Worst thread ever, heheh

371. I am... Listening to Pantera!!!!!!!!!
372. Today I´m going to... Listen to PANTERA!!!!!!
373. I hate... Responsibility.
374. I love... P A N T E R A
375. I have... still many Pantera albums to purchase
376. In 10 years I will... Have all the Pantera albums.
377. I was sad when... I noticed that Cowboys From Hell is actually pretty gay.
378. I wanted to vanish when... I screwed up two times in a row my attempt to pick up a ball from the ground, because my hair fell on my face. I was 15 and in Sweden playing ball with my class against the local school.
379. I often... Think how to live a full life, yet I never do anything for it.
380. I will never... Sell a single bagel during the rest of my life!
381. Sex on the beach under a blazing sun, or sex on a grassy meadow under the stars? Both sound good but in Finland mosquitos ruin every attempt to have sex outdoors.
382. When was the last time you went to a doctor/health professional, and what was it for? It was a job related health check, where they also took lots of blood and I was about to throw up. I've never sweated more in my life.
383. What's the most recent band you've discovered, that you like? Down.
384. What did your most recent meal consist of? Milk and chocolate cerials.
385. Do you wear earplugs at concerts? Yes.
386. Most recent (new) magazine you've bought/read? The latest Inferno.
371. I am... what I was not for a few years ago
372. Today I´m going to... twist metal (think about it ;) )
373. I hate... not knowing things
374. I love... the feeling when everything seems to be going okay
375. I have... this urge to be able to sing like Lande
376. In 10 years I will... be a known good musician (I hope :cry: )
377. I was sad when... I was told that I'm not good enough
378. I wanted to vanish when... done something utterly embarassing
379. I often... have conversations in my head
380. I will never... be under a jumping elephant in autumn at 12:04 in the middle of a cornfield
381. Sex on the beach under a blazing sun, or sex on a grassy meadow under the stars? grassy meadow of fucking course
382. When was the last time you went to a doctor/health professional, and what was it for? Last summer. For a physical. Healthy as a horse.. or something.
383. What's the most recent band you've discovered, that you like? Hmmm... maybe Mnemic
384. What did your most recent meal consist of? Bluecheese -burger and fries
385. Do you wear earplugs at concerts? No
386. Most recent (new) magazine you've bought/read? Inferno
Windom Pearl..

If your Pantera-thing is real.. I salute you :worship: You´re more than welcome to my mansion of beer and Pantera.. Anytime! Just give me a hint when arriving to Valkeakoski again!
369. are you right- or left-handed?



370. where does your lack of sleep show?

headache, eyes burning, anxiety, desire to be taken care of


371. i am...



372. today i'm going to...

see two friends


373. i hate...



374. i love...

too much


375. i have...

no faith


376. in 10 years i will...

hopefully be dead on the battlefield


377. i was sad when...

i arrived to work a while ago


378. i wanted to vanish when...

i realised about the benefits of being invisible


379. i often...

make stupid blunders


380. i will never...

give up


381. sex on the beach under the sun, or sex on a grassy meadow under the stars?

well, both. but grassy meadow will hurt my eyes much less, under a very sex-unrelated point of view


382. when was the last time you went to a doctor/health professional, and what was it for?

last month i briefly visited my doctor because i had third-degree burns on six fingers and i wanted him to tell me if my stupidity was genetical


383. what's the most recent band you've discovered, that you like?



384. what did your most recent meal consist of?

can't remember


385. do you wear earplugs at concerts?



