Worst thread ever, heheh

1. What is your full name? Antti Kullervo Aro
2. How old are you? (don´t cheat, ladies!!) 22

3. Favourite color? Purple that must have to be [/YODA]
4. Favourite food and drink? I enjoy many different foods and drinks, I find "favourite" questions quite uninteresting and pointless

5. Favourite movie? Not one single favourite, but some good ones : Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fight Club, Lord Of The Rigns...
6. Favourite tv-serie? South Park, Prank Calls, Friends...

7. Favourite cartoon character? Well... :) Cartman
8. Favourite game? Pocket billiards

9. The sickest thing you know? can't think...
10. What is the thing you like doing best? I like very much playing music, also being with a girlfriend is very nice :)

11. The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you? "Of course I will marry you"
12. The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you? "You're going to be a great dad"

13. The best gig you´ve ever been to? I'm not too much of a gig person, but one that stands out would be Metallica in Rusirock in ´99
14. What foreign countries you have visited to? Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Denmark (was very young tho, I can't remember anything about it...), Austria, The Netherlands, Great Britain

15. In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday? The US of A and Australia
16. The best coutry in the world? Afganistan

17. Coffee or tea? Both
18. Milk or water? Usually water

19. The ugliest thing you own? Everythign I own is beautiful
20. The best word in the whole wide world? Katinpaskat

21. What is your job? I'm a student
22. What would you WANNA do for living? Nothing

23. The worst band you know? Can't think of one... I quite much despise atm is the band who redid the Pink Floyd song and are "hot" because of that... dancepop
24. Best season? Summer

25. Who is your best friend? I don't have one single best friend, I have group of people who are very close to me and inside that group there are different groups who are close to me for different reasons
26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Hmmm... crush? I think so

27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman) Johnny Depp and hmmmm... näh, can't decide... Christina Ricci is quite good looking, but she's the only one who popped into my mind now... I'm going to say someone else later possibly, but now it's her...
28. Best in Christmas? Family and the peace plus all the food :)

29. Do you like sleeping? A dilemma... I like sleeping very much, but sometimes I want to delay the sleep very much because of something "more important"
30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear? None, that's not the way to solve the problems... You have to kill or make most people on earth disapper to make it a better place

31. Best author? Haven't read anything in a loooooooooong while, but I have to answer J.R.R. Tolkien (Well, I don't have to answer that, but he's the best author to pop into my mind)
32. Your favourite book? Duh... Lord Of The Rings... Thos I enjoyd American Psycho very much too

33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)? Hydrogenaudio -> foobar2000 forum
34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens? I'm sorry, did I break my consentration? (in other words wtf?)

35. For what are you fanatic for? I'm fanatic for disliking any fanatic out there
36. Support McDonald´s? support/not support, what's the difference? Yes, I eat at McD's every now and then and I have nothing bad to say about it...

37. Death Metal or Black Metal? neither and both
38. Darkness or light? Yes

39. Like Lord of the Rings? Yes
40. Who´s the best charachter in it? Gandalf

41. Rain or shine? Yes
42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die? I'd rather die than kill myself... erm, bygones

43. The color of your toothbrush?? It's the tooth brush colour
44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they? Fetishes... maybe something related to ropes, handcuffs, blindfolding, but is that a fetish?

45. g-strings: yes or no? Yes
46. name 3 favorite band of yours... Gääh... Si not so easy, kthx... I so depends on the day/time/mood/level of drunknes, but let's put some... Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Farmakon atm, maybe (asskissing...)

47. Do you have pets? I think I am a pet
48. Do you have siblings? Two brothers, 8 and 10 years older than me... In fact, they kinda taught me quite much of what I am now... The rest is just product of a sick mind

49. Can you sing? I think so yes
50. Puppies or kitties? Yes, please... Barbacued

51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?) Yes, I love her from the bottom of my heart (where ever that might be then...)
52. do you believe in love from the first sight? Love? nope, lust, yes

53. Are you religious? Hmmmm, tricky question... but no, I'm not religious, as in I don't believe in Bible and Jesus like they are supposed to be believed in, but I do believe in the goodnes of human and that doing good also results good to yourself... and I do go to the Christmas church with my family every year, but still I think people who follow Bible too closely are clowns (see the answer to the fanatic question...)
54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation 7. I know I could do way better, but I'm god damned lazy ass... I consider myself as a good person, but I have not succeeded in life as I should've have...

55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind? I havne't had time to hang them yet, but I have two Salvasdor Dali posters framed and then I have a Pulp Fiction poster with Uma Thurman in it and a Reservoir Dogs poster with Harvey Keitel in it...
56. Do you dye your hair? Hair? But I have dyed when I had some hair to dye, yes

57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one? No one
58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors? I dress in all kinds of colours. Black is a nice colour (colour and colour...) but I have no need to wear all black

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind? Most prefarably mute, has least effect on the music thingy I like so much... also others would most propably be glad too...
60. Are goths gay? Gay as in happy? I believe they are not... or at least are not supposed to be...

61. What is your favourite tree? I like hugging all the trees in the forest before the bad forest industry cuts it down and KILLS IT!!!!!!
62. Do you wear socks? Yes, i do. At home wooly socks and preferably of different pair (different colour)

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture? Must be my little "candle table" i did myself when I was in secondary elementary
64. Do you consider yourself as an adult? No

65. Your opinion on marijuana? I have never tried, and I'm fine with it, and I'm fine with people who use it... as long as it causes no trouble/problems to others than the user(s) it's ok by me
66. Leatherpants or jeans? Jeans

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion? No
68. What language would you wanna learn? hmmmm... tricky. I'd like to learn italian which I'm trying to study atm, but being my lazy self, it's not going that fast... Also french maybe

69. Do you wear glasses? Yes
70. Studying or working? As in what I'd like to do or what I do? I'm studying now, but I'd want to work for a while to get some money...

71. What festivals have you been to? Ruisrock in ´99. I'm not a festival person, I hate places with gazillion (drunken) stupid people all around me
72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well) What are you on? :Smug:

73. Will you one day have kids? Hopefully
74. Do you yet have names for them picked up? What are they? Lalli-Einari for a boy... don't know what a girl would be...

