Worst thread ever, heheh

431. Not a "real" question.. but would anyone of you HE-MAN- dudes like to sell those, if you still have them? - I never really liked HeMan, so no.
432. On which side do you usually go to sit in a bus? - Whichever side there's a full empty seat near the back. If there's a choice, usually the right.
433. When you buy something out of a store, do you take the first product on the row or do you reach back to have a product that is "less touched"? - First one, unless it's visibly damaged.
434. Is it hard to swallow your pride? - I have none.
435. Do you go in gigs only if there is a band you like or do you go to gigs just to entertain yourself whether there is a good band or not? - Only if there's a good band on, which possibly explains my gigcount of 3.
436. Do you often eat gum? - When I go to uni, so roughly 3 times a week.
437. Does walking in the centre of your town carrying large objects bother you? - Not really, but if it's heavy it does.
438. Do you buy second-hand stuff? - No, I prefer first hand if I can get it.
439. Enjoy walking around flea-markets? - No. Too many people.
440. Do you have a good memory, or do you need little paper- reminders around? - I used to remember everything, now my memory's slipping but I still don't write anything down.
441. How long does it take to make you angry? - It depends. A lot of people can't make me angry because I just don't give a shit. Some people can make me angry very easily, because I give too much of a shit.
442. Are you satisfied in the way your hand writing looks? - I can make it look neat if I can be arsed, so yes.
443. Men who wear make-up? - Meh.
444. Do you have your cd´s in alphabetical order? - Yes, except the latest My Dying Bride is right on top since it doesn't fit in the gaps, then the Apulanta is next because it was a special present, then Opeth ones come becaue at the time of ordering I listened to them the most and it was easier like that, then the rest in alphabetical order by bandname, sub-ordered by date of release.
445. How much cd´s do you own? - Heh, less than 50. I only started buying a few years ago when my brother moved away and I couldn't borrow his anymore, and since then I've had no money.
446. Are you always on time? - Nearly always early, I hate being late.
447. Is ballét beautiful? - It can be, or it can be naff.
448. Have you had any trouble with the police? - No.
449. From how many different countries you have friends? - I'd say 7.
450. Is customer always right? - No one is always right.
451. How many jobs have you had during your lifetime? - 0.
452. Is it embarrassing to buy sex-related stuff? - I wouldn't know.

453. My friends... rule, for the most part.
454. My parents... should stop going on about me spending a lot of time in my room.
455. School... was a few years ago now, but sort of fun.

456. Porn ...is overrated.
457. Being unable to help ...kills me.
458. A big hairy spider ...freaks me out.

459. 5 best things in the world? - Music. Some other stuff.
460. Does your back hurt often? - Not anymore, but I did have a muscle spasm once and couldn't play football or do anything like that for 3 or 4 months.
461. Do you have good sense of directions? - Usually, yes.
462. Is it easier to say personal stuff in other language than your own? - Je t'aime. Mä rakastan sua. I love you. Nothing else I know how to say.
463. What kind of people draw your attention while walking on the street? - Couples who insist on hugging and kissing as they walk along. Gods that makes me pissed off, and if I ever get a girlfriend I'll make sure I do exactly the same in order to piss off the other tits.
464. You´re buying a car. What colour will it be? - I don't care, as long as it's not bright pink or lime green or something stupid like that.
465. What would make you even better? - Being loved.
466. Do you make friends easily? - No. I'm far too shy and nervous and quiet, and my sense of humour is a little strange.
467. If your partner was working in the sex business would you want him/her to stop? - Possibly, I don't know until it happens. But I would imagine so.
468. The Monkeys or The Beatles? - The Beatles, of course.

Thanks Lumidear.
356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)? i'll get back to you on that

357. does god exist? yes

358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)?

359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why? yes and no. it'll take too long to explain

360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust? damn right i would

361. how many people do you think really understand you? 0

362. treble or bass? bass

363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better
than nothing? no, i'm a sore loser

364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be? uhhhh, i dunno right now.

365. best record you've bought so far this year? the only cd i've bought this year is nickelback - the long road. quit looking at me like that.

