Worst thread ever, heheh

401. Have you ever had the same dream more than once? - Yes, a really odd one where I was going down a massive slide/chute and it was winding all over the place, and the two men from Steptoe & Son were trying to catch me with loads of traps and stuff like that.
402. Ever visited a fortune- teller? - No, and I don't intend to.
403. Did you born under the lucky stars? - I don't know which stars are lucky.
404. Ever participated in a demonstration? - Nope.
405. What would you demonstrate against if you had to? - I don't know... right now, I'd only demonstrate against being forced to demonstrate against something.
406. Are you good at finding things that are missing? - Usually, but it depends on the thing.
407. Wanna be a president or a king? - Hell no.
408. Your idol? - I don't think I have one. Or maybe it's everyone who has their life sorted out.
409. Do you often "what if"- yourself? - Yes, all the time.
410. How many hours you sleep during the night? - Usually 5 or 6.
whoa, i've been away for a few days and look how many questions :eek:
okay, let's see what can i do during lunch break *chomp*

271. Do you prefer English English or American English (or another kind of English)?? having to deal much more with americans than with brits, i have less trouble understanding american english (apart from southern women speaking fast :ill: and ebony). it takes me 5 to about 10 minutes to follow the rhythm of a brit speaking fast, anyway, a bit more when it comes to australian english :lol: as for preferences, i don't care, everything goes as far as i can understand it, therefore my spoken english is a mix of everything, but i hope it's understandable enough for the listener
272. Your opinion on beanies? (I mean those hats that have something written on the front) i don't like them
273. How many dictionaries you have and what language they are about? uh, way too many... i have an ita-eng-ita dictionary and then all i own is eng- *insert language here* - eng stuff, including: german, french, spanish, dutch, icelandic, finnish and japanese
274. Do you like to have responsibility? not really
275. You and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. Your friend gets it. Are you able to be happy for him/her? it depends on how much i wanted the job, of course, but i think i might end up congratulating him/her after having simmered down a bit
276. What would be the best place to go on a first date? just going for a walk
277. You are thinking/watching something disgusting. Where do you feel it? i feel as if there's something swimming in my throat
278. How old were you when you spoke out your first curse word? no idea
279. What have you tried once and never will again? salmiakki
280. Who do you pity? lots of people
281. If you had a time machine, would you go forwards or backwards?? backwards, to make some changes
282. Wanna go to Las Vegas and gamble? i couldn't care less
283. You win ..let´s say about 1 million of whatever your money is called. What do you do with it? buy a house and invest the rest
284. Do your friends already have a family with children? only two of them
285. Are you a morningperson or nightkind? both, it depends on my mood
286. Do vampires facinate you? nope
287. Jason or Freddy? mercury, freddie, of course
288. Is eating everything else but real food (I´m talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder? not really, is not what you eat that creates such a problem
289. Your favourite story? (bed time and blaa) as a child i enjoyed my grandad telling me classic stories like snow white, cinderella and so on; as a teen, i reckon the princess bride was the tale i liked most
290. Women with bandshirts? as long as a tee looks good, i don't care what's it about
291. Wanna tell us all a joke? on reaching his plane seat a man is surprised to see a parrot strapped in next to him. he asks the stewardess for a coffee where upon the parrot squawks "and get me a whisky you cow!" the stewardess, flustered, brings back a whisky for the parrot and forgets the coffee. when this omission is pointed out to her the parrot drains its glass and bawls "and get me another whisky you idiot". quite upset, the girl comes back shaking with another whisky but still no coffee. unaccustomed to such slackness the man tries the parrot's approach "i've asked you twice for a coffee, go and get it now or i'll kick you".the next moment, both he and the parrot have been wrenched up and thrown out of the emergency exit by two burly stewards. plunging downwards the parrot turns to him and says "for someone who can't fly, you complain too much!"
292. Do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness? not that i'm aware of
293. Would you rather work in social services ( conserning children) or in old folks home? neither
294. Ever been in a fight? ("real" fight, with fists) yes
295. Ever been in court? on a school trip
296. What would be your worst nightmare in life? having to witness my beloved ones' death without being able to do anything to help
297. How old would you want to be now? (real age is not accepted) five
298. How long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going? until reaching 1000 questions, i suppose
299. More about cursing...do you curse often??? not really, my worse curses can be translated into something like "porky piggy evil cow" and "uncle banana"
300. Now who´s a vegetarian in here? surely not me
Rei Toei said:
299. More about cursing...do you curse often??? not really, my worse curses can be translated into something like "porky piggy evil cow" and "uncle banana"

