Worst thread ever, heheh

@hearse: oh blimey! ;)
i think i'm just more misanthropic than average. i positively hate strangers i meet in the street, i expect them to be total retards, and so far i have been proven wrong very rarely. so i assume i have the fucking right to walk in a straight line, also because i'm faster and i'm usually going somewhere meaningful, not just plain fucking around the centre of town like so many idiots these days. so they gotta move aside and stop contemplating their belly-buttons for two seconds, look ahead, see me coming, avoid me and then get back to their scheduled program of mind-numbing stupidity in my wake. plain and simple. :)
469. Do you donate to charity?? If so: what do you donate, how much, how often, to which charities??

Erm I think it's quite hypocritical to talk about how much you donate to charity and stuff like that. If you do, you can keep it to yourself and not brag about it.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Erm I think it's quite hypocritical to talk about how much you donate to charity and stuff like that. If you do, you can keep it to yourself and not brag about it.
i guess aside from the person who asked, the others have just been replying to the question so they're not really hunting down people to tell them. ;) plus the common answer seems to be "no" anyway.

btw, loli, what did you ask, in order for love to say no? :p
rahvin said:
471. does it piss you off that they never dodge you?

it pisses them off if they don't and bump into me: i'm bony.
I'm bony too, but that only means I get shoved around a bit if I happen to bump into anyone, and generally the multiple layers of clothing and fat of the bumpee is enough to render my boniness useless.

Lolita Vampiriá said:
Erm I think it's quite hypocritical to talk about how much you donate to charity and stuff like that. If you do, you can keep it to yourself and not brag about it.
381. Sex on the beach under a blazing sun, or sex on a grassy meadow under the stars? No sex.
382. When was the last time you went to a doctor/health professional, and what was it for? Last Summer. Shot a nail through my wrist. It was fun. And I like to mention it every time I can.
383. What's the most recent band you've discovered, that you like? Worship.
384. What did your most recent meal consist of? A pepper steak and rice (and other shit). From a nearby grill.
385. Do you wear earplugs at concerts? Fuck no.
386. Most recent (new) magazine you've bought/read? It's been so long ago I can't remember for sure. The second issue of SFP, possibly.

387. Would you have wanted to live in the 70's or the 60's? 70's. Judas Priest. Rok-rok, rai-rai!
388. Gold or silver? Cats drunk on copper.
389. You want to change your name, what is it now? Horst Vessel.
390. What are you in horoscopes? Scorpio. (What's the point asking both birthday and star sign?)
391. Lots of spices in food or not? Just right amount of them.

392. Yesterday I came back home tired and hungry.
393. Today I won't do shit.
394. Tomorrow I try hard to avoid doing shit.

395. Summer is a diabolical holocaust.
396. Raining will purify the earth, in the case it's raining fire.
397. I fear everything and nothing.
398. Don't be such an ass.
399. I lauhged my ass off when I was talking about all things dry but greasy a few nights back.
400. The worst possible things always end up happening.

401. Have you ever had the same dream more than once? Yes.
402. Ever visited a fortune- teller? Fuck no.
403. Did you born under the lucky stars? If you consider Aldebaran a lucky star. I wasn't born under it, though.
404. Ever participated in a demonstration? No.
405. What would you demonstrate against if you had to? Stupidity. But that would be stupid.
406. Are you good at finding things that are missing? No.
407. Wanna be a president or a king? A lackey or a geisha.
408. Your idol? "Did you think you would be saved by the gods and idols you have made?"
409. Do you often "what if"- yourself? No.
410. How many hours you sleep during the night? 0-12.

411. Are golf and tennis sports for rich-assses? No sports.
412. Did you play with dolls when you were little? Dolls are scary.
413. When Barbie and Ken broke up, were you upset? Se on niin surullista kun mielikuvitusolennoille tulee paha mieli.
414. Do you watch MTV? No TV.
415. Would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor? No profession.
416. Do you rather call than write text messages? Depends what is the purpose.
417. Does sun give you energy? No. Food does.
418. If someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too? No.
419. Gays? No gays.
420. Do you have friends at your workplace? ABOLISH WORK!

