Worst thread ever, heheh

291. Wanna tell us all a joke? Would it be joke enough if I just wrote my name here?
292. Do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness? I guess no. I would know about it would I? ...Guys?
293. Would you rather work in social services ( conserning children) or in old folks home? Children. But the thing is that abusing children brings forth the violent side in me, so I don't think I'd stay in that place for long. I probably isn't acceptable for social workers to beat up any parents.
294. Ever been in a fight? Yes, once. I had to help a friend there, as we was about the get seriously hurt. Actually he got seriously hurt already. Well, it's in a negative way mindtwisting experience to hit someone as hard as you can, I can tell you that.
295. Ever been in court? Yes, as a witness. See the previous question.
296. What would be your worst nightmare in life? I don't know but it must have something to do with losing my loved ones or becoming seriously handicapped. Schizofrenia wouldn't be nice either.
297. How old would you want to be now? 20.
298. How long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going? What interest?
299. More about cursing...do you curse often??? Yes.
300. Now who´s a vegetarian in here? Eh?
291. Wanna tell us all a joke? - I can't think of one right now, but I will quote one of the funniest lines I've ever read in a book (from Feet of Clay, by Terry Pratchett):

"Did you really punch the president of the Assassins' Guild??"
"Yes, sir."
"Didn't have a dagger, sir."

Probably not that funny if it's not in context... but still. :/
292. Do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness? - Not that I'm aware of.
293. Would you rather work in social services ( conserning children) or in old folks home? - Social services.
294. Ever been in a fight? ("real" fight, with fists) - No. I'm far too pathetic to ever risk being involved in a fight.
295. Ever been in court? - Other than a school trip, no.
296. What would be your worst nightmare in life? - Something to do with either heights or depths or spiders, or all three.
297. How old would you want to be now? (real age is not accepted) - Older than now. Probably early twenties, when at least I should've finished uni.
298. How long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going? - Don't know about anyone else, but I want 1000.
299. More about cursing...do you curse often??? - Well yes, but never using the most harsh words such as fuck, shit, cunt, etc. I often use words like bugger, bastard, bollocks, arse... they have so much more character.
300. Now who´s a vegetarian in here? - Not me.
282. wanna go to las vegas and gamble?

las vegas is a famous place, so it would be curious/peculiar to visit and check out the casinos. still, i'm not interested in gambling per se: statistics say you lose, and i always believe statistics


283. you win... let's say about 1 million of however your money is called. what do you with it?

i buy a nice house and internet connection in a country of choice, two great big presents for my best friends, and ask hyena to tell me how to invest the rest


284. do your friends already have a family with children?

nope, my closest friends are in my very same shitty situ... err... i mean, they're still considering their opportunities :rolleyes:


285. are you a morningperson or a nightkind?

unfortunately, i'm both


286. do vampires fascinate you?

i find them funny, which is a fascination of sorts


287. jason or freddy?

freddy all the way


288. is eating anything else but real food (i'm talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder?

of course not. i don't see why the obsession with healthy food, unless people can't help themselves and eat tons of the stuff


289. your favourite story?

snow white and the seven dwarves


290. women with bandshirts?

whatever floats their boat


291. wanna tell us all a joke?

"do you have any flaw at all?"
"some say i'm very self-centred."
"who says that?"
"i do."


292. do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness?

not that i know


293. would you rather work in social service (concerning children) or in a home for old people?

old people. children are evil


294. ever been in a fight (real fight, with fists)?



295. ever been in court?



296. what would be your worst nightmare in life?

i don't really have one of my own so it seems i've borrowed someone else's :cry:


297. how old would you want to be now?



298. how long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going?

until we reach 1000 questions. then we publish them all on some site for all the world to take this survey (after some editing ;) )


299. do you curse often?

not really, but i think i know when it's time to use some bad words


300. who's a vegetarian here?

certainly not me

Rusty said:
287. Jason or Freddy? - No idea who you're talking about, sorry. I gather they're "famous", and I'm crap with famous people.

