Worst thread ever, heheh

This hurts me.

281. If you had a time machine, would you go forwards or backwards?? Forwards, to see the cancer known as human disappear.
282. Wanna go to Las Vegas and gamble? I think me going to Vegas would end up pretty much like the movie "Leaving Las Vegas". (No, not Fear and Loathing.)

283. You win ..let´s say about 1 million of whatever your money is called. What do you do with it? I'd buy a case of beer and a pack of smokes. And the same for my friends.
284. Do your friends already have a family with children? Not a single one.

285. Are you a morningperson or nightkind? Night.
286. Do vampires facinate you? They faginate me.

287. Jason or Freddy? Connor and Murphy.
288. Is eating everything else but real food an eating disorder? I don't think I'm qualified to define medical terms.

289. Your favourite story? I hate stories.
290. Women with bandshirts? What about them?

291. Wanna tell us all a joke? How do you get a goth down from a tree? (Cut the rope.)
292. Do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness? I wouldn't say severe, but I don't consider myself a sane person, either.

293. Would you rather work in social services ( conserning children) or in old folks home? With kids, even though they all are EVYL little devils.
294. Ever been in a fight? ("real" fight, with fists) Couple of times. Nothing major, though, like beating somebody senseless. Käsirysyjä ja pientä moukutusta.

295. Ever been in court? In the "audience".
296. What would be your worst nightmare in life? To see humankind prevail.

297. How old would you want to be now? 6 years.
298. How long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going? Well, seeing how every single one in this forum is bored of his/her life, I'd say until we drop dead. (And then others take over.)

299. More about cursing...do you curse often? All the time.
300. Now who´s a vegetarian in here? I don't know.

301. Is reading/studying easier to you if you listen to music/have tv on or do you need complete silence? Silence, usually. Sometimes ambient or such.
302. What is the first thing you see when you close your eyes in bed at night? Luscious flames.

303. What makes you feel you´re important? No one is important.
304. You have a kid now. Do you teach him/her religion and what kind? BAD RELIGION.

305. Do you often have dé ja vú´s?? Not that I can remember.
306. How do they make you feel? Just think about it.

307. Porn? Farting.
308. Farting? Porn.

309. Hannibal Lecter has a sophisticated taste.
310. Do you have better sight or hearing? Hearing. Can't see shit.

311. Testing with animals? Use humans instead.
312. Like musicals? Not really.

313. How many books you have? About 30 or something in the shelf. And a lot of encyclopedias, older books and such in the closets.
314. How often you change your underwear? Almost every day. Or currently I'm commando, and really surprised of it. I usually am not. Really!

315. Was Freud a genious? If thinking that everything you do is a sign of a latent coprophilia is ingenious, then yes.
316. Paperbags or plastic ones? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!

317. Is it better to be the boss or the employee? Nothing's better than taking a dump.
318. What is the time of the day when the clock goes the slowest? You know, if your clock's working, it goes the same speed all the time.

319. Have you been bullied? They occasionally tried. I bullied back.
320. Ink or pencil? Quill and blood.

321. Do you watch reality-shows on TV? No.
322. Tell us why/why not? If someone does, his/her head should be ripped off and smashed to bits.

323. Would you ever go and participate in one? What kind? NO.
324. Do you believe there is a possibility to find your true love from a dating show? HOLY FUCKING JESUS! What the FUCKING FUCK is "true love"? Gerard has a song (and a MCD) called "Evidence of True Love" (which rocks), but I don't think they present any real evidence in it.

325. I personally have never seen any good-looking men in dating shows. But have you guys seen any interesting persons (both, male and fe) in those? Haven't paid attention.
326. Who do you like the most: 1) Monet 2) Picasso 3) Dali? Svankmajer.

327. Which would you want rather be: 1) a paintor 2) a sculptor 3) an art-model Sculptor.
328. Do you like museums? Museums don't move me (I don't give a fuck).

329. Skinny-dipping? Not really my thing. Maybe when drunk.
330. Are aliens for real? Are you for real?

331. Do you blush easily? Not to my knowledge.
332. Who was your first crush? Won't tell. Nghähä!

334. Do you watch the Osbournes? Like it? Abominable.

335. Your biggest disappointment? Humankind. NGHÄHÄHÄ!
336. Is it waste of time to *peep* the curse-words in MTV and wherever? Yes.

337. Hitler was a sensitive man.
338. Which is more romantic to eat with that special one: Grapes or chocolate? Objects (and food) aren't romantic.

339. How many of your grandparents are still alive? Both of my mother's parents
340. Do you like sitting on the floor? When I feel like it.

356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)?

tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
creeps in this petty pace from day to day
to the last syllable of recorded time

(macbeth, 5.5.18-20)


357. does god exist?

some sort of god, it's definitely a possibility


358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)?



359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why?

theoretically, yes, because i don't believe in any judgement of value preceeding birth and defined by something else than a person's actions. in practice, it's not possible


360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust?

probably not. i have to admit i tend to rely on established rules and regulations a lot


361. how many people do you think really understand you?

i think one comes close


362. treble or bass?



363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better than nothing?

absolutely not


364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be?

my grandfather. hyena. my good friend federico (alfred on ultimatemetal). this leaves two slots open, for more extemporary choices. i guess at the moment another friend of mine and someone from ultimatemetal would be the likeliest picks


365. best record you've bought so far this year?

postnuclear, by dismantled


366. do you like pineapples?

they're one of my reasons for living


367. are you good at helping other people who have problems?

no, i can never have any positive effect, only make things worse


368. are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency?

yes. i don't break down in case of danger or tension and i'm usually quite resourceful

367: Are you good at helping other people who have problems?? - No. I can listen to them talk about such things, but as soon as it comes to actually saying something I'm crap. And anyone can listen.
368: Are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency?? - Fortunately enough I've never been in such a situation, but I think I'd be reasonably decent.

