480. If you are Robinson, who´s your Friday?
- Jarkko
481. If you wear a longsleeve, do you often roll the sleeves up?
- All the time. My skin is damaged from my elbows from always lifting them up and rolling them down and going on and on...
482. You have this sudden
for something. Do you get it no matter what?
- If it´s Hypo, yes. If it´s candy, yes.
483. Do you enjoy watching romantic comedies or do they make you puke?
- Enjoy much, they are relaxing.
484. There is a picture on the wall, but it´s not straight. Leave it like that?
- Leave it.
485. Is cleaning a toilet fun?
- Hell no. And it has to be done way too often.
486. Do you know many people that have the same name as you do?
- A couple. I quess it´s not that common.
487. Is the health of your environment (nature, not people) important to you?
- Not really, but I think it could be.
488. Which is more stupid a)burning books b)shouting your opinions in the streets
- Burning
489. Priests?
- Depends on a person. umm.. they can be scary.
490. Is Cartman fat or just heavy boned?
- Heavy boned, sure!