421. Who cuts your hair? Nobody.
422. How many shoes you have? Hei Rauski, tsiigaa mun uusii skloboi!
423. Do you sing while showering? Only when in psychosis.
424. Do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in your country? I laugh my ass off. Not because of the accident, but because of the stupid little cunts telling how shocked and sorry for the relatives they are, even though they've never even met the victims or the relatives.
425. How many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer? Usually too many.
426. Have you rode a horse? No.
427. What time do you wake up? After I've got enough sleep.
428. Do typos irritate you? Yes.
429. From what does the best sallad you've had consist of? No salad.
430. Society? No society.

431. Not a "real" question.. but would anyone of you HE-MAN- dudes like to sell those, if you still have them? I AM THE MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE!
432. On which side do you usually go to sit in a bus? Who the fuck gives a flying fuck?
433. When you buy something out of a store, do you take the first product on the row or do you reach back to have a product that is "less touched"? If the first one looks like it's been "touched too much", then maybe reach for a one in better condition.
434. Is it hard to swallow your pride? I don't swallow.
435. Do you go in gigs only if there is a band you like or do you go to gigs just to entertain yourself whether there is a good band or not? I go if I have enough money to get wasted.
436. Do you often eat gum? Very, very seldom.
437. Does walking in the centre of your town carrying large objects bother you? Not if the object is a 20kg sack of malt.
438. Do you buy second-hand stuff? Yes.
439. Enjoy walking around flea-markets? Yes.
440. Do you have a good memory, or do you need little paper- reminders around? Bad memory, no reminders.
441. How long does it take to make you angry? A second. I don't get angry at people, though.
442. Are you satisfied in the way your hand writing looks? Yes.
443. Men who wear make-up? Just as bad as women who wear make-up.
444. Do you have your cd's in alphabetical order? They used to be. Now they're all around the tables and shelfs.
445. How much cd's do you own? Maybe about 250 or so. And a few dozen vinyls.
446. Are you always on time? I COME EARLY!
447. Is ballét beautiful? As beautiful as a lump of shit on the wall.
448. Have you had any trouble with the police? Not really. Or, well, there was an arrest warrant of me for a year or so.
449. From how many different countries you have friends? One.
450. Is customer always right? Don't you dare to ask questions this stupid.
451. How many jobs have you had during your lifetime? Umm. About five, maybe. Depends what you count as a (different) job.
452. Is it embarrassing to buy sex-related stuff? No.

453. My friends fuck sheeps.
454. My parents are middle-aged and middle-class.
455. School is for suckers.

456. Sex is overrated.
457. Life kills me.
458. Nothing freaks me out anymore.

459. 5 best things in the world? Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee and cigarettes.
460. Does your back hurt often? Never. I'm made of steel.
461. Do you have good sense of directions? I'm not retarded, if that's what you're asking.
462. Is it easier to say personal stuff in other language than your own? No.
463. What kind of people draw your attention while walking on the street? Not any kind of people.
464. You're buying a car. What colour will it be? Pink (Cadillac).
465. What would make you even better? Mauserinnappi.
466. Do you make friends easily? No. I don't want to.
467. If your partner was working in the sex business would you want him/her to stop? "Sex business" can be interpreted in so many ways, so can't really say for sure.
468. The Monkeys or The Beatles? SEIGNEUR VOLAND

469. Do you donate to charity? No.

470. when you walk on a mall or on street are you always the one that have to dodge the ones that walk straight forward? Usually people take the different side of the road long before they cross my path.
471. does it piss you off that they never dodge you? They almost always dodge me before I even notice them.
472. have you ever thought "fuck, I'm not going to dodge no one anymore because they aren't neither" and walked straight forward? No.
473. did they then walk straight on you? No.
474. when you come out from a Metro... No metro.
475. Ever walked wast out punching the old goats/young rap kids from the way? No.
476. did it make the adrenaline rush and your mouth go all smiley, after you see their prizeless faces? No rush.
477. do you open/keep the door for someone with huge packages or such? If I notice.
478. when you drive a car... No car.
479. if you were a cop, from how many percent of people would you take their drivers licence away? No police.