banaani-setä :lol: :lol: :worship:
tooled said:
banaani-setä :lol: :lol: :worship:
such curses are in fact quite common in italian, because of the way they sound. i'll explain. especially a couple of decades ago, god-fearing people from my country were induced to abandon the sad path of blasphemy by modifying some key words in the most offensive curses so that they would acquire a completely different meaning while maintaining a similar sound. for instance, the italian word for god "dio" was often mutated to the italian word for uncle "zio" due to the obvious similarities. the same happened with other popular figures in the catholic imagery (the virgin mary, jesus, various saints...), and then of course the "bad words" had to be changed too. this used to take place in an even more creative and varied way, so that "bastardo" (bastard, of course, but in italian swearwords with the same value as the english "asshole") became a number of things in b-, among whose "banana" (same as in english) is certainly not the weirdest.
quite noticeable in the list of such "tuned down" blasphemies is "porco due" (literally, stinky two), where the first word is unchanged and the second yet another corruption for "dio", a very popular curse amongst the undercultured urban dwellers, who despite mastering a vocabulary of about 500 words, are (unknowingly) being very polite towards deities they probably don't even believe in. :)
Rahvin dear... you should sleep a bit more, really! :erk:

387. Would you have wanted to live in the 70´s or the 60´s?
-either really, but from those two I say 70´s
388. Gold or silver?
-silver, gold is ugly
389. You want to change your name, what is it now?
-I wouldn´t mind if my real name was Lumi also :p
390. What are you in horoscopes?
391. Lots of spices in food or not?
-I´ve noticed that it doesn´t kill me, but I still prefer pretty little of them
392. Yesterday...
-I finally got something done in our new place
393. Today...
-I´m gonna read
394. Tomorrow...
-I´ll be at work. Blargh. But maybe see my friend after that

395. Summer is...
396. Raining will...
-make feel to have a cup of tea
397. I fear...
-that I have to take a second year like this one
398. Don´t...
-kill me for this
399. I lauhged my ass off when...
-when I read one of the rahvin´s answers. Just can´t remember what it was anymore
400. The worst...
-thing in my life is this one organ
401. Have you ever had the same dream more than once?
-yes actually two. The first and more scary one was so horrible I had to learn how to wake up from it. It started with me hanging on a rope and sliding on this rock, then jumping down and seeing Windom lying in this dark lake of jelly, just about to die. He had on this shirt that I´ll always remember from when we were kids. There were many others in that lake as well.
Then this man came to me and said "he´s gone, there´s no use to stand here". We started walking towards this little forest and I saw this "professor" dressed in black clothes and top hat who was tying himself in this chair made of dynamite. I luckily looked in other direction when the big "BANG" came and then I woke up. I learned to wake myself up from it every time I saw myself hanging on that rope.
402. Ever visited a fortune- teller?
-No, but I´d like to, just for fun
403. Did you born under the lucky stars?
-Pretty mediocre I´d say
404. Ever participated in a demonstration?
405. What would you demonstrate against if you had to?
-The thing they had yesterday about studying at university. There I could have been.
No forced studying years.
406. Are you good at finding things that are missing?
-I used to be when I was younger. Not anymore.
407. Wanna be a president or a king?
-I dunno.. maybe a queen
408. Your idol?
-You all pretty much know that already. The man with the "ä" ;)
409. Do you often "what if"- yourself?
-All the time. It´s driving me nuts.
410. How many hours you sleep during the night?
411. Are golf and tennis sports for rich-assses?
412. Did you play with dolls when you were little?
413. When Barbie and Ken broke up, were you upset :lol:?
414. Do you watch MTV?
415. Would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor?
416. Do you rather call than write text messages?
417. Does sun give you energy?
418. If someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too?
419. Gays? ( :rolleyes: )
420. Do you have friends at your workplace?
421. Who cuts your hair?
422. How many shoes you have?
423. Do you sing while showering?
424. Do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in your country?
425. How many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer?
426. Have you rode (ride, rode, ridden?? :eek: ) a horse?
427. What time do you wake up?
428. Do typos irritate you?
429. From what does the best sallad you´ve had consist of?
430. Society?
421. Who cuts your hair?
No one

422. How many shoes you have?
Eight, so that's four pairs.

423. Do you sing while showering?

424. Do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in your country?
Usually not at all.

425. How many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer?
It depends on the day, but on a boring day I can do something on my computer the whole day. Average is, hmm, eight.