75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park? I've had this crazy idea of an amusement park machine for a while and I've never seen anything like it in any park... It's like a train, where people sit and then it does a circle inside a house, with ghosts and something else ackward in there... It would be dark, so people might get a bit scared when for example a net would touch thei hair and a wind would blow etc... I think it's a very cool idea
76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to? Yes

77. What do you parents do for a living? Mother teaches swedish and german in secondary elementary and father is a printing supervisor
78. Did you have a happy childhood? I believe so, very

79. Roof or floor? Yes
80. Do you often picture people naked? Hmmm... nope... Some girls in their underwear sometimes...

81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it? Yes, I'm waiting these questions to end
82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot? Yes

83. Do you hate copy-machines? (this question has something to do with the thing that I´m dealing here right now...and I say YES) No
84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat? Yes

85. Skating or skiing? Yes
86. Hair open or with a pony-tail? Yes

87. Gymnastics or dancing? Yes
88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do? Blow back, maybe I get him to faint

89. Do you have a driver´s licence? Yes
90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself? Hmmm... Mostly good, but sometimes I get a rally gear on (you know, the one in the car which says "R") and I drive not-so-responsibile

91. How tall are you? 183cm
92. Would you wanna build your own house? Yes, I very much want to build and/or be part in designing it...

93. Do you like being photographed? Yes and no
94. Have you ever posed nude? Yes, as a baby... but that wasn't real posing...

95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself! Yes, I don't have to because I'm tired
96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not? Yes, I have two silver rings in my right hand, plus sometuimes I wear a silver pick (plektrum) in my neck. I like wearing those, I don't know why...

97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...) I start considering other methods, but if something really doesn't work, then I might get a bit pissed off... and then I might even say "perkele"
98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see? that isn't really possible

99. What animal would you wanna be? A wombat or a sloth
100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not? Yes, I like to know whaaaaat's happening

101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words) I havne't listened to them so I can't say much anythign
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general? Ever? Yes, on some people they are nice.

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch? I see a brewery
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it? Yes

105. Long skirts or short ones? Yes (damn, short ones... laeh...)
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights? Usually... Hmmm, I go out with friends, usually I drive car so I get home easier and don't have to drink beer and lose money

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had? Diabetes?
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean. No

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood? I stole my brothers savings to get candy from a store. I bought candy sweetened with real sugar and not with fructose because that was forbidden... Gladly I got caught...
110. Math or languages? Languages out of these two

111. Blonds or brunettes? Yes
112. The best ice cream tastes like...? plain vanilla is good (and I mean the old style vanilla) but strawberry is good too... well, almost any ice cream will do.

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard? No, I pick the movies I watch very carefully usually...
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result? Can't think of anything...

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? hmmm... depends, often yes
116. Have you kept a diary? No

117. What magazines you like to read? Computer magazines mostly, games and hardware... Also hifi magazines
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up? Scarier? I don't think so... People are just crazy

119. Are you bi-sexual? No
120. Enough yet? W007? this is just a beginning

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror? Scifi
122. Why are we still here? Because

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester? Yes
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? No, not completely

125. George W. Bush? Meh, worthles twat... A right leader for the right nation... Only if they wouldn't have so much power would it be much better
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? No

127. You like getting a tan? Yes
128. You got tattoos/piercings? Nope

129. ...shit... Yes
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? Meep... that's quite a long ago... Maybe like 10 years at least

131. When is your birthday? 01.05.1981 (and to those who do'nt understand real formatting of dates... First of may)
132. Getting or giving gifts? I'm very poor in giving people presents, because I don't know what to get to people usually... But I do like to receive gifts, of course

133. Do you boicot something? Yes, I boycot boycoting
134. Could somebody else please take over? Not me

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject) I bet lot's of people are getting there... Fortunately I'm not one of them
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid... Yes, many times... It's very scary... Like going to a dentist or having an amputation

137. How often do you wash your hair? Daily
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? 10-15 minutes... If I'm in hurry, ~5 minutes

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"? No, I think having a plastic surgery is laughable... Unless it's really something serious...
140. Speaking or listening? I like to listen to people (interesting people that is) and sometimes I just sit and say nothing, but sometimes I get a flood on and speak and speak... But I'd say listening

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive) -
142. Politics? In theory very interesting and something everyone should be interested in. But in practise the way they are running this country I consider it a big joke,

143. Are a good cook? Don't know about good, but when I get myself going I like to cook very very much
144. Do you like cleaning? Yes, funnily, but still I don't clean as often I should clean...

145. Suicide is...? Easy to fuck up
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up? Let them do what they want

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies? Whatkind of a question is this? Police are police, they are here to try and make sure people obey to law... We should have more police men
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist? Yes

149. How do you want to die? Hell... Of course as painless as possible...
150. Tell me what you think of me. I don't know you but what I can make up by these questions, you're a bit naive kind of type

151. What is the most stupid stereotype? Every stereotype is stupid
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar? Actor

153. Britney or Christina? Britney
154. What is/was your favourite toy?An RC car was my favourite toy untill my borthers broke it, but I still have a pink panther from my childhood and I sometimes sleep with him...

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you? Yes, sometimes mother read, sometimes she made them by herself
156. Are you afraid giving speeches? Afraid, nope, but always a bit nervous... But I think that's just a good thing

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker? Blacksmith
158. Wiccas are...? I don't know... happy people? I can't saything about a group of people

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person? I seem very patient, because when I lose my temper it takes a long time before I show it...
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining? No, but i really like the idea...

161: What do you think of me?? (Rusty) I havn'et got to know you well enough to say anything meaningful about you... You seem like a nice and funny guy, but sadly a bit depressed(?)...
162. What do you think of rahvin??

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska? Because he's a sane person?
164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him?? I could give him a kiss (on a cheek only tho, sorry)

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning? Mornign sicknes
166. Why I am so fucking short of cash? Because

167. How many cousins do you have?4
168. Do you often buy new clothes? Seldom

169. Is honesty the best policy? Yes, it should be...
170. Do you take good care of your health? Not as good as I should be

171. Vegetables or fruits? Both, but I don't eat either enough...
172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar? ~7

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best) I think it was Opeth in Tullikamari, Tampere
174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene) Yes, I almost always just stand and cross my hands and just listen... (if that is considered a scene police)

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come? I'm hardly ever desperate
176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like? No

177. One thing in your life you would do differently. I'm quite happy with my life, but maybe not choose the uni, but go to a polytechnic
178. Is fucking animals cool? What are you on?