Ynghh blaargh fak-fook!

1.What is your full name?Jaakko Petteri paasio
2.How old are you? :heh: (don´t cheat, ladies!!)17 w

3.Favourite color?black
4.Favourite food and drink?pizza and beer

5.Favourite movie?bad taste
6.Favourite tv-serie?ajankohtainen kakkonen

7.Favourite cartoon character?homer simpson
8.Favourite game?cs

9.The sickest thing you know?the whole thing i think is sick
10.What is the thing you like doing best? drinkin
10.Is sex the best thing in the world?kirsi ranto
( ´cause the pressure of the public eye :lol: )

11.The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you?kukka kasvaa niityllä
12.The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you?mä rakstan sua

13.The best gig you´ve ever been to?slipknot in (hell)sinki
14.What foreign countries you have visited to?sweden,russia

15.In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday?hawai
16.The best coutry in the world? .

17.Coffee or tea?coffee
18.Milk or water?milk

19.The ugliest thing you own? i
20.The best word in the whole wide world?kepu on hyvää kaljaa or tupakka on hyvää röökiä

21.What is your job?masturbation
22.What would you WANNA do for living?playin mu(sic)

Ok, that´s enough.
Sorry in advance.[/QUOTE]
rahvin said:
or i'll send you mp3s if you start using something other than msn/nms/smn or whatever it's called. ;)

or you start using the MSN MESSENGER, ´cause trust me, that´s much more easier thing to do.
(But I don´t like mp3´s so this is just blaablaa here.)
Except the part that you must get msn...
lumitalvi said:
or you start using the MSN MESSENGER, ´cause trust me, that´s much more easier thing to do.
(But I don´t like mp3´s so this is just blaablaa here.)
Except the part that you must get msn...
i would rather copy that cd in audio format and send it all the way to your very home in finland than sign up to yet another chatter. :p
can't we find a compromise? i also have aim, for some reason...
So whattafak is the number now? 480 or 481?

480. If you are Robinson, who´s your Friday?
481. If you wear a longsleeve, do you often roll the sleeves up?
482. You have this sudden :dopey: for something. Do you get it no matter what?
483. Do you enjoy watching romantic comedies or do they make you puke?
484. There is a picture on the wall, but it´s not straight. Leave it like that?
485. Is cleaning a toilet fun?
486. Do you know many people that have the same name as you do?
487. Is the health of your environment (nature, not people) important to you?
488. Which is more stupid a)burning books b)shouting your opinions in the streets
489. Priests?
490. Is Cartman fat or just heavy boned?
lumitalvi said:
I´ll pm you my address :p
and THEN WE CAN BE PENPALS!! :dopey:
as long as you don't expect me to actually handwrite letters to you, that's fine by me: who cares if by the time a letter from me reaches you we've already talked for hours on the board, after all? :rolleyes: :p
ooohnonnoo...you see, I refuse to talk to you here if we start to (yes) handwrite letters :lol:

:erk: I don´t want to be this difficult. I´m just NOT good with these machines and I´d be happy staying with the things I now know how to handle.

Wait... I have an idea. Yes... it´s coming...
WHAT IF... I just go and listen the band at my local music shop? :p
lumitalvi said:
Wait... I have an idea. Yes... it´s coming...
WHAT IF... I just go and listen the band at my local music shop? :p
well, if they have it that's ok, although it's not that likely...

and do i have to write you a letter or be at your local music shop then? i'm getting confused... :p
muahaha :D
We meet at Swamp Music, of course.
When I´m up to it (which probably is not gonna happen soon) I´ll go and check out if they have it. Then we can continue this neverending quarrel.

I believe there was some questions for you :mad: ... :p