I dunno about famous, but they are both "acting" in horror movies. Jason in Friday the 13th´s and Freddy in Nightmare on Elm´s street.
You must have seen some of them!! :)

Uh... guys.. :ill: 1000 is still quite far away. I need HELP with this!
301. Is reading/studying easier to you if you listen to music/have tv on or do you need complete silence?
302. What is the first thing you see when you close your eyes in bed at night?
303. What makes you feel you´re important? (Rusty.. I´m warning you.. :mad: )
304. You have a kid now. Do you teach him/her religion and what kind?
305. Do you often have dé ja vú´s?? (however the spelling goes)
306. How do they make you feel?
307. Porn?
308. Farting?
309. Hannibal Lecter?
310. Do you have better sight or hearing?
311. Testing with animals?
312. Like musicals?
313. How many books you have? (yes, go and count them!!!! :heh: )
314. How often you change your underwear?
315. Was Freud a genious?
316. Paperbags or plastic ones?
317. Is it better to be the boss or the employee?
318. What is the time of the day when the clock goes the slowest?
319. Have you been bullied?
320. Ink or pencil?

*head explotion*
301. Is reading/studying easier to you if you listen to music/have tv on or do you need complete silence? I don't know. It's been a while.
302. What is the first thing you see when you close your eyes in bed at night? A pink moomin with a chainsaw dildo.
303. What makes you feel you´re important? My bitch is very good at it.
304. You have a kid now. Do you teach him/her religion and what kind? Yes. Islam.
305. Do you often have dé ja vú´s?? (however the spelling goes) Very rarely.
306. How do they make you feel? Eh. "Something familiar with this situation."? I don't know how to navigate in strange places or anything.
307. Porn? Yes please! Nice nice.
308. Farting? RAWKS.
309. Hannibal Lecter? No. I've never got into what so special about him.
310. Do you have better sight or hearing? Both suck. I have glasses and my ears are stuck and ringing.
311. Testing with animals? I've never done it.
312. Like musicals? Phantom of the Opera :headbang:
313. How many books you have? NOT counting.
314. How often you change your underwear? Daily.
315. Was Freud a genious? No, he was an old geek cocaine addict who just had the courage to point out that all people think is sex.
316. Paperbags or plastic ones? Plastic.
317. Is it better to be the boss or the employee? Both suck.
318. What is the time of the day when the clock goes the slowest? 7.00 - 17.00
319. Have you been bullied? Oh golly, yes.
320. Ink or pencil? Pencil. Ink is gay.
301. is reading/studying easier to you if you listen to music/have tv on or do you need complete silence?

complete silence. when it comes to reading, every once in a while an interesting mood can be created if i listen to a record in the meanwhile, but it has to be the right band/song. so, too many variables


302. what is the first thing you see when you close your eyes in bed at night?

sometimes a red/orange stain, sometimes a grey vortex


303. what makes you feel you're important?

nothing, why should i be important?


304. you have a kid now. do you teach him/her religion and what kind?

i teach him about religion, and how to find out what it's about by himself without being influenced by plagiarists of any sort


305. do you often have déjà-vu's?

not often, but sometimes i do


306. how do they make you feel?

curious as to their explanation, and at times a bit nauseous


307. porn?



308. farting?

in the privacy of one's own toilet


309. hannibal lecter?

nice characterization. for one movie, not a dozen


310. do you have better sight or hearing?

perfect eyesight. hearing probably impaired by too many shows and loud music


311. testing with animals?

for medical and sanitary purposes, yes. for the fashion industry, not a happy thing


312. do you like musicals?

just one: pet shop boys' closer to heaven


313. how many books do you have?

about 300


314. how often do you change your underwear?



315. was freud a genius?

that's my impression


316. paper bags, or plastic ones?

i'm not so environmental-conscious, so i'm ok with both. of course if you force me to think about the terrible disgrace pollution brings unto mankind and so on and so forth, you can make me say "paper bags"


317. is it better to be the boss or the employee?

always the boss


318. what is the time of the day when the clock goes the slowest?



319. have you been bullied?

not really. i wasn't helpless or easily scared or a teacher's pet, so there was no good reason to or pleasure in bullying me


320. ink or pencil?


