Worst thread ever, heheh

Rei Toei said:
BUAH! didn't notice this until now. :worship:
251. Men or women, ladies and gentlemen? *smells a good fight* Well that's easy. Men.
252. Why is it that people so much enjoy watching murders and stuff on TV? I am one of them, so please, tell me why!!!!!! Because real life gives them nothing but a handful of shit?

253. How long do you wanna live? I physical aging stopped at this very second I'd gladly live thousands of years! But it seems life turns into nothing else but waiting death at some point between 60 and 70. That doesn't seem...nice.
254. NOW expecting something cool to happen? No. Oh wait, I'm going to joga-singing happening tonight! There's a sort of expectation in the air..to get OUT of there!

255. What would happen to you if you had to live in a house where all walls were made of glass? Erhh...Peelock(tm). Kusilukko. You know.
256. What country makes the best movies? England. Or what-ever-fucking-great-britain-you-hippies-wanna-call-it.

257. How often do you eat candy? 2-3 times a week. Or now that we have this HUGE bag...everyday. I've recuded lately.
258. Do you eat it slowly and saving it for later or just throw them all in your mouth and feel sick rest of the day? Throw all in - feel sick. Absolutely. And every time.

259. Best day in a week? Saturday. Obvious.
260. Best time of the day? 7 am. A few minutes after I wake up that is. Cause being in work sucks ass and the day after work sucks ass because I'm always tired to death.

261. What is the name of the new drummer in Farmakon? Fuck it! No one has told me yet. Toni's answer must be a hint-ti!
262. How was your puberty? Was it as hard as it always is been descrived? Mentally not, but it made me the ugliest person on the planet for a while :D

263. How old are your pillows? Eehh...nice question but do I look like a detective to you? Ages!
264. Do you have a dishwasher? No,

265. My cat is being castrated on Friday. Am I cruel? I can't see the causality here. Next question.
266. If you could make ONE THING disappear from the world, what would it be? The cultural effect of USA.

267. Do you like garlic? Yes!
268. Racism? Being finnish I understand certain prejudicies, as this country went on for decades without black people. It just isn't easy to get used to them. It's in the human nature. Then again when I was in London, where the whole place was crowded with all kind of skin colors, I didn't mind.

On a side note: I bought a box of toffee candy 30 seconds ago! Gonna be sick soon! :dopey:

269. Do you have so dry skin you have to put cream on it every fuckig time you come out of shower? (what do you mean I have experience on this one?? ) Not exactly but I do get terrible itches at times.
270. Do you like to be in a room with bright light or when it´s dim? Dim. Could be bright tho, as long as the lamps don't shine straight to my eyes.
lumitalvi said:
And maybe give a small kiss to the cheek.
I'm going to have to say "yes you do". :p
lumitalvi said:
And we´re still not having the internet connection. Lucky for Rusty, ´cause I´d be bugging him in messenger like hell right now.
I don't know what your work situation is, whether you can't be on MSN because it's not installed or whether because it's not private enough or something... but anyway, apparently this works: http://www.msn2go.com
Windom Pearl said:
England. Or what-ever-fucking-great-britain-you-hippies-wanna-call-it.
If something good happens to an English person, then they're English so that we (the English) get the credit. If something good happens to a Scottish/Welsh person, then they're British, so we (again, the English) can at least share in the credit. It's a good arrangement.
Windom Pearl said:
Toni's answer must be a hint-ti!
This is a Finnish joke?? I think I got it. I'm so proud.
Rusty said:
I'm going to have to say "yes you do". :p
Grrrrr.... :mad:
I don´t have money for that kinda trip. So *SMACK* to you! :yell:

Rusty said:
I don't know what your work situation is, whether you can't be on MSN because it's not installed or whether because it's not private enough or something... but anyway, apparently this works: http://www.msn2go.com

Umm... I´m not allowed to install anything in these computers I use. I´d be fucked in ass if I did. No, we just have to wait for my home- connection to excists to be able to have net-sex. Dammit. :erk:

Rusty said:
This is a Finnish joke?? I think I got it. I'm so proud.

I dunno about joke, but it could also be written ga-y or whatever.
lumitalvi said:
Umm... I´m not allowed to install anything in these computers I use. I´d be fucked in ass if I did. No, we just have to wait for my home- connection to excists to be able to have net-sex. Dammit. :erk:
I don't think it's something to install, I think it runs from your web-browser. But you might have to install a plug-in for it to work, in which case never mind, I'll have to be patient and keep my trousers on for now.
lumitalvi said:
I dunno about joke, but it could also be written ga-y or whatever.
Yes, that's the one. Wow, I'm so happy.