366. do you like pineapples? sometimes in small quantities

367: Are you good at helping other people who have problems?? not usually, but i'm a good listener

368: Are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency?? yes

369. Are you right- or left handed? right

370. Where does your lack of sleep show? i have big bags under my eyes and i'm quite bitchy right now

371. I am... watching hypocrisy destroys wacken at work

372. Today I´m going to... work/sleep/go back to work

373. I hate... everything about you(that song is stuck in my head right now)

374. I love... sex

375. I have... a dr pepper

376. In 10 years I will... possibly have something right in my life.

377. I was sad when... 9/11

378. I wanted to vanish when... i realized i'm crap

379. I often... question why the fuck i go on living

380. I will never... didn't we already have this?

381. Sex on the beach under a blazing sun, or sex on a grassy meadow under the stars? grassy meadow, all that sand sucks

382. When was the last time you went to a doctor/health professional, and what was it for? fungal thingee. it was gross

383. What's the most recent band you've discovered, that you like? something must die

384. What did your most recent meal consist of? turkey sandwich

385. Do you wear earplugs at concerts? what? can't hear you

386. Most recent (new) magazine you've bought/read? Guitar One
387. Would you have wanted to live in the 70´s or the 60´s? (and I mean lived as in being 20-30 old, not born) 60's, no disco

388. Gold or silver? silver

389. You want to change your name, what is it now? ehhhh, i dunno

390. What are you in horoscopes? cancer

391. Lots of spices in food or not? yes please

392. Yesterday... i worked at my other job

393. Today... i work at my normal job

394. Tomorrow... i come back to this wretched place

395. Summer is... gonna be fucking hot

396. Raining will... make soccer more fun

397. I fear... too many things

398. Don´t... eat yellow snow

399. I lauhged my ass off when... i read about tharsh's camel cum bombs(don't ask)

400. The worst... fred durst

401. Have you ever had the same dream more than once? yes

402. Ever visited a fortune- teller? no

403. Did you born under the lucky stars? considering the way my life has been, no

404. Ever participated in a demonstration? yes

405. What would you demonstrate against if you had to? depends on what it's for

406. Are you good at finding things that are missing? no

407. Wanna be a president or a king? sure why not

408. Your idol? right now.... alexi laiho

409. Do you often "what if"- yourself? yes

410. How many hours you sleep during the night? 4-6

411. Are golf and tennis sports for rich-assses? no

412. Did you play with dolls when you were little? no

413. When Barbie and Ken broke up, were you upset :lol:? no

414. Do you watch MTV? sometimes

415. Would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor? neither

416. Do you rather call than write text messages? i hate talking on the phone

417. Does sun give you energy? no

418. If someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too? yes

419. Gays? ( :rolleyes: ) i don't agree with it, but it's their life. they can do what they want with it

420. Do you have friends at your workplace? one of my friends is my boss at my other job

421. Who cuts your hair? the hair cutting place, whom i rarely see because i'm growing my hair out

422. How many shoes you have? - 5 pairs

423. Do you sing while showering? yes

424. Do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in your country? only major stuff. if it's a car wreck, no. we have more in 1 day in my town than finland has in 1 week

425. How many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer? too many

426. Have you rode (ride, rode, ridden?? :eek: ) a horse? yes

427. What time do you wake up? usually after the crack of noon :lol:

428. Do typos irritate you? not the little ones

429. From what does the best sallad you´ve had consist of: grilled chicken caesar salad

430. Society? awesome song by pennywise

431. Not a "real" question.. but would anyone of you HE-MAN- dudes like to sell those, if you still have them? don't have any of them anymore

432. On which side do you usually go to sit in a bus? i don't ride the bus. i drive my car.

433. When you buy something out of a store, do you take the first product on the row or do you reach back to have a product that is "less touched"? first one, unless it's visibly damaged.