271. Do you prefer English English or American English (or another kind of English)?? English

272. Your opinion on beanies? (I mean those hats that have something written on the front) I Don’t mind

273. How many dictionaries you have and what language they are about? Finnish-English-Finnish, Finnish-French-Finnish, Finnish-Swedish-Finnish

274. Do you like to have responsibility? No

275. You and a good friend of yours are trying to get the same job. Your friend gets it. Are you able to be happy for him/her? I think so

276. What would be the best place to go on a first date? For a walk, coffee? How the fuck should I know!

277. You are thinking/watching something disgusting. Where do you feel it? ( if you´re not quite getting this, I mean my ass and lower back tingle in situations like these) stomach and balls

278. How old were you when you spoke out your first curse word? Can’t remember

279. What have you tried once and never will again? Reason with women… Though I think I’ll still keep on trying though I know it’s pointless.

280. Who do you pity? People who think they are something but are not

281. If you had a time machine, would you go forwards or backwards?? A week back… You know… lottery numbers. ;)

282. Wanna go to Las Vegas and gamble? No way!

283. You win ..let´s say about 1 million of whatever your money is called. What do you do with it? Buy a new guitar/amp maybe. A house… Rest I’ll save.

284. Do your friends already have a family with children? One… Many if cousins are (and they are in my case) considered as friends.

285. Are you a morningperson or nightkind? Night

286. Do vampires facinate you? No

287. Jason or Freddy? Freddy

288. Is eating everything else but real food (I´m talking about junk food, candy, ice cream, biscuits and stuff) an eating disorder? Hmmm… No

289. Your favourite story? (bed time and blaa) Maybe I should ask my mom. Maybe this one about two girls red something and white something (Lumivalko ja Ruusunpuna) getting lost in a forest and meeting this grumpy dwarf and stuff… Yeah I’m gay.

290. Women with bandshirts? I don’t mind. Some they fit… some they don’t. I could date one easily.

291. Wanna tell us all a joke? No. I’m really bad at telling “jokes”

292. Do you have friends who suffer from some severe mental illness? No

293. Would you rather work in social services ( conserning children) or in old folks home? Children

294. Ever been in a fight? ("real" fight, with fists) No

295. Ever been in court? Yes. Didn’t concern me though.

296. What would be your worst nightmare in life? Dark, narrow, spiders. Or getting some horrible disease with no cure etc.

297. How old would you want to be now? (real age is not accepted) 18 again

298. How long do you think we have interest to keep this thread going? No idea

299. More about cursing...do you curse often??? Yes

300. Now who´s a vegetarian in here? At least I’m not

301. Is reading/studying easier to you if you listen to music/have tv on or do you need complete silence? Complete silence

302. What is the first thing you see when you close your eyes in bed at night?
Tits and asses… I’m helpless.

303. What makes you feel you´re important? (Rusty.. I´m warning you.. )
I don’t know. Good feedback?

304. You have a kid now. Do you teach him/her religion and what kind?
No. They do it enough in school etc.

305. Do you often have dé ja vú´s?? (however the spelling goes)
Not as much as I used to.

306. How do they make you feel?
Funny in the head

307. Porn? Yes please. Preferrably live.

308. Farting?
Fun and embarrassing

309. Hannibal Lecter?
Dull bloke

310. Do you have better sight or hearing?
Hearing. I wear glasses. :cry:

311. Testing with animals? Cures for diseases yes. Makeup and stuff… No! Why!

312. Like musicals?
I don’t hate them…

313. How many books you have? (yes, go and count them!!!! )
Not many.. 5-10

314. How often you change your underwear?
Every day

315. Was Freud a genious?

316. Paperbags or plastic ones?
Plastic. Paperbags are difficult.

317. Is it better to be the boss or the employee?

318. What is the time of the day when the clock goes the slowest?

319. Have you been bullied?

320. Ink or pencil?
lumitalvi said:
I dunno about famous, but they are both "acting" in horror movies. Jason in Friday the 13th´s and Freddy in Nightmare on Elm´s street.
You must have seen some of them!! :)

Uh... guys.. :ill: 1000 is still quite far away. I need HELP with this!
I've never seen either of those. :p And I have been helping, I don't see rahvin asking many questions.
rahvin said:
rusty's not here. someone has to stand for self-deprecation before the troops of happy thoughts invade us.
Even so, now I have to come up with a different and original answer. It was a nice thought, but please don't do it again. *locks his thunder in a safe*