179. What instrument would you wanna play? Didgeridou
180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with* erm, what kind of a gun is it?

181. Do you actually read others answers? Not for a while anymore...
182. What do you think of Marko (Windom Pearl)? He's a nice guy and fun to talk with... only thinkg is that I don't know what to talk with him when i meet him... (also easy to piss off by telling him a certain singer sucks balls...)

183. What do you think of Toni (Nevershine)? Good player and a good friend of mine... I like playing with him (music that is, people... music!!!)
184. What do you think of Lassi (Downfall)? My image of him is a bit quite guy, but this might be because I haven't met him too many times... But those times I've met him and we've talked he seems like a nice guy (yup, everyone is a nice guy)

185. What do you think of Horza? Completely fucked up... in a good way. Didn't like the mustache, but otherwise he kisses quite good...
186. What do you think of Tooled? More completely fucked up guy...

187. What do you think of Hearse? Spamwhore... postcunt... :err: but sometimes he has some point...
188. What do you think of Mazah? Mazah got a "What do you think of"-question and I didn't? ;) Hmmm, but seriously, from what I've heard, he's a great player, not much I know about him. I think I was a substiture teacher for him once...

189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries? They suck balls
190. What do you think of Farmakon? I love it (ass kissing *slurps slurps*)

191. What is your favorite sex position? Well... I like woman on top
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?)
And to be more exact, I mean CLEAN genitals, not festival genitals after 3 days without a shower Yes, i do

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle? gentle
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking? Yes, why not? Nothing too violent of course, but little spanking won't hurt...

195. what do you think of while having sex? I'm thinking that hopefully I can please my partner, and being happy when I see that I can
196. Do you like the scent of heat? :err:

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex? Some little gestures and of course and a visual stimulus...
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay? pleasing my partner (btw, I hate using the word "partner" but still I'm writing it all the time...)

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman? Foreplay yes, yes... of course
200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? No, just a bit tired

201. Want more sex related questions? Do YOU?
202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone? I think I've given... As if I'd remember...

203. What color are your bedroom-walls? Beige if I recall correctly...
204. Do you talk with yourself? Out loud? Seldom... In my head... that's called thinking my friends... so, yes.

205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness? As far as I know, nope...
206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs? Good for them

207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing. Insulin
208. What is the best pick up -line you know? Heard this tomorrow (a guy came to ask a female friend of mine to dance with him... or tried): "Do you work in the St1 gas station in Toijala?" then all the table bursted into a laghter and teh man went away...

209. Toilet seat, up or down? Down, but that's only my preference
210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet? Of course, if I had to

211. Is Madonna the queen of pop? Most propably
212. Is Elvis the king? No, he was

213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower? Nope, that's so 90's
214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had? 2 girl friends

215. Will you ever get married? I hope so
216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city? Same as Horza (but not in the same hut, kthx)

217. Nuclear Power Plants? Very good and clean way of producing electricity... If done right, that is. Only good alternative in Finland atm.
218. Are you often commando? (without underpants) No

219. Boat or airplain? Is this a trick question?
220. When was the last time you cried? Hmmm... I think it was sometime last year, I can't remember... I've got wet eyes about a month ago for some reason I don't remember...

221. Hugging or kissing? Both
222. Do you like going to buy food in a market? I hate crowded places

223. What is your e-mail address? (no, no catch...right) meh... dotnoir@hotmail.com and as you might have guessed this is not my main address
224. Are you into sports? like watching, not doing. When I'm bored, anything goes ;) But, yeah, i like watching sports...

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark? ~4 years ago
226. What is/was the best ride? Tornado, i think it is called

227. Are you superstitious? I can't say I am...
228. About what thing you´re happy it is over? Don't know...

229. How many times in a week you eat junk food? Maybe once a week on average
230. Do you like old people? Some are nice, some are not... Mostly I've come across are a bit too arrogant/ignorant

231. Want more sex? always
a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album) Can't remember I would have... Ah, but yes, i have... It was The Manic Street Preachers - This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours
b. ) And what was the reason of it? My girlfriends had just left me

233. for musicians: Ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic on the wall and stop playing/singing for once and for all? No, I play for myself, and if I get frustrated I'm not doing it right
234. for musicians again: In what state of mind you usually feel urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)? :err: when I feel like it?

235. Have you ever found cure in music for your mood/depression?
(if yes, tell abit about it) Yes, I think i have, but I usually listen to quite depressive music when I'm down and it makes me feel better...
236. What saddens you the most in your life? Other people

237. What is the best song ever? (name only one song) Sorry, can't
238. Have you ever thought of commiting a suicide?
(when yes, what made you not to do it?) Yes, I have. wghat made me not do it? Because I was just thinking...

239: Have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide? At least one of my good childhood friends climbed on a roof of an apartment building and said he'd jump... He didn't...
240: and to stick with my image:
a.) Do you sleep naked? Sometimes
b.) Do you sleep blanked/pillow between your legs? Sometimes, yes, I like the position with a blanket between my legs and hugging a pillow
i see boredom ruled while i was away, ooookay... *takes a deep breath*

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror? definitely science fiction
122. Why are we still here? actually, i just came back after a very busy week

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester? no idea, but at least schwarzenegger proved he's got decent self irony
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come? yes

125. George W. Bush? a power hungry creature
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies? i did, but switched to email because of relative faster communication, tho i still write proper letters on special occasions

127. You like getting a tan? nope, but perhaps i should, i'm ghostly white
128. You got tattoos/piercings? nope

129. ...shit... this
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman? last year

131. When is your birthday? december, 2nd
132. Getting or giving gifts? both, when unexpected and unplanned

133. Do you boicot something? nope
134. Could somebody else please take over? :p it happened already

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject) lots of people
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid... don't worry, you're more likely to be killed by a falling meteorite

137. How often do you wash your hair? twice a week
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower? 10-15 minutes