434. Is it hard to swallow your pride? yes

435. Do you go in gigs only if there is a band you like or do you go to gigs just to entertain yourself whether there is a good band or not?only if there's a band i like

436. Do you often eat gum? yes

437. Does walking in the centre of your town carrying large objects bother you? yes, there's too many people here

438. Do you buy second-hand stuff? no, i prefer first hand if i can get it.

439. Enjoy walking around flea-markets? no

440. Do you have a good memory, or do you need little paper- reminders around? yes and no

441. How long does it take to make you angry? depends

442. Are you satisfied in the way your hand writing looks? sure

443. Men who wear make-up? gay

444. Do you have your cd´s in alphabetical order? no

445. How much cd´s do you own? i haven't counted in a while. a lot

446. Are you always on time? usually

447. Is ballét beautiful? not my thing

448. Have you had any trouble with the police? yes. here and holland.

449. From how many different countries you have friends? quite a few

450. Is customer always right? no, the customer is always stupid

451. How many jobs have you had during your lifetime? several

452. Is it embarrassing to buy sex-related stuff? depends on what it is

453. My friends... i never get to see them

454. My parents... bitch at me too much about stupid things

455. School... sucks, but i want to go back

456. baseball ...is overrated.

457. not being able to move out of my parents house ...kills me.

458. A big hairy spider ...freaks me out.

459. 5 best things in the world? - Music. Some other stuff
460. Does your back hurt often? yes

461. Do you have good sense of directions? yes and no

462. Is it easier to say personal stuff in other language than your own? no

463. What kind of people draw your attention while walking on the street? - hot chicks

464. You´re buying a car. What colour will it be? don't really care

465. What would make you even better? it would take a lot of things

466. Do you make friends easily? depends on my mood when i meet them. if i'm not in a good mood, people think i'm a jackass or just strange

467. If your partner was working in the sex business would you want him/her to stop? if it was a desk job, no. if it was getting in on the action, yes

468. The Monkeys or The Beatles? - the beatles
431. would anyone of you "he-man" action figures owners be willing to sell them?

i can sell you magic : the gathering playing cards


432. on which side do you usually go to sit in a bus?

left, window


433. when you buy something in a store, do you take the first box on the shelf or do you reach back to get a product that has been touched less?

i sometimes do try to pick a box that doesn't look as it's been manipulated many times. it also depends on the product, mostly whether it's food or not


434. is it hard to swallow your pride?

next to impossible


435. do you go to shows only if a band you like is playing, or just to entertain yourself regardless of how you like the band?

only if a band i like is performing. i wouldn't mind going in other circumstances as well, in case a friend wants to go and asks me to come along


436. do you often eat gum?

i never do


437. does walking in the centre of your town carrying large objects bother you?

well, there was this one time i had to walk through town carrying a hippo on my back and... :rolleyes:
oh, ok: i think it would bother me to carry large objects anywhere, but it hasn't happened that often


438. do you buy second-hand stuff?



439. enjoy walking around flea-markets?

i don't like visiting any kind of market


440. do you have a good memory, or do you need little notes around?

i have quite a good memory when it comes to organization, being on time, doing chores. don't really need any help with that


441. how long does it take to make you angry?

i almost never lose my patience, so i would say it takes a lot to make me really angry. i know i tend to get resentful more easily, though


442. are you satisfied with the way your handwriting looks?

quite so, as it looks pretty neat even though i'm left-handed


443. men who wear make up?

i hope they have fun


444. do you keep your cd's in alphabetical order?



445. how many cd's do you own?

around 900 original records on cd


446. are you always on time?

definitely. sometimes even early


447. is ballét beautiful?

it's boring


448. have you ever had any trouble with the police?

not unless you consider trouble the few times they stopped me while i was working for surveillance and bitched about anything just because cops don't like p.i.'s


449. from how many different countries do you have friends?

as many as are represented on ultimatemetal


450. is a customer always right?

formally yes, it's a good policy. technically, a customer is often an annoying fuck


451. how many jobs have you had in your lifetime?



452. is it embarassing to buy sex-related equipment?

i suppose it is, what with showing around how you feel about something so intimate and all. i never did, though, so i cannot know for certain


453. my friends...

are few and far apart


454. my parents...

are an unlikely match


455. school...

's memories are starting to fade


456. ...is overrated



457. ...kills me



458. ...freaks me out

a moth


459. 5 best things in the world?

communication amongst human beings, dark tranquillity, writing, pizza, and affection


460. does your back hurt often?