386. most recent (new) magazine you've bought/read?

i don't buy magazines

lumitalvi said:
Since your pm storage seems to be full (!!!) I have to say in public that I love you now. :tickled:
that's much better than hearing it in private anyway. :p

my premium member subscription just died. :erk: i'll renew it as soon as possible, maybe already today.
381. Sex on the beach under a blazing sun, or sex on a grassy meadow under the stars? - Meadow under the stars.
382. When was the last time you went to a doctor/health professional, and what was it for? - Doctor, a couple of years ago, about eczema on my hands/fingers.
383. What's the most recent band you've discovered, that you like? - Ensiferum. :p
384. What did your most recent meal consist of? - A stir fry of egg fried rice and Chinese vegetables, followed by a quarter of a small chocolate cake, a slice of coffee cake, and a bowl of rice pudding.
385. Do you wear earplugs at concerts? - No.
386. Most recent (new) magazine you've bought/read? - Kerrang! a couple of years ago.
387. Would you have wanted to live in the 70´s or the 60´s? (and I mean lived as in being 20-30 old, not born)
388. Gold or silver?
389. You want to change your name, what is it now?
390. What are you in horoscopes?
391. Lots of spices in food or not?

392. Yesterday...
393. Today...
394. Tomorrow...
395. Summer is...
396. Raining will...
397. I fear...
398. Don´t...
399. I lauhged my ass off when...
400. The worst...
387. Would you have wanted to live in the 70´s or the 60´s? 70's. The music was better.
388. Gold or silver? Silver.
389. You want to change your name, what is it now?
390. What are you in horoscopes? Capricorn, yet sometimes also sagittarius depending of the horoscope. I've always counted myself capricorn, it fits. Monkey in chinese.
391. Lots of spices in food or not? What's lot? Let's say medium amounts.
392. Yesterday... I watched Starship Troopers and didn't like it despite the beautiful girls and that guys great ass.
393. Today... I'll play guitar, I suppose.
394. Tomorrow... is friday and I live again for a couple of days.
395. Summer is... something I eagerly wait.
396. Raining will... make everything muddy, including me.
397. I fear... that I won't ever become rich.
398. Don´t... die on my, don't go away, when I need you here, in my need.
399. I lauhged my ass off when... we were talking bollocks in sunday's hangover.
400. The worst... part of this morning is that I feel the urge to shit even though I haven't even drank coffee.
600 to go so I might as well start...

401. Have you ever had the same dream more than once?
402. Ever visited a fortune- teller?
403. Did you born under the lucky stars?
404. Ever participated in a demonstration?
405. What would you demonstrate against if you had to?
406. Are you good at finding things that are missing?
407. Wanna be a president or a king?
408. Your idol?
409. Do you often "what if"- yourself?
410. How many hours you sleep during the night?
401. Have you ever had the same dream more than once? Not exatcly the same, but with almost the same stuff in it.
402. Ever visited a fortune- teller? In local youth disco when I was 12 :lol: But never a "real" one.
403. Did you born under the lucky stars? My stars are gay. Wonder what you ment with this. I have no idea of the actual star thing in an astronomical way, but I think I've had a good life with good possibilities.
404. Ever participated in a demonstration? No.
405. What would you demonstrate against if you had to? Gays.
406. Are you good at finding things that are missing? No, I always have to ask Saija. It's the way the things go when living with a woman.
407. Wanna be a president or a king? President would be cool. I could destroy the whole finnish nation by sayin something "You know Bush, I think you're just plain gay."
408. Your idol? Mike Patton, Chris Cornell, Phil Anselmo (even though he's a lost pothead).
409. Do you often "what if"- yourself? Many times per minute here at work. "What if I just quit and did what I really want?"
410. How many hours you sleep during the night? About 7,5 if it's a normal night.
387. would you have preferred to live in the '70s or the '60s?

'70s. chances are i would have been killed by local terrorists instead of being recruited by a bunch of hippies. so much better


388. gold or silver?

silver. at least it's useful if werewolves are around


389. you want to change your name. what is it now?



390. what are you in horoscopes?

if you mean my sign, i'm a taurus. they say i should be stubborn and calm and down to earth, but they don't know shit


391. lots of spices in food or not?

depends on the food. i can stand spicey pretty well, so on average, yes


392. yesterday...

doesn't exist anymore


393. today...

can only be perceived as either time past or time future


394. tomorrow...

doesn't exist yet


395. summer is...

a useless hot season


396. raining will...

be more than welcome


397. i fear...

to be wasted away


398. don't...