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"? i don't like operating rooms
140. Speaking or listening? listening. it can be very entertaining, at times

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive) ben stiller
142. Politics? no, thanks

143. Are you a good cook? so they say
144. Do you like cleaning? not really, but it's everyday business

145. Suicide is...? for the weak
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up? that they're probably goths

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies? it depends, some are simply unstable individuals with too much power and a liking for bullying others
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist? nope

149. How do you want to die? not in a hospital
150. Tell me what you think of me. i don't know you enough

151. What is the most stupid stereotype? that all stereotypes are stupid
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar? there's not much difference, once you can sing

153. Britney or Christina? neither, but christina is a better singer
154. What is/was your favourite toy? lego bricks

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you? nope, i could read at 4. i was given comics to get myself to sleep
156. Are you afraid giving speeches? not really. when i was a kid i hated being summoned to read sermons in church

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker? blacksmith
158. Wiccas are...? followers of a non-violent religion that isn't worse than every other

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person? quite much. i'm still replying to these questions, see?
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining? if i have to, otherwise i like better staying at home. however, summer showers are nice

161: What do you think of Rusty?? uses the word "corking" an awful lot of times
162. What do you think of rahvin?? an all-round dwarf

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska? ;) that's his business
164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him?? giving him a ticket for tuska?

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning? because you don't have breakfast regularly
166. Why I am so fucking short of cash? no idea


167. How many cousins do you have? three
168. Do you often buy new clothes? not really, only when i need something

169. Is honesty the best policy? i think it's one of the many ingredients to get rewarding personal and professional esteem
170. Do you take good care of your health? unfortunately, not always

171. Vegetables or fruits? liberal amounts of both *hungry*
172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar? zero

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best) thales in turku, last december
174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene) nope

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come? not really
176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like? nope, but i tried cat treats, if you care

177. One thing in your life you would do differently. i like better to look forward
178. Is fucking animals cool? nope, it's sick

179. What instrument would you wanna play? bass guitar and drums
180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with* *puts the gun in your hand and makes you pull the trigger*

181. Do you actually read others answers? yes
182. What do you think of Marko (Windom Pearl)? seems he likes people to think he's gay
183. What do you think of Toni (Nevershine)? a very kind person
184. What do you think of Lassi (Downfall)? always silent but when quietly munching on some pizza ;)
185. What do you think of Horza? simply adorable
186. What do you think of Tooled? teh ass obsessed
187. What do you think of Hearse? a nice and sensible guy
188. What do you think of Mazah? i don't know him enough
189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries? :p they're quite pointless
190. What do you think of Farmakon? i like the people but i'm not too much in their music style

191-199. not answering

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions? not at all
201. Want more sex related questions? :p honestly, i don't see the point. besides, whatever women magazine now issues these topics for the "emancipated" and i could buy one at any time, if i cared

202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone? yes and yes
203. What color are your bedroom-walls? white with stencil decorations

204. Do you talk with yourself? who doesn't?
205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness? nope

206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs? see horza's reply
207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing. see horza's reply

208. What is the best pick up -line you know? *points to the previous answer*
209. Toilet seat, up or down? what about "floating in mid-air"?
210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet? we'll see if you come back

211. Is Madonna the queen of pop? yes, she set and perfectioned a model still unsurpassed to this day
212. Is Elvis the king? personally, i don't like him

213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower? nope, but i'd like a jacuzzi better
214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had? four

215. Will you ever get married? time will tell
216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city? countryside

217. Nuclear Power Plants? in favor
218. Are you often commando? (without underpants) nope

219. Boat or airplain? i'm forced to choose the boat as airplains don't exist
220. When was the last time you cried? this very morning

221. Hugging or kissing? both
222. Do you like going to buy food in a market? yes, unless it's very crowded

223. What is your e-mail address? (no, no catch...right)not telling you
224. Are you into sports? like watching, not doing. i like watching figure ice skating competitions

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark? some years ago
226. What is/was the best ride? one called "space vertigo". the carriage gets lifted on top of a tower and then released for a 40mt free-fall *woo-hoo*

227. Are you superstitious? nope
228. About what thing you´re happy it is over? the pains due to my ulcer

229. How many times in a week you eat junk food? every saturday i have a dose of jellies/chocolates/candies/whatever
230. Do you like old people? i generally do, unless when they think they're exempt from following common civility rules because of their age
DotNoir said:
Here, all the questions in a nice one post : (I'm going to answer when I feel like answering)
1. What is your full name?
Juuso-Petteri Backman

2. How old are you? (don´t cheat, ladies!!)

3. Favourite color?
Hmm, blue.

4. Favourite food and drink?
Steak with red wine

5. Favourite movie?
Stargate, probably.

6. Favourite tv-serie?

7. Favourite cartoon character?

8. Favourite game?
Thief 1

9. The sickest thing you know?
Smashing babies' heads into walls.

10. What is the thing you like doing best? OR
10. Is sex the best thing in the world?
( ´cause the pressure of the public eye )

11. The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you?
I really can't remember. I don't tend to mull over such things.

12. The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you?
I really can't remember. I don't tend to mull over such things. :p

13. The best gig you´ve ever been to?
Uh. Megadeth at Nummirock some years back.

14. What foreign countries you have visited?
Sweden, Estonia, Italy, Greece, France

15. In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday?
Australia, Egypt

16. The best coutry in the world?

17. Coffee or tea?

18. Milk or water?

19. The ugliest thing you own?
A worn-out, battered, and broken lamp.

20. The best word in the whole wide world?

21. What is your job?
I don't have one.

22. What would you WANNA do for living?
NOTHING, but since we all have to: hmm, well, I haven't thought this one out yet. :)

23. The worst band you know?
I'm happy I don't know.

24. Best season?
Autumn is the most picturesque, but the weather sucks, so I'll stick with summer.

25. Who is your best friend?
I don't categorise my friends that way.

26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
Not a crush..

27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman)
Male: Brad Pitt is the first one I thought of.
Female: *pant*, this is too difficult.

28. Best in Christmas?
Food. Lots of food.

29. Do you like sleeping?
I love it, but sometimes there are things that are seemingly more interesting than sleeping.

30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear?

