Worst thread ever, heheh

341. if you have trouble sleeping, what helps?

somebody could, should, wouldn't


342. "sex and the city" tv-show?

obscenely stereotyped series about being anti-stereotypes. revolting


343. you have a fight with someone. what is your way of doing it?

i tend to become cold, detached, and very strict when it comes to the words used and the concepts expressed, because if emotions are not involved i know i can win 99% of verbal arguments


344. lollipops or gum?



345. x-box or playstation?



346. do you read the morning newspaper?

nope. if i'm looking for information in the morning i search the net. i read the newspaper when i'm home, usually in the late afternoon, not from cover to cover


347. do you often get confused because you don't remember what things you have told and to whom?

yes. i'm quite open when it comes to my private life, so i could be saying stuff to just anybody and it's hard to keep track of whom already heard which story


348. do you easily pass judgement?

yes, and about as easily i revise it


349. longsleeve or shortsleeve?



350. how many meals do you eat during the day?

barely one


351. how many funerals have you been to?



352. how many weddings have you been to?

at least five


353. have you ever been engaged?

engagement is quite formal. i've been seriously involved at least once, but nothing like having decided a date for the wedding and stuff


354. do you know what "rti" is short for in internet-speak?

"regurgitate the iliad", i'm sure


355. have you ever seen anyone using it in a convo with you?

they would never dare

rahvin said:
:wave: you're a volcano of ideas, lumi. ;)

Ohhh :p thankyouthankyou :)

@Rusty: So I´m not flattening cities and killing people? SUCH a disappointment, hehe.

I´m glad you are liking this stuff. I must disappear for two days once again.
I have no idea what to anwer in the two extras of Rusty, so I´ll just pass them, sorry! :erk:
And I have no idea what the hell happened in here after those questions appeared.
Then rahvin came and saved the day :D
See ya on Monday!

354. Do you know what "rti" is short for in internet-speak?? - Real time interruption, if a certain tv program can be believed.
355. Have you ever seen anyone using it in a convo with you?? - Never. After seeing these answers, I now reckon the tv program bollocksed it up.
Windom Pearl said:
YOU KEEP THIS LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU KEEP THIS LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU KEEP THIS LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Listen to Testament!!!

321. Do you watch reality-shows on TV? no

322. Tell us why/why not? im sick of them

323. Would you ever go and participate in one? What kind? maybe and i dunno

324. Do you believe there is a possibility to find your true love from a dating show? sure

325. I personally have never seen any good-looking men in dating shows. But have you guys seen any interesting persons (both, male and fe) in those? i don't know, i don't think guys are attractive :lol: there's a few hot women every now and then

326. Who do you like the most: 1) Monet 2) Picasso 3) Dali? monet

327. Which would you want rather be: 1) a paintor 2) a sculptor 3) an art-model sculptor

328. Do you like museums? yes

329. Skinny-dipping?
sure, why not, i don't have any shame :loco:

330. Are aliens for real? :lol: i dunno

331. Do you blush easily? no

332. Who was your first crush? a girl named melody back in the 2nd grade
333. Alice Cooper? :kickass:

334. Do you watch the Osbournes? Like it? sometimes and sometimes

335. Your biggest disappointment? (not quite sure if this has already been up) rather not say

336. Is it waste of time to *peep* the curse-words in MTV and wherever? yes

337. Hitler? :guh:

338. Which is more romantic to eat with that special one: Grapes or chocolate? chocolate

339. How many of your grandparents are still alive? 0, last one died in october

340. Do you like sitting on the floor? no, it hurts my tushy
341. If you have trouble sleeping, what helps? nothing :erk:

342. Sex and the city- tv show? i like it

343. You have a fight with someone. What is your way of doing it? whatever it takes. i fight dirty.

344. Lollipops or gum? gum

345. X-box or Playstation? PS2

346. Do you read the morningpaper? yes

347. Do you often get confused ´cause you don´t remeber what things you have told and to whom you have told them? yes :erk:

348. Do you easily pass judgement? i try not to

349. Longsleeve or shortsleeve? short

350. How many meals you eat during the day? depends on my day

351. How many funerals have you been to? too many

352. How many weddings have you been to? too many, i hate them because they keep telling me i need to settle down with one woman for the rest of my life.