461. do you have a good sense of direction?

close to perfect


462. is it easier to say personal stuff in languages other than your own?

absolutely, much easier


463. what kind of people draw your attention when walking in the streets?

the loudest: i start hating them with a passion


464. you're buying a car: what colour will it be?

either black or silver


465. what would make you even better?

a new life with more understanding


466. do you make friends easily?

in fact i think i do


467. if your partner was working in the sex industry, would you want him/her to stop?

i think i would. maybe i wouldn't want to break up if she doesn't, provided the relationship is good in every other aspect, but i'd certainly be mightly annoyed by her doing something involving relations i find intimate with a large number of people and for motives of the non-sentimental kind


468. the monkeys or the beatles?

the beatles

431. Not a "real" question.. but would anyone of you HE-MAN- dudes like to sell those, if you still have them? Of course not!
432. On which side do you usually go to sit in a bus? Right, window
433. When you buy something out of a store, do you take the first product on the row or do you reach back to have a product that is "less touched"? sometimes. usually because of the expiration date.
434. Is it hard to swallow your pride? sometimes
435. Do you go in gigs only if there is a band you like or do you go to gigs just to entertain yourself whether there is a good band or not? Has to be a good band or cheap.
436. Do you often eat gum? No
437. Does walking in the centre of your town carrying large objects bother you? Yes
438. Do you buy second-hand stuff? Sometimes... if it's in a good condition
439. Enjoy walking around flea-markets? sometimes
440. Do you have a good memory, or do you need little paper- reminders around? My memory sucks
441. How long does it take to make you angry? Quite a while
442. Are you satisfied in the way your hand writing looks? No
443. Men who wear make-up? Are GAY! And I don't mean happy.
444. Do you have your cd´s in alphabetical order? Yes
445. How much cd´s do you own? Little under 200. Haven't bought them in a while
446. Are you always on time? No. Usually 15 min. late
447. Is ballét beautiful? No. Guess what it is....
448. Have you had any trouble with the police? No
449. From how many different countries you have friends? I'm not sure what to call a friend. I guess one only. I guess some of the UM people would be also. Feels just a bit stupid not having talked with them "live"...
450. Is customer always right? No. I think the customer is usually wrong.
451. How many jobs have you had during your lifetime? Hmm... I've worked in over 20 or so places... but only as a trainee or slt.
452. Is it embarrassing to buy sex-related stuff? Naah

453. My friends...
are awesome
454. My parents... are awesome
455. School... sucks assholioo

456. The word overrated...is overrated.
Death...kills me.
Selibacy...freaks me out.

459. 5 best things in the world?
Friends, girls, guitar, music, booze
460. Does your back hurt often? In fact... yes.
461. Do you have good sense of directions? Nope.
462. Is it easier to say personal stuff in other language than your own? No
463. What kind of people draw your attention while walking on the street? Summer is coming and I'm really afraid to drive you know... So I'm talking girls with their miniskirts and tops.. Yeah. Can't help it.
464. You´re buying a car. What colour will it be? Electric blue
465. What would make you even better? Talent
466. Do you make friends easily? Not sure
467. If your partner was working in the sex business would you want him/her to stop? If I would date someone in the business I think I would originally be okay with it.
468. The Monkeys or The Beatles? Beatles
469. Do you donate to charity?? If so: what do you donate, how much, how often, to which charities?? i'm a charity case myself, so no :lol:

469. when you walk on a mall or on street are you always the one that have to dodge the ones that walk straight forward? we both try to dodge each other, so we just dance for a few seconds :lol:

470. does it piss you off that they never dodge you? n/a

471. have you ever thought "fuck, I'm not going to dodge no one anymore because they aren't neither" and walked straight forward? n/a

472. did they then walk straight on you? how many times are you gonna ask the same question? :lol:

473. when you come out from a Metro does it makes you inasanely angry when all the old goats/young rap kids rush in before you get out? uhhh, sure

474. Ever walked wast out punching the old goats/young rap kids from the way? shoving, not punching. the metro in atlanta blows camel balls.