31. Best author?
Michael Crichton

32. Your favourite book?
Michael Crichton's "Timeline"

33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)?
Google, I guess

34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens?
Imposing one's will/belief/prejudice/ideology/whatever on others.

35. For what are you fanatic for?
Freedom of choice and opinion.

36. Support McDonald´s?

37. Death Metal or Black Metal?

38. Darkness or light?

39. Like Lord of the Rings?
I used to. I tried re-reading it, and found it to be too boring. It's a good story nonetheless, so.. yes.

40. Who´s the best charachter in it?

41. Rain or shine?

42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die?
No can know.

43. The color of your toothbrush??

44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they?
Can't think of anything.

45. g-strings: yes or no?

46. name 3 favorite band of yours
Porcupine Tree, Dimmu Borgir, Old Man's Child

47. Do you have pets?
Two dogs and a parrot, although none of them is actually mine.

48. Do you have siblings?
Two sisters, three brothers. I'm the oldest.

49. Can you sing?
It's been so long... but yeah, I hope I still can!

50. Puppies or kitties?

51. Are you in a relationship?
No, I'm single

52. do you believe in love from the first sight?
Not in "love", but in "whoa that's The One."

53. Are you religious?

54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation
8. I like myself, but to say I think myself to be perfect would be just too much.

55. Do you keep posters on your wall?

56. Do you dye your hair?
No. Tried it once.

57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one?
Heh, John Doe for all I care.

58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors?
Mostly in black, but also some greenish or gray clothes on occasion.

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind?
Mute. I don't speak too much anyway.

60. Are goths gay?
No, since they're blue.

61. What is your favourite tree?
Nah, Maples are cool.

62. Do you wear socks?
Yes, most of the time.

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture?
A sofa.

64. Do you consider yourself as an adult?

65. Your opinion on marijuana?

66. Leatherpants or jeans?

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion?

68. What language would you wanna learn?

69. Do you wear glasses?

70. Studying or working?

71. What festivals have you been to?
Tuska, Ilosaari, Nummirock, 2000 Decibel.

72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well)
Wait and die.

73. Will you one day have kids?
I hope so.

74. Do you yet have names for them picked up?

75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park?
Ten minutes of freefall. ;)

76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to?
They're okay.

77. What do you parents do for a living?
Dad lays bricks, mom sells and makes clothes, mostly for kids and expectant mothers.

78. Did you have a happy childhood?
Pretty much yes.

79. Roof or floor?

80. Do you often picture people naked?
Not too often. Sometimes, for sure.

81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it?
Huh? No, what?

82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot?

83. Do you hate copy-machines? (this question has something to do with the thing that I´m dealing here right now...and I say YES)
Pieces of pie.

84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat?
The perfect place to blow yourself up. Especially in summers.

85. Skating or skiing?

86. Hair open or with a pony-tail?
I keep it pony-tailed. As for women... it depends on their facial features.

87. Gymnastics or dancing?

88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do?
Keep on talking, and try to forget about it.

89. Do you have a driver´s licence?

90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself?
Meticulous, with a knack for occasional tantrums.

91. How tall are you?
178cm, 5'10"ish

92. Would you wanna build your own house?
No, I'd rather have it built as I tell them to.

93. Do you like being photographed?
Hate it.

94. Have you ever posed nude?

95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself!
Yes, I'm lazy when it comes to certain things. Usually because I'm not bothered with that something that should be done, or when I feel that whatever I do won't change anything.

96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not?
I don't. I think jewellery should symbolize something that's very important to you, or it should be just fucking beautiful/gorgeous. I haven't found either yet.

97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...)
Get upset, pout, become glum.

98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see?

99. What animal would you wanna be?

100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not?
Not usually, since they don't usually have anything newsworthy to offer.

101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words)
"The Perfect Drug" is a good song. That's all I know about them. ;)

102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general?
Yes I have, and yes, I like them in general, although I wouldn't wear one.

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch?
Old wooden stairs leading down into misty darkness.

104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it?
The stick. Ack, bound to make one hell of a mess.

105. Long skirts or short ones?
Short, but not too short.

106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights?
Have a sauna and relax.

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had?
Must be something I had as a kid. Can't remember, really.

108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean.
Not a whole body; bits of flesh, only.

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood?
I threw a rock (well, many rocks) at my parents' car and smashed one of the windows because I thought there were chips and pop in the back seat although they told me there's nothing in there, and that they were busy playing cards.

110. Math or languages?
Tough call, I like 'em both. ;)

111. Blonds or brunettes?

112. The best ice cream tastes like...?
Creamy pear.

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard?

114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result?
Nothing that I would have paid lots for. A couple of albums or books come to mind, but that's it.

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle?
Yes, quite often.

116. Have you kept a diary?

117. What magazines you like to read?
Them scientific ones.

118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up?
Hehe, no, it's become much more timid.

119. Are you bi-sexual?

120. Enough yet?
Almost, but not quite.

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror?

122. Why are we still here?
We haven't figured IT out yet.

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester?

124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come?
Not completely, but VHS's suck.

125. George W. Bush?
A puppet.

126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies?
No, never had.

127. You like getting a tan?
Well, it's certainly nice, but I don't sunbathe in order to get a tan.

128. You got tattoos/piercings?

129. ...shit...
Okay, that's my cue. Smoke break.

130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman?
Maybe five years ago.

131. When is your birthday?
April 4th.

132. Getting or giving gifts?

133. Do you boicot something?
Not consciously.

134. Could somebody else please take over?
*peeks over his shoulder, shrugs*

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject)
Not me. ;)

136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid...
I have, and I like the takeoffs and landings. Other than that, it's boring and cramped.

137. How often do you wash your hair?
Every other or third day, depends on how lazy I am.

138. How long does it take for you to take a shower?
About ten minutes.

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"?
I could, but there's nothing I'd want fixed at the moment.

140. Speaking or listening?

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive)
The guy who claimed to be the son of God.

142. Politics?
No thanks.

143. Are a good cook?
I don't cook much, so I guess not.

144. Do you like cleaning?
Sometimes. Usually it's just a chore, but sometimes it feels good, especially afterwards.

145. Suicide is...?
one possible solution.

146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up?
Scots, eh?