356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)? "We're all alone, it's just easier to bear with someone else." Or something like that. Fish / AllyMcBeal :p
357. does god exist? Can't tell.
358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)? The wanking humanoid. Couldn't find it.
359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why? Impossible.
360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust? No. I'm as passive as imaginable.
361. how many people do you think really understand you? Exactly 0. That's the way things go. What Fish said.
362. treble or bass? Bass.
363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better than nothing? Yes. I never win first prizes anyway.
364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be? Me, Saija, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Madchen Amick, Angeline Jolie.
365. best record you've bought so far this year? Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
366. do you like pineapples? Very much.
367: Are you good at helping other people who have problems?? No, but I'm an OK listener :)
368: Are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency?? No. I screw up in things like that.
369. Are you right- or left handed? Right.
370. Where does your lack of sleep show? I don't care about anything, I don't want to do anything. I don't want to speak, I don't want to listen.
Complete the sentences:

371. I am...
372. Today I´m going to...
373. I hate...
374. I love...
375. I have...
376. In 10 years I will...
377. I was sad when...
378. I wanted to vanish when...
379. I often...
380. I will never...
369. Are you right- or left handed? - Right. :cool:
370. Where does your lack of sleep show? - I have permanent bags under my eyes now. I also have complete apathy - didn't bother doing an assignment that had to be in yesterday, revised only 2 hours for my exam this morning... meh.
371. I am... sick of me.
372. Today I´m going to... pick my parents up from the airport, and maybe go to a lecture this evening if I can be arsed.
373. I hate... me.
374. I love... m... no. Some people. Music.
375. I have... a greater possibility of coming to Tuska now.
376. In 10 years I will... possibly have something right in my life.
377. I was sad when... they stopped making/selling the MASK toys.
378. I wanted to vanish when... I realised I'm crap.
379. I often... sigh. I never used to sigh, now I do all the time.
380. I will never... do any kind of fucking stupid drugs... not counting medicine, caffeine, alcohol and stuff like that.
341. If you have trouble sleeping, what helps? Absolutely nothing.
342. Sex and the city- tv show? One of the reasons I don't want to co-exist with this society.

343. You have a fight with someone. No I don't.
344. Lollipops or gum? HUBBA BUBBA!

345. X-box or Playstation? I hate games. All kind of games.
346. Do you read the morningpaper? Yes, but not in the morning.

347. Do you often get confused 'cause you don't remeber what things you have told and to whom you have told them? All the time. Usually start every story with "I've must already told this, but...". Sometimes also the things that happen in my dreams get mixed in my head with the things that happen real life. Yeah, tell me about it.
348. Do you easily pass judgement? Instantly.

349. Longsleeve or shortsleeve? No-sleeve.
350. How many meals you eat during the day? 1-4

351. How many funerals have you been to? Five, if my memory serves me right.
352. How many weddings have you been to? Two. They rocked. I was totally wasted both times.

353. Have you ever been engaged? Good god no.
354. Do you know what "rti" is short for in internet-speak? Real-time interrupt?
355. Have you ever seen anyone using it in a convo with you? No.

356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)? Uh. That's impossible. But here's one big line that summarizes everything:

357. does god exist? Yes, if you want it to.
358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)? I think I've already stated my feelings about smilies. Especially these graphical ones make me sick to my guts.

359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why? Shouldn't and won't ever.
360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust? If you consider screaming "KYRRRRPÄ!" as fighting actively, then yes.

361. how many people do you think really understand you? None. Hee-hee.
362. treble or bass? Giblet and arse.

363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better than nothing? Prizes are for kids.
364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be? Not a single one.

365. best record you've bought so far this year? Bilskirnir: In Flames of Purification. Or actually VNV Nation: Praise the Fallen, but I don't remember was that this or last year.
366. do you like pineapples? Yes.

367. Are you good at helping other people who have problems? Depends what you mean by "helping".
368. Are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency? Depends of the nature of emergency.

369. Are you right- or left handed? Right.
370. Where does your lack of sleep show? Me trying to get to sleep whenever possible.

371. I am the Master of the Universe
372. Today I'm going to go to sleep. Or not.
373. I hate all things human.
374. I love to hate.
375. I have a gun. Please come inside for murder.
376. In 10 years I will be dead and gone, like the carnival.
377. I was sad when shit hit the fan.
378. I wanted to vanish when I was born.
379. I often curse like a pirate.
380. I will never ever forget or forgive.

381. Sex on the beach under a blazing sun, or sex on a grassy meadow under the stars?
382. When was the last time you went to a doctor/health professional, and what was it for?
383. What's the most recent band you've discovered, that you like?
384. What did your most recent meal consist of?
385. Do you wear earplugs at concerts?
386. Most recent (new) magazine you've bought/read?

Rusty said:
375. I have... a greater possibility of coming to Tuska now.

WhatwhatWHAAAAT??? :OMG: WUHUUU! PARTY!!!!! YAY!!!!! WIIII! :kickass: <-- grape soda there

381. Sex on the beach under a blazing sun, or sex on a grassy meadow under the stars?
-Umm...I´d say grass feels more comfortable.
382. When was the last time you went to a doctor/health professional, and what was it for?
-Maybe 3 months ago. Next month I quess I will too. But the last time was ´cause I had this infection.
383. What's the most recent band you've discovered, that you like?
-Soon for 2 years it has only been Hypocrisy.
384. What did your most recent meal consist of?
-2 loafs of toast and a chocolate cookie, lemon vichy :p
385. Do you wear earplugs at concerts?
386. Most recent (new) magazine you've bought/read?
-I bought Metal Hammer ´cause there was this certain interview... ;)