I hated him
320. Ink or pencil?
- Ink
321. Do you watch reality-shows on TV?
- Yes..
322. Tell us why/why not?
- I´m a sick perv
323. Would you ever go and participate in one? What kind?
- Some contest I think, like Big Brother
324. Do you believe there is a possibility to find your true love from a dating show?
- Sure it´s possible but not that likely.
326. Who do you like the most: 1) Monet 2) Picasso 3) Dali?
- 1) Monet
327. Which would you want rather be: 1) a paintor 2) a sculptor 3) an art-model
- 1) Paintor
328. Do you like museums?
- Pretty much yes
329. Skinny-dipping?
- I have never done that. But I could.
330. Are aliens for real?
- Could be
331. Do you blush easily?
- I say average amount
332. Who was your first crush?
- If I remember right his name was Mika, he was one year older than me. Blond hair.
333. Alice Cooper?
- I like him
334. Do you watch the Osbournes? Like it?
- Good entertainment when you want to switch off your brain
335. Your biggest disappointment? (not quite sure if this has already been up)
- Not getting to University yet
336. Is it waste of time to *peep* the curse-words in MTV and wherever?
- I don´t know about waste of time, but maybe only silencing the words would be better. It´s so irritating to hear that peep all the time.
337. Hitler?
- Don´t respect
338. Which is more romantic to eat with that special one: Grapes or chocolate?
- Grapes
339. How many of your grandparents are still alive?
- 3
340. Do you like sitting on the floor?
- Yes
321. Do you watch reality-shows on TV? - No. I did watch the (highlights of the) first Celebrity Big Brother because Jack Dee was on it and I think he's hilarious, but that's the only time I've ever watched anything of the sort, and I won't in future.
322. Tell us why/why not? - It's possibly the worst type of program ever to have graced our screens, frankly.
323. Would you ever go and participate in one? What kind? - Not unless there was a hell of a lot of money for just appearing. And even then only a potentially interesting one, not just Big Brother.
324. Do you believe there is a possibility to find your true love from a dating show? - Well, a possibility, yes. Just an incredibly minute one.
325. I personally have never seen any good-looking men in dating shows. But have you guys seen any interesting persons (both, male and fe) in those? - I don't watch any. I think mum once had Blind Date on when we had dinner one evening years ago, that's it.
326. Who do you like the most: 1) Monet 2) Picasso 3) Dali? - I don't really know any Dali from memory, and I can only remember one each of Monet and Picasso. Of those, I prefer the Monet.
327. Which would you want rather be: 1) a paintor 2) a sculptor 3) an art-model - A painter.
328. Do you like museums? - I like the general concept of museums. Whether I a particular individual museum depends on what it's a museum of, how well it's displayed, etc.
329. Skinny-dipping? - Who with?? :D I wouldn't rule it out, but at the moment I don't think I'd do it with anyone anyway.
330. Are aliens for real? - "There aren't any aliens, just different kinds of us" [/Only You Can Save Mankind, by Terry Pratchett] I do think such things exist, but I don't believe any have ever contacted earth and built oversized razor-sharpeners in the middle of nowhere. For example.
331. Do you blush easily? - I don't know. I usually don't believe any compliments I'm given anyway, but if I say/do something embarrassing I'll blush reasonably easily.
332. Who was your first crush? - I can't remember. My first "girlfriend" was Samantha Drew at about age 5. The first girl I liked but didn't have as a girlfriend was Sarah Day at about age 5 as well, and I don't know which came first.
333. Alice Cooper? - Music is generally acceptable.
334. Do you watch the Osbournes? Like it? - No. No. No no no no. No.
335. Your biggest disappointment? (not quite sure if this has already been up) - I'm sure I'm not allowed to say "me", so it's... never being noticed by any football scouts when I played, or something.
336. Is it waste of time to *peep* the curse-words in MTV and wherever? - Yeah. It's not like kids don't know the words anyway, and probably use them a lot more regularly than they appear on MTV.
337. Hitler? - Which one?? :D Made silly mistakes.
338. Which is more romantic to eat with that special one: Grapes or chocolate? - Grapes are more romantic, chocolate is better for... licking, and stuff.
339. How many of your grandparents are still alive? - Both of my dad's parents are still with us. My mother's parents have both died.
340. Do you like sitting on the floor? - I'd rather sit on the floor than sit on an uncomfortable chair.