475. did it make the adrenaline rush and your mouth go all smiley, after you see their prizeless faces? not really

476. do you open/keep the door for someone with huge packages or such? yes

477. when you drive a car, do you have a feeling you're the only one that seem to know how to drive? a lot of times, yes

478. if you were a cop, from how many percent of people would you take their drivers licence away? here in atlanta? at least 90%
469. when you walk on a mall or on street are you always the one that have to dodge the ones that walk straight forward? Usually. Two men walk towards each other and the other man repeats on and on:"I won't make way for assholes. I won't make way for assholes." The other guy stands aside and says:"Well I will." ;)

470. does it piss you off that they never dodge you? Sometimes

471. have you ever thought "fuck, I'm not going to dodge no one anymore because they aren't neither" and walked straight forward? Sometimes

472. did they then walk straight on you? Yes

473. when you come out from a Metro does it makes you inasanely angry when all the old goats/young rap kids rush in before you get out? I've never walked out of a metro or an underground.

474. Ever walked wast out punching the old goats/young rap kids from the way? No

475. did it make the adrenaline rush and your mouth go all smiley, after you see their prizeless faces? No

476. do you open/keep the door for someone with huge packages or such? Yes

477. when you drive a car, do you have a feeling you're the only one that seem to know how to drive? Yes

478. if you were a cop, from how many percent of people would you take their drivers licence away? Many

Having a bad day eh?
469. Do you donate to charity?? If so: what do you donate, how much, how often, to which charities?? - A little. We get sacks through the door asking for old stuff we never use anymore, so I'll donate some old clothes and stuff like that. And once I gave £10 to a cancer research... thing.

470. when you walk on a mall or on street are you always the one that have to dodge the ones that walk straight forward? - I'm dodgy.

471. does it piss you off that they never dodge you? - Not really, everyone can't dodge at the same time, imagine how hectic that would be.

472. have you ever thought "fuck, I'm not going to dodge no one anymore because they aren't neither" and walked straight forward? - No.

473. did they then walk straight on you? - N/A.

474. when you come out from a Metro does it makes you inasanely angry when all the old goats/young rap kids rush in before you get out? - No, if that happens I'll walk straight and let them all bounce off me.

475. Ever walked wast out punching the old goats/young rap kids from the way? - See above; not punched, just not dodged.

476. did it make the adrenaline rush and your mouth go all smiley, after you see their prizeless faces? - No, it just made me chuckle slightly inside.

477. do you open/keep the door for someone with huge packages or such? - Yes, and often even if they don't have a package.

478. when you drive a car, do you have a feeling you're the only one that seem to know how to drive? - Occasionally.

479. if you were a cop, from how many percent of people would you take their drivers licence away? - 34.788%.
469. do you donate to charity? if so, what do you donate, how much, how often, to which charities?

i don't


470. when you walk around inside a mall or in the streets, are you always the one having to dodge the ones that are walking straight towards you?



471. does it piss you off that they never dodge you?

it pisses them off if they don't and bump into me: i'm bony.


472. have you ever thought "fuck, i'm not going to dodge anyone anymore because they aren't either" and walked straight forward?

that's what i always do: walk fast, look worried. if people don't step aside it's their problem


473. did they then walk straight on you?

none but the most suicidal do


474. when you come out of a metro station, does it make you insanely angry when all the old goats / young rap kids rush in before you get out?

i try to avoid taking buses or city trains, exactly because i'm bound to be annoyed by just about everybody's behaviour. however, i have never been on the same vehicle with goats or other farmyard animals :err:


475. ever walked out quickly, punching the old goats / young rap kids out of the way?

i have indeed been pushing people aside on more than one occasion, with many a malicious intention. again, goats were however not involved. and i don't like all the bias against people who listen to rap music. i listen to rap music. and in my town/country i'm much more afflicted by young metal kids than any other kind


476. did it cause an adrenalin rush and made your mouth go all smiley, seeing their prizeless faces?

no, i try to look at stupid people as little as possible. they're ugly, and their dumbness is apparent


477. do you open/hold the door for someone with huge packages and such?

yes i do


478. when you drive a car, do you have a feeling you're the only one that seems to be able to drive?

it's not a feeling, it's true


479. if you were a cop, from how high a percentage of people would you take driving licenses away?

85% if i'm in a good mood