353. Have you ever been engaged? nope

354. Do you know what "rtl" is short for in internet-speak?? nope *scratches head*

355. Have you ever seen anyone using it in a convo with you?? nope
ok, finally i have some questions, so rusty stops bugging me and you can all get back to the scheduled program. :p

356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)?
357. does god exist?
358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)?
359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why?
360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust?
361. how many people do you think really understand you?
362. treble or bass?
363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better than nothing?
364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be?
365. best record you've bought so far this year?
366. do you like pineapples?
If you really think I'll stop bugging you just because you've asked a mere 11 questions, you're very much mistaken. ;)

I will add another couple though:

367: Are you good at helping other people who have problems??
368: Are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency??
356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)? - There are too many song lyrics I love to single any out. But I'll post again the best thing I've ever read in a book:

"Did you really punch the president of the Assassins' Guild??"
"Yes, sir."
"Didn't have a dagger, sir."

357. does god exist? - I don't know. But I don't believe he does.
358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)? -

359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why? - Yes, because as far as I can see it's fair that way.
360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust? - I suppose it depends how unjust I see it. I'm a passive person so it'd have to be very bad for me to actively protest.
361. how many people do you think really understand you? - Probably none. Maybe one or two sort of understand me quite a bit, but not fully.
362. treble or bass? - Bass.
363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better than nothing? - I have to, since I never win first prize.
364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be? - I'm going to shamelessly chicken out of this one.
365. best record you've bought so far this year? - My Dying Bride - Songs of Darkness, Words of Light. Another album I've got lately, Anathema - A Natural Disaster, would be equally good... but I didn't buy it, it was bought for me. :p
366. do you like pineapples? - Yes, they're very nice. Good fruit indeed.

EDIT: Thank you, Rahvin. ;)
356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)? It's better to burn out than fade away... :lol:

357. does god exist? No

358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)? :D

359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why? OI! GEEZER! Gimme a beer!

360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust? Naah...

361. how many people do you think really understand you? a couple

362. treble or bass? bass

363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better than nothing? of course

364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be? chicks with big tits! :lol: I think I'd save the ones close to me and with whom I wouldn't be bored after nothing is left.

365. best record you've bought so far this year? this year!?!? I haven't bought a record this year...

366. do you like pineapples? yes

367: Are you good at helping other people who have problems?? sometimes... I'd like to be.

368: Are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency?? I'm not sure...
Profånity said:
Interesting thread.


Heyy guys. I´m back hahahahahahaah!
Slept 4 hours last night and I have an evening shift today. So I´m not doing well.
Thanks for the questions my loves :)

356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)?
- arghh.. coming back later to this one...
357. does god exist?
- no, I don´t believe he does. Not christian god anyway and what else would there be. So nooo.
358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)?
- :bah:
359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why?
- Of course, who would want to be a part of those people who are less fortunate.
360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust?
- it really depends. but I think I wouldn´t have the strenght.
361. how many people do you think really understand you?
- one or two maybe.
362. treble or bass?
- treble? :erk:
363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better than nothing?
- I hate saying this but: it depends on the prizes. But I think I´d be pissed off either way.
364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be?
- I´m leaving my family out from this one, ´cause the answer would be boring...
My boyfriend Jarkko, Michele, Peter Tägtgren... the last two.. maybe my two best girlfriends, Satu and Mimmi
365. best record you've bought so far this year?
- Hypocrisy: The Arrival
366. do you like pineapples?
- crushed pineapples yes
367: Are you good at helping other people who have problems??
- hmmm.. I haven´t been told that so that I would know but I think I am.
368: Are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency??
- On such things no. I have a nervous brakedown even when I miss my buss.

fuck I´m so tired. There probably made no sense.
I´m back for 3 hours again after 3 hours.... zzzz...