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies?

148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist?
Not much. It's the bill that I'm afraid of.

149. How do you want to die?
Quickly, basically.

150. Tell me what you think of me.
A nice guy whom I don't know. :)

151. What is the most stupid stereotype?
Any racial prejudical stereotype.

152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar?
Actor. Aren't POPstars actors in effect?

153. Britney or Christina?

154. What is/was your favourite toy?
A furry, big lion puppet.

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you?

156. Are you afraid giving speeches?
Yeh, they make me feel queasy.

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker?

158. Wiccas are...?
Goofy, but each to their own...

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person?

160. Wanna go out when it´s raining?

161: What do you think of me?? (Rusty)
Uh. I don't know anything about you. Wanna have a pint and remedy that?

162. What do you think of rahvin??
Nice bloke. Met him once.

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska?
Because he's either a cheapskate or just not wealthy enough.

164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him??
Have a GREAT time, take lots of photos, and speak highly of it all afterwards.

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning?
You haven't trained it properly.

166. Why I am so fucking short of cash?
You, like everyone else, don't earn enough.

167. How many cousins do you have?
Haha, like I know (or care).

168. Do you often buy new clothes?
No, I don't have enough cash for that.

169. Is honesty the best policy?

170. Do you take good care of your health?
Not really.

171. Vegetables or fruits?
Fruits, yumm.

172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar?
Three, on average.

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best)
Some Finnish band, Amaran, and Katatonia at Tavastia, Helsinki.

174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene)
Hell no.

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come?
No, winter is okay. Spring is too wet for comfort, but I like the late spring and the warm sun.

176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like?

177. One thing in your life you would do differently.

178. Is fucking animals cool?

179. What instrument would you wanna play?

180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with*
It's not loaded.

181. Do you actually read others answers?
I don't think I will. ;)

182. What do you think of Marko (Windom Pearl)?
Eccentric, in a good way. :)

183. What do you think of Toni (Nevershine)?
A jovial and easy-going fellow.

184. What do you think of Lassi (Downfall)?
A good man. In some ways quite similar to me, IMO.

185. What do you think of Horza?

186. What do you think of Tooled?

187. What do you think of Hearse?
Nothing. :p

188. What do you think of Mazah?

189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries?
Isn't this quite fucking enough?

190. What do you think of Farmakon?
Good shit.

191. What is your favorite sex position?
Woman on top.

192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?)
And to be more exact, I mean CLEAN genitals, not festival genitals after 3 days without a shower

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle?
Gentle, but not too. Some ruffness is required.

194. Like to recieve/do some spanking?
Sure, but not much. Pain = turn off.

195. what do you think of while having sex?
Damn, I can't remember. Not much, obviously.

196. Do you like the scent of heat?

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex?
The primeval urge to reproduce.

198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay?
The feeling of increasing lust.

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman?
Foreplay for sure.

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions?
Not really.

201. Want more sex related questions?
I guess the ones above covered enough ground.

202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone?
Not in a romantic situation.

203. What color are your bedroom-walls?
96% white.

204. Do you talk with yourself?
Sometimes, in my head. ;)

205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness?

206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs?
It's their choice, and as long as they don't disapprove of other's habits, I'm cool with them.

207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing.
My eye-glasses.

208. What is the best pick up -line you know?

209. Toilet seat, up or down?

210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet?

211. Is Madonna the queen of pop?
Oh yeah, hands down.

212. Is Elvis the king?
He's the devil in disguise.

213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower?

214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had?
One. ;)

215. Will you ever get married?
Hard to tell.

216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city?
Countryside, but relatively close to a city.

217. Nuclear Power Plants?
Yes and yes. We need more of them.

218. Are you often commando? (without underpants)
Almost never.

219. Boat or airplain?

220. When was the last time you cried?
A week ago.

221. Hugging or kissing?

222. Do you like going to buy food in a market?
No. Boring and mundane.

223. What is your e-mail address? (no, no catch...right)
juuso at thalesband dot com

224. Are you into sports? like watching, not doing.
I'm not enthusiastic about them, but I watch some.

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark?
Last late summer, EuroDisneyworld in Paris. What a shithole!

226. What is/was the best ride?
"Spaceshot", or something like that

227. Are you superstitious?

228. About what thing you´re happy it is over?
Uh, eh. Nothing special.

229. How many times in a week you eat junk food?
Max. once

230. Do you like old people?
Not in general. They're usually too cranky.

231. Want more sex?

a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album)
Yes. Opeth - Orchid, and My Dying Bride - Like Gods of the Sun, and The Angel and the Dark River.
b. ) And what was the reason of it?
General sadness / bad feeling.

233. for musicians: Ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic on the wall and stop playing/singing for once and for all?
Yea, but it passes in five seconds.

234. for musicians again: In what state of mind you usually feel urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)?
To create: when sad or when fascinated or intrigued by something
To play: usually when happy and energetic

235. Have you ever found cure in music for your mood/depression?
(if yes, tell abit about it)
Yes. When I'm depressed/moody I tend to listen to moody, slow, sad, beautiful songs, but they don't make me feel more sad. Exactly the opposite; they make the sting fade away and soothe me. Porcupine Tree's "A Heart-attack in a Lay-by" is one good example.

236. What saddens you the most in your life?
Not having someone to curl up by and fall asleep, and wake next to.

237. What is the best song ever? (name only one song)

238. Have you ever thought of commiting a suicide?
(when yes, what made you not to do it?)
Yes. I didn't do it 'cause I realised there are so many things in life I want to experience, and my death would only create more pain. Not that I'd be around to care, I just don't like being an asshole.

239: Have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide?
One has tried, once. He came quite close to succeeding as well.