399. i laughed my ass off when...

i read about profanity's fate


400. the worst...

is yet to come


401. have you ever had the same dream more than once?

yes. back when i still remembered my dreams i recall dreaming often of getting on a bus headed in the wrong direction and not being able to get off. that's how happy i was in my hey-days too


402. ever visited a fortune teller?



403. were you born under a lucky star?

my star is only lucky it doesn't know me


404. ever participated to a demonstration?



405. what would you demonstrate against if you had to?



406. are you good at finding things that are missing?

not exceptionally good. just normal


407. wanna be a president or a king?

king. kings get to wear funnier outfits


408. your idol?

i have none


409. do you often "what if-" yourself?

yes. but... what if i didn't? :p


410. how many hours you sleep during the night?

counting my sleeping hours of a week and dividing them by seven, i get an average of 40 minutes.

387. Would you have wanted to live in the 70´s or the 60´s? (and I mean lived as in being 20-30 old, not born) - Probably not.
388. Gold or silver? - Silver is a nicer colour, gold is nicer substance.
389. You want to change your name, what is it now? - I don't know. Heh, it's something I've never thought about, but I don't like most English names anyway.
390. What are you in horoscopes? - My star sign is Aries.
391. Lots of spices in food or not? - Yes, I usually like it.

392. Yesterday... I ordered a new hard drive.
393. Today... it arrived, 10 minutes ago.
394. Tomorrow... I will try my hardest to avoid meeting with someone from uni to do some work.
:p - :p to you too.
395. Summer is... so close, and yet so far away... :(
396. Raining will... make great noise when it falls on your head.
397. I fear... spiders, heights, depths, and never finding "someone".
398. Don´t... step on my blue suede shoes.
399. I lauhged my ass off when... I think of some of the incredibly stupid things I've done recently.
400. The worst... thread ever is the exact opposite of what this thread is.
387. Would you have wanted to live in the 70´s or the 60´s? (and I mean lived as in being 20-30 old, not born) No

388. Gold or silver? Silver

389. You want to change your name, what is it now? MC T-Bone Steak

390. What are you in horoscopes? Cancer... uuh yees... cancer

391. Lots of spices in food or not? Yes

392. Yesterday... All my troubles seemed so far away...

393. Today... Is the day I live

394. Tomorrow... is a new day
395. Summer is...
nice when spent with good friends and beer

396. Raining will... end this fucking winter

397. I fear... failure

398. Don´t... tempt me... I'm easy.

399. I lauhged my ass off when... Thales guys +Anth were drinking with us last weekend

400. The worst... is better when you change the o to u and add met to the beginning

401. Have you ever had the same dream more than once? 7th or 8th grade I used to have the same dream about this awesome dark haired girl with a black dress etc. goth stuff who lived in a castle(which was really a 3-stories building where I lived when I was 4)... I told about the dream to my closest friend then and he had the exact same dream were the girl is walking down the stairs to you and you feel calm and wonderful and all that funny "real love" stuff kind of stuff. Weird... I also had falling dreams and these kind of jumping and rising -dreams when you know that it's only a matter of time until you start falling back.. They really had me freak out every time. I don't have nightmares or pretty much any dreams anymore... sad.

402. Ever visited a fortune- teller? nope

403. Did you born under the lucky stars? I guess. Somehow everything works out... I don't know why.

404. Ever participated in a demonstration? I'm not sure what you mean. Maybe.

405. What would you demonstrate against if you had to? What the fuck!?!? Protest? What are you talking about? Nothing is my answer.

406. Are you good at finding things that are missing? nope

407. Wanna be a president or a king? It's good to be the king

408. Your idol? Hmm... Gilbert Grape and Stevie Ray

409. Do you often "what if"- yourself? always

410. How many hours you sleep during the night? 6