Worst thread ever, heheh

lumitalvi said:
- Your scaring me with the 1000
You're doing great so far, you can do it. I have faith. And you never know, by the time we reach 750 Rahvin might have actually asked us something. :p

Rahvin, that was possibly a hint.

I'll consider asking something tomorrow.
Rusty said:
My first "girlfriend" was Samantha Drew at about age 5. The first girl I liked but didn't have as a girlfriend was Sarah Day at about age 5 as well, and I don't know which came first.
i think sarah day was first. when she rejected you, you switched to trying to go out with samantha drew because you already had had prepared 3000 valentines with her initials on and they were bloody expensive. :p
rahvin said:
i think sarah day was first. when she rejected you, you switched to trying to go out with samantha drew because you already had had prepared 3000 valentines with her initials on and they were bloody expensive. :p
Actually the one time I did get a Valentine's day card for Samantha Drew, I was too embarrassed to actually give it to her so I put it on my chair and sat on it all morning. Then later I went swimming with my group but she was in a different swimming group so she stayed behind in the classroom, and I left the card on my chair and she found it after I'd gone. It even had her name on it and everything.

Completely irrelevant, but there you go.
that was almost romantic. aside, of course, from the part when you sat on your card all day and then went swimming. she must have thought you were really fond of her, for holding that valentine so close to your, err, yourself. ;)

i never did give or receive a valentine in my life, and while a part of me is indeed proud of such ability to resist the lures of stereotypical symptoms of affection, another part of me wants to hit my head with a baseball bat.
Rusty said:
Actually the one time I did get a Valentine's day card for Samantha Drew, I was too embarrassed to actually give it to her so I put it on my chair and sat on it all morning. Then later I went swimming with my group but she was in a different swimming group so she stayed behind in the classroom, and I left the card on my chair and she found it after I'd gone. It even had her name on it and everything.

Completely irrelevant, but there you go.

Ok now.. that´s just too cute :tickled:
I want to see rahvin´s questions too :) but I have to wait until Monday again if he figures them during the weekend.
rahvin said:
that was almost romantic. aside, of course, from the part when you sat on your card all day and then went swimming. she must have thought you were really fond of her, for holding that valentine so close to your, err, yourself. ;)

i never did give or receive a valentine in my life, and while a part of me is indeed proud of such ability to resist the lures of stereotypical symptoms of affection, another part of me wants to hit my head with a baseball bat.
I don't think she got one for me, so I've never actually received a valentine. And when you're 5 you aren't particularly aware of such a thing being a stereotypical symptom of affection or a corporate moneygrabbing scheme or any of those things. I reckon I'm okay.
321. Do you watch reality-shows on TV? Sometimes

322. Tell us why/why not? Because nothing else is ever on

323. Would you ever go and participate in one? What kind? Naah... Not for my likes.

324. Do you believe there is a possibility to find your true love from a dating show? Well I can't see how that would be impossible

325. I personally have never seen any good-looking men in dating shows. But have you guys seen any interesting persons (both, male and fe) in those? Sometimes there's this really hot chick in them. I wonder why? Maybe because she's a BITCH!

326. Who do you like the most: 1) Monet 2) Picasso 3) Dali? Dali

327. Which would you want rather be: 1) a paintor 2) a sculptor 3) an art-model a painter or as you say paintor

328. Do you like museums? Yes and no

329. Skinny-dipping? Fun fun fun

330. Are aliens for real? Well I can't see how that would be impossible

331. Do you blush easily? Not so easily as I used to

332. Who was your first crush? Sari Kotila. When I was six. We used to be kissing behind a rock about every day when I was in kindergarten. She had this awesome long dark hair and I was a goner. I thought about her for a long time and I thought I'd never see her again after that but she came to my class when I was about 14 or so. I think she didn't remember me. Never talked with her... I didn't have the balls. Man she was hot! That might be the reason why... hmmm... DAMN! How sad is this story... Anyway. I haven't seen her since 9th grade...

333. Alice Cooper? A funny guy

334. Do you watch the Osbournes? Like it? yes. sometimes.

335. Your biggest disappointment? (not quite sure if this has already been up) maybe me... I'm not quite sure.

336. Is it waste of time to *peep* the curse-words in MTV and wherever? yep

337. Hitler? A funny guy

338. Which is more romantic to eat with that special one: Grapes or chocolate? grapes... because isn't chocolate a substitute for something?

339. How many of your grandparents are still alive? 3

340. Do you like sitting on the floor? sometimes
rahvin said:

332. who was your first crush?

cute classmate at the elementary school. at some point i told her about my feelings (...) for her, she said "wow, i feel the same too!", i said "ok" and walked away. we never talked about it again