426. Have you rode (ride, rode, ridden?? :eek: ) a horse?
No, only a pony. I went to a riding camp when I was 8 or so. How's that for all you homophobes and -lovers? :p

427. What time do you wake up?
8 - 10 hours after I went to sleep. Yesterday I woke up at 1 pm.

428. Do typos irritate you?
Not really. Sometimes, if the text is full of them.

429. From what does the best sallad you´ve had consist of?
I'm not much of a salad eater - I'll eat whatever's on the plate, but I like Greek salad.

430. Society?
A what?
411. Are golf and tennis sports for rich-assses? No
412. Did you play with dolls when you were little? Yeah. HE-MAN -dolls! :kickass:
413. When Barbie and Ken broke up, were you upset :lol:? Ken started stalking Bratz. Not upset. Happy for Ken.
414. Do you watch MTV? No
415. Would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor? No. Too much responsibility and stress
416. Do you rather call than write text messages? Yes. Writing messages is frustrating... Especially with a crappy phone.
417. Does sun give you energy? No
418. If someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too? No
419. Gays? ( :rolleyes: ) I like Marko... and guys who go to riding camps. :lol:
420. Do you have friends at your workplace? No
421. Who cuts your hair? No one
422. How many shoes you have? Biker boots, Flipflappers, Jogging shoes, Working shoes, Winter shoes (which I don't use) and Shoes.
423. Do you sing while showering? No. The acoustics suck ass.
424. Do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in your country? Not really. Accidents do happen you know. Nothing can stop them. ÄÄÄÄÄÄHHHH!!!! NOOOO!!! They're coming for you Barbara... They're coming! THE HAND!!! THE HAND!!!! :eek: IÄ! IÄ! Y'GOLONAC! BLAAAARGH!
425. How many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer? Many many many... at work. Some at home.
426. Have you rode (ride, rode, ridden?? :eek: ) a horse?
427. What time do you wake up? 7.10
428. Do typos irritate you? Naah
429. From what does the best sallad you´ve had consist of? Tomato, onions, black pepper, salt. OH!
430. Society? No thanks Tom Hanks.
411. Are golf and tennis sports for rich-assses? Golf is.
412. Did you play with dolls when you were little? He-Man! Yes. With real dolls also.
413. When Barbie and Ken broke up, were you upset? I didn't go that far. They only had sexual relationship.
414. Do you watch MTV? No.
415. Would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor? Lawyer.
416. Do you rather call than write text messages? Yes. Text messages are frustrating.
417. Does sun give you energy? Yes. I'm a totally different guy now compared to dark season. "Oh how I enjoy the light!"
418. If someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too? Yes.
419. Gays? ( :rolleyes: ) Nothing wrong in being gay, but ACTING like one....jeez. All the gays I've met fit into the stereotype.
420. Do you have friends at your workplace? Yes. For some reason people here are really nice and down-to-earth.
421. Who cuts your hair? Saija, but when I'll cut it all off I could let my dad do it.
422. How many shoes you have? 5 pairs or something. I don't like any of them.
423. Do you sing while showering? I sing all the time.
424. Do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in your country? Usually no. I save myself for accidents that really matter to me.
425. How many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer? At least 7.
426. Have you rode (ride, rode, ridden?? :eek: ) a horse? I've been on one when I was 5 or 6. Also one has stepped on my toe. Riding is for Merja Jalo.
427. What time do you wake up? 6.50 AM
428. Do typos irritate you? My own typos do.
429. From what does the best sallad you´ve had consist of? I dig greek salad. Feta cheese, onion, olives and that stuff.
430. Society? Can't live without one.
411. are golf and tennis sports for rich-asses?

yes they are. still, i like them both


412. did you play with dolls when you were little?

no, i've never really liked toys in general


413. when barbie and ken broke up, were you upset?

on the contrary, it was about time they ended their passionless relationship


414. do you watch mtv?

not unless it's strictly necessary


415. would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor?

if i had to choose, i'd be a lawyer, but i'm not crazy for either profession


416. do you rather call than write text messages?

i never call, i always choose text messages because they're less intrusive and people can reply in their own time. of course this means 9 times out of 10 they won't reply at all :lol:


417. does the sun give you energy?

no, it gives me headaches


418. if someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too?

i'm completely careless when it comes to my health, meaning i never worry at all, so this kind of news leaves me totally unfazed


419. gays?

just like everybody else, for better or worse


420. do you have friends at your workplace?

not really. one cool coworker, and i get along well with my boss, but that's about it


421. who cuts your hair?

my hairdresser. he's nice. not that it takes much to cut my hair, i could probably do it myself but for the price, i can't be arsed to


422. how many shoes you have?

uh... i'm sure it's an even number


423. do you sing while showering?