240: and to stick with my image:
a.) Do you sleep naked?
No, never.
b.) Do you sleep blanked/pillow between your legs?
Yes, blanket. Always.
231. Want more sex? not now
a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album) yes, every now and then, but it's never been because of the music
b. ) And what was the reason of it? obviously some sad thoughts

233. for musicians: Ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic on the wall and stop playing/singing for once and for all? not really, i sing for myself, because i like it
234. for musicians again: In what state of mind you usually feel urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)? when i feel like it

235. Have you ever found cure in music for your mood/depression? nope, but it helps creating the right atmosphere
(if yes, tell abit about it)
236. What saddens you the most in your life? that days are too short to do all i'd like to

237. What is the best song ever? (name only one song) impossible to say, but a big fave of mine is carl orff's "fortuna imperatrix mundi" (carmina burana)
238. Have you ever thought of commiting a suicide? not really of killing myself, but i've considered the idea of dying in my sleep as a soothing one, during a very sad period in my life.

239: Have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide? not that i'm aware of
240: and to stick with my image:
a.) Do you sleep naked? sometimes in summer, when it's unbearably hot
b.) Do you sleep blanked/pillow between your legs? nope, but i keep my hands under the pillow

*goes to make tea*
Rei Toei said:
237. What is the best song ever? (name only one song) impossible to say, but a big fave of mine is carl orff's "fortuna imperatrix mundi" (carmina burana)
Hell yes, the best piece of classical music ever. :worship:
And I´m back. Barely alive.

202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone?
Yes, once. (I have to remember to buy one for rahvin ;) )
203. What color are your bedroom-walls?

204. Do you talk with yourself?
Very often actually.
205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness?
Not yet.
206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs?
I´m pretty fine, thank you :D
207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing.
My Hypo-cap.

208. What is the best pick up -line you know?
I don´t know any good ones.
209. Toilet seat, up or down?
210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet?
I did. It took some energy though.
211. Is Madonna the queen of pop?
Can´t deny.
212. Is Elvis the king?
Hell no.
213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower?
Considering buying one.
214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had?

215. Will you ever get married?
Doubt it.
216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city?
In the middle of them.
217. Nuclear Power Plants?
218. Are you often commando? (without underpants)
219. Boat or airplain?
220. When was the last time you cried?
I cry often so I should remember...but I can´t recall now.
221. Hugging or kissing?
222. Do you like going to buy food in a market?
No. It drives me even more pissed.
223. What is your e-mail address? (no, no catch...right)
ikihorros@rock.com (I can now send mail to myself)
224. Are you into sports? like watching, not doing.

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark?
Last summer.
226. What is/was the best ride?
I went in.. I quess 3 rides. Kanttikertaakanttiautot!
227. Are you superstitious?
In some level.
228. About what thing you´re happy it is over?
229. How many times in a week you eat junk food?
Last weeks about 5 times :ill:
230. Do you like old people?
No, they scare me.
1.What is your full name? Toni Jukka Mikael Salminen
2.How old are you? (don´t cheat, ladies!!) 23

3.Favourite color? Shades of green
4.Favourite food and drink? Tortillas, Pizza, Coke, Beer

5.Favourite movie? First Star Wars
6.Favourite tv-serie? The league of gentlemen, Paristo

7.Favourite cartoon character? Vash The Stampede
8.Favourite game? Deus Ex, Freelancer

9.The sickest thing you know? Forced to watch girlfriend being raped or being strapped in a table not being able to move while someone hits your mouth with a hammer or sticks pins in your eyes.

10.What is the thing you like doing best? Sex, Drinking, Playing pool/guitar/computer with or without the drinking

11.The most evil thing anyone has ever said to you? I don't want you to be the father of my children
12.The most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you? I love you, don't ever leave me etc...

13.The best gig you´ve ever been to? Opeth, Knucklebone Oscar, Hellacopters
14.What foreign countries you have visited to?
Sweden, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Russia, Estonia, Greece, Cuba, Spain

15.In what foreign countries you´d like to go someday?
Japan or China

16.The best coutry in the world?
Finland or Canada

17.Coffee or tea? Coffee
18.Milk or water? Water

19.The ugliest thing you own? Some of my old clothes.
20.The best word in the whole wide world? Certainty

21.What is your job? Student
22.What would you WANNA do for living? "I wanna rock!"

23. The worst band you know? Janos Valmunen
24. Best season? Spring

25. Who is your best friend? Just a few trustworthy guys... No single best friend.
26. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Nope

27. The most goodlooking famous person? (Man and a woman) Keanu Reeves, Charlize Theron
28. Best in Christmas? Relaxation and ham

29. Do you like sleeping? yes and no. Sometimes I don't want to sleep when I should and it becomes a problem.
30. Person you´d like to kill or at least make disappear? hmm...

31. Best author? Douglas Adams, H.P.Lovecraft
32. Your favourite book? I'm not much of a reader. Maybe something short from Lovecraft.

33. Internet- site you use the most (not your mail-box)? This and
34. What thing pushes your buttons EVERY time it happens? Sex

35. For what are you fanatic for? Depends on my mood
36. Support McDonald´s? Fuck no!

37. Death Metal or Black Metal? Death
38. Darkness or light? Light

39.Like Lord of the Rings? Yes
40. Who´s the best charachter in it? That gay Legolas

41. Rain or shine? Shine
42. What is so horrible thing you´d never do it, you´d rather die? Kill someone close to me.

43. The color of your toothbrush?? Blue and Green
44. Do you have fetishes and if yes, what are they?

45. g-strings: yes or no?
On a girl yes. On me… No!
46. name 3 favorite band of yours
Opeth, Hellacopters, Katatonia

47. Do you have pets?
48. Do you have siblings?
Sister 7 yrs.

49. Can you sing?
I hope someday.
50. Puppies or kitties?

51. Are you in a relationship? (if yes, do you love him/her from the bottom of your heart?)
Yes. Yes… unfortunately.
52. do you believe in love from the first sight?
Hmm… No.

53. Are you religious?
54. rate yourself from 1 to 10 with explanation
7. I’m not that bad. I try very hard not to be an asshole. :D

55. Do you keep posters on your wall? What kind?
Nowadays only Darth Maul –poster.
56. Do you dye your hair?
Yes. Red has been the colour now. Used to be Black/Blue.

57. Who should be the king of the world if there could be one?
Me of course. It’s good to be the king.
58. Do you dress in black clothes? if no, then in what colors?
Most of my t-shirts are black. Hmm. Maybe mostly.

59. What would you rather be deaf, mute or blind?
60. Are goths gay?
What else!

61. What is your favourite tree?
Oak. Old and wise. :rolleyes:
62. Do you wear socks?
What kind of a twisted question is this!?!? Yes!