Go Rahvin! :lol: You got it settled!
321. Do you watch reality-shows on TV? No. Except a few episodes of "America's next supermodel."
322. Tell us why/why not? I find watching them most pathetic. It's on the same level as listening to Justin Timberlake. However, in America's next supermodel...ELYSE SEWELL!!! A reason enough.
323. Would you ever go and participate in one? What kind? If so happened that I'd be single, I could be the next "Bachelor" :loco:
324. Do you believe there is a possibility to find your true love from a dating show? Well...for some people it could be, because love isn't a complicated thing after all...it's just that people who go to those are idiots and falling in love with an idiot...no thanks.
325. I personally have never seen any good-looking men in dating shows. But have you guys seen any interesting persons (both, male and fe) in those? E L Y S E S E W E L L ! ! ! I'd marry her.
326. Who do you like the most: 1) Monet 2) Picasso 3) Dali? Dali.
327. Which would you want rather be: 1) a paintor 2) a sculptor 3) an art-model Model :hotjump:
328. Do you like museums? No.
329. Skinny-dipping? The only real way of swimming.
330. Are aliens for real? Never met one.
331. Do you blush easily? I used to, but I don't think I do that much anymore.
332. Who was your first crush? "Saila" on third grade. But it was nothing. The first really painful crush was "Mimmu" on 4th-6th grade. Poor me. I've never can the courage to approach any of my crushes. Never.
333. Alice Cooper? I don't own a single album, but he's cool.
334. Do you watch the Osbournes? Like it? The first season was hilarious. Since then...no. I'm not interested in watching their kids drunk.
335. Your biggest disappointment? (not quite sure if this has already been up) I didn't make it to Bloodbath!!!!! No actually. I can't come up with real disappointments.
336. Is it waste of time to *peep* the curse-words in MTV and wherever? Abso-fucking-lutely.
337. Hitler? If it hadn't been him, then someone else.
338. Which is more romantic to eat with that special one: Grapes or chocolate? Uh. Grapes.
339. How many of your grandparents are still alive? 3.
340. Do you like sitting on the floor? No. I like sitting in front of the computer.
341. If you have trouble sleeping, what helps?
342. Sex and the city- tv show?
343. You have a fight with someone. What is your way of doing it?
344. Lollipops or gum?
345. X-box or Playstation?
346. Do you read the morningpaper?
347. Do you often get confused ´cause you don´t remeber what things you have told and to whom you have told them?
348. Do you easily pass judgement?
349. Longsleeve or shortsleeve?
350. How many meals you eat during the day?
351. How many funerals have you been to?
352. How many weddings have you been to?
353. Have you ever been engaged?
341. If you have trouble sleeping, what helps? Beer
342. Sex and the city- tv show? Sucks ass. For women only.
343. You have a fight with someone. What is your way of doing it? By reason
344. Lollipops or gum? Lollies. Cherry please.
345. X-box or Playstation? PS
346. Do you read the morningpaper? No
347. Do you often get confused ´cause you don´t remeber what things you have told and to whom you have told them? Always. I think others get more pissed off about that.
348. Do you easily pass judgement? No
349. Longsleeve or shortsleeve? Short
350. How many meals you eat during the day? 1-2
351. How many funerals have you been to? 2-3
352. How many weddings have you been to? 2-3
353. Have you ever been engaged? Yes
rahvin said:
:wave: you're a volcano of ideas, lumi. ;)
Aren't volcanoes prone to flattening cities and killing thousands of people and stuff?? :erk:

341. If you have trouble sleeping, what helps? - I don't know anything that works.
342. Sex and the city- tv show? - Poop. Might be okay to watch when really really bored if some of them were at least a little bit good-looking.
343. You have a fight with someone. What is your way of doing it? - I try not to. Usually it's a simple case of saying what I think for a short while, then I'll try to shut up and change the subject, or leave.
344. Lollipops or gum? - Gum. Spearmint flavoured, or menthol.
345. X-box or Playstation? - Neither, I'll have a SNES please. :D If I had to choose though, probably Playstation.
346. Do you read the morningpaper? - We don't get one anymore, and when we did I only occasionally glanced at the sports section.
347. Do you often get confused ´cause you don´t remeber what things you have told and to whom you have told them? - I never used to, I always used to remember everything. Now I forget all the time.
348. Do you easily pass judgement? - When it matters, no.
349. Longsleeve or shortsleeve? - Longsleeve. I have my skinny, bony arms.
350. How many meals you eat during the day? - 2 main ones, which we've always called dinner and tea in this family, but everyone else seems to call them lunch and dinner. I never have breakfast because I either get up too late or don't have time before I go to uni.
351. How many funerals have you been to? - 3; gran, mum's godmother, a friend.
352. How many weddings have you been to? - 1, my cousin's.
353. Have you ever been engaged? - Ha.
341. If you have trouble sleeping, what helps? If have somekinda herbal triangle medicine for it (legal, you rastafari fucks), but I don't know if it's actually any good. Reading something has worked pretty good lately.
342. Sex and the city- tv show? It used to be pretty good on it's first season or something. I watch it if I happen to be near TV with nothing to do. I could see titties.
343. You have a fight with someone. What is your way of doing it? Hit as hard as I can to his chin. In case you ment more like "argument", then I become this cold and irritatingly calm version of myself who listens, answers and asks with monotonic voice and tries not to present any emotion.
344. Lollipops or gum? Gum.
345. X-box or Playstation? Fuck them. For children.
346. Do you read the morningpaper? I read the cartoons and TV-programs.
347. Do you often get confused ´cause you don´t remeber what things you have told and to whom you have told them? No.
348. Do you easily pass judgement? Everything gets to be judged GAY very easily, but other than that....I don't know. I say lots of stuff but don't mean about anything.
349. Longsleeve or shortsleeve? Short.
350. How many meals you eat during the day? 4.
351. How many funerals have you been to? 3 in case my memory doesn't fail me. One more to come within a week or two as my grandfather just passed away.
352. How many weddings have you been to? Oh shite, a hard one. 3 I quess.
353. Have you ever been engaged? No.

354. Do you know what "rti" is short for in internet-speak??
355. Have you ever seen anyone using it in a convo with you??