424. do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in you country?

depends how huge. usually i don't, but i suppose if it were something, say, as big as 9-11, i would probably be quite astonished


425. how many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer?

around 15 during workdays, about 10 in the week-end


426. did you ever ride a horse?



427. what time do you wake up?

6.30am, monday


428. do typos irritate you?

they're more amusing than anything


429. what did the best salad you've ever had consist of?

no idea. something with tuna, for sure


430. society?

complicated and inevitable fractal-like structure

411. Are golf and tennis sports for rich-assses? - I don't think so.
412. Did you play with dolls when you were little? - No. I played with toys and action figures and teddies, not dolls.
413. When Barbie and Ken broke up, were you upset :lol:? - I wasn't aware they had broken up. I don't know, society these days. :/
414. Do you watch MTV? - Most certainly not.
415. Would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor? - A doctor.
416. Do you rather call than write text messages? - I try to do neither. When I have to, it just depends on what I want to say. It's about 50/50.
417. Does sun give you energy? - Maybe the day I get a solar panel sewn into my head.
418. If someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too? - I used to a lot, but not anymore.
419. Gays? ( :rolleyes: ) - Exist, yes.
420. Do you have friends at your workplace? - No workplace for me, but at my uniplace I have mates. Not friends.
421. Who cuts your hair? - No one.
422. How many shoes you have? - One pair of general purpose trainers, one pair of football trainers, one pair of uncomfortable boots, one pair of smart shoes.
423. Do you sing while showering? - Often, yes. But not if there's someone nearby, in the next room or something.
424. Do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in your country? - A huge accident like a plane crash or something, yes. Not just pile-ups on a motorway or something like that.
425. How many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer? - Maybe 10, if I'm not on UM/chatting I'll be programming or doing some other kind of work on it.
426. Have you rode (ride, rode, ridden?? :eek: ) a horse? - No, I might try it one day though.
427. What time do you wake up? - If I'm in uni for 9, I wake up at 6:30. Otherwise, usually about 7 or 8.
428. Do typos irritate you? - I don't mind one or two that other people make, but if they typo all the time it's bloody annoying. And a single typo by myself is enough to get me pissed off.
429. From what does the best sallad you´ve had consist of? - It has the usual salad stuff, plus grapes, cheese, peanuts, carrot, sultanas, some other things I can't remember. Really, grapes and cheese in salad is just amazing.
430. Society? - I fully agree.
431. Not a "real" question.. but would anyone of you HE-MAN- dudes like to sell those, if you still have them?
432. On which side do you usually go to sit in a bus?
433. When you buy something out of a store, do you take the first product on the row or do you reach back to have a product that is "less touched"?
434. Is it hard to swallow your pride?
435. Do you go in gigs only if there is a band you like or do you go to gigs just to entertain yourself whether there is a good band or not?
436. Do you often eat gum?
437. Does walking in the centre of your town carrying large objects bother you?
438. Do you buy second-hand stuff?
439. Enjoy walking around flea-markets?
440. Do you have a good memory, or do you need little paper- reminders around?
441. How long does it take to make you angry?
442. Are you satisfied in the way your hand writing looks?
443. Men who wear make-up?
444. Do you have your cd´s in alphabetical order?
445. How much cd´s do you own?
446. Are you always on time?
447. Is ballét beautiful?
448. Have you had any trouble with the police?
449. From how many different countries you have friends?
450. Is customer always right?
451. How many jobs have you had during your lifetime?
452. Is it embarrassing to buy sex-related stuff?

453. My friends...
454. My parents...
455. School...

456. ...is overrated.
457. ...kills me.
458. ...freaks me out.

459. 5 best things in the world?
460. Does your back hurt often?
461. Do you have good sense of directions?
462. Is it easier to say personal stuff in other language than your own?
463. What kind of people draw your attention while walking on the street?
464. You´re buying a car. What colour will it be?
465. What would make you even better?
466. Do you make friends easily?
467. If your partner was working in the sex business would you want him/her to stop?
468. The Monkeys or The Beatles?