63. What is your favourite piece of furniture?
64. Do you consider yourself as an adult?

65. Your opinion on marijuana?
Smoke if you want to. Maybe you’ll give some to me too.
66. Leatherpants or jeans?

67. Do you feel that text-messages and e-mails have destroyed the "real" way of discussion?
In some way.
68. What language would you wanna learn?

69. Do you wear glasses?

70. Studying or working?

71. What festivals have you been to?
Tuska 2 times. I don’t really care for festivals.
72. If there is a room with one door and 3 windows and there are madmans coming in in every one of them, what will you do?(use your imagination, there can be something else as well)
Horza had the “most rules” answer to this but I can’t use the same… I think I would propably panic.

73. Will you one day have kids?
I hope.
74. Do you yet have names for them picked up? What are they?

75. If you could, what kinda machine would you build in an amusement park?
A crazyarse rollercoaster.
76. Are candles nice pretty-lighty-thingys or just something you can put peoples hair to?
The first part.

77. What do you parents do for a living?
Dad makes parquettes and mom travels around the world working in IT.
78. Did you have a happy childhood?

79. Roof or floor?
80. Do you often picture people naked?
Sadly no.

81. Are you expecting something exciting in this very minute? What is it?
New training pad.
82. Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot?

83. Do you hate copy-machines? (this question has something to do with the thing that I´m dealing here right now...and I say YES)
No. I can use them. ;)
84. Crowded busses...place to blow your head off or good place to chat?
Place to blow other peoples heads off.

85. Skating or skiing?
86. Hair open or with a pony-tail?

87. Gymnastics or dancing?
88. Some dude with a bad breath comes to talk to you, what do you do?

89. Do you have a driver´s licence?
90. As what kinda driver you´d classify yourself?
A good one.

91. How tall are you?
92. Would you wanna build your own house?

93. Do you like being photographed?
94. Have you ever posed nude?

95. Are you lazy? Explain yourself!
Yes. Just sometimes I wouldn’t want to do stuff…
96. Do you wear jewellery? What kind?/Why not?
Sometimes a Kalevela necklace

97. When something doesn´t go your way, what do you do? (shout, curse, cry, wait a minute...)
98. Look yourself with some other persons eyes. What do you see?
A normal jovial fellow.

99. What animal would you wanna be?
Fuck these! White-headed eagle or whatchumacallit.
100. Do you watch the news? Why?/Why not?
Not much. Not interested.

101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words)
Haven’t listened to them much. Maybe not.
102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general?
In the army. Nothing wrong with berets.

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch?
Corkscrewstairs with cobwebs and darkness going waaay down…
104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it?
As Lasse said… Huge stick is easier to block.

105. Long skirts or short ones?
Short of course.
106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights?
Drinking “or… just watchig TV”

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had?
Heartache. :cry:
108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean.

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood?
There are so many… I can’t choose.
110. Math or languages?

111. Blonds or brunettes?
112. The best ice cream tastes like...?

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard?
114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result?
A new amp… Though I went and changed it afterwards.

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle?
116. Have you kept a diary?

117. What magazines you like to read?
Game related or porn.
118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up?

119. Are you bi-sexual?
I hope not.
120. Enough yet?
Beginning to be.

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror?
122. Why are we still here?
How the fuck should I know!

123. Is
Arnold tougher than Sylvester? No! He blew it in Junior!!
124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come?
In fact I watch more VHS’s now. OLDSCHOOL!!!

125. George W. Bush?
126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies?

127. You like getting a tan?
128. You got tattoos/piercings?

129. ...shit...
Fuck the shit! Fuck the shit! Come on!
130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman?
Two years ago.

131. When is your birthday?
132. Getting or giving gifts?

133. Do you boicot something?
134. Could somebody else please take over?
Same here!

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject)
not me.
136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid...
many many times. Quite fun.

137. How often do you wash your hair?
Every other day.
138. How long does it take for you to take a shower?
10 min.

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"?
140. Speaking or listening?

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive)
My granddad. It would be nice to tell him what I’ve done these past years. I spoke to him in my sleep though two years ago. He lived in a cottage by a snowy mountain. Nice dream…
142. Politics?
Not interested.

143. Are a good cook?
Not sure.
144. Do you like cleaning?

145. Suicide is...?
146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up?
Hmm… gay!

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies?
148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist?

149. How do you want to die?
Peacefully after all is said.
150. Tell me what you think of me.
Who the fuck are you! I really have no idea because I’m writing this in Word and won’t bother to check it out. Nice guy I guess.

151. What is the most stupid stereotype?
“The Supposer”
152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar?

153. Britney or Christina?
154. What is/was your favourite toy?
Kissa Salminen

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you?
156. Are you afraid giving speeches?

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker?
158. Wiccas are...?

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person?
160. Wanna go out when it´s raining?
Why not. The best weather for jogging!

161: What do you think of me?? (Rusty)
gay! Goodfella.
162. What do you think of rahvin??
Too smart for me to handle

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska?
Maybe he is broke
164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him??
Give him the money

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning?

166. Why I am so fucking short of cash?

167. How many cousins do you have?
168. Do you often buy new clothes?
Not as often as I’d like. So no.

169. Is honesty the best policy?
Not always
170. Do you take good care of your health?

171. Vegetables or fruits?
172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar?
1 or 2

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best)
Backyard Babies
174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene)

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come?
176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like?

177. One thing in your life you would do differently.
Too much…
178. Is fucking animals cool?
WTRF!=!??! NO!

179. What instrument would you wanna play?
Piano or sax
180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with*
Sells it and keeps the money.

181. Do you actually read others answers?
In fact… YES!
182. What do you think of Marko (Windom
Pearl)? Easy to talk/listen to. Stresses almost as much as I do.

183. What do you think of Toni (Nevershine)?
184. What do you think of Lassi (Downfall)?
A great guy. Talks like a drugaddict. :lol:

185. What do you think of Horza?
Tosser. A complete tosser. And a wanker. Loistava!
186. What do you think of Tooled?
A fun guy. Always asking me for a beer or two or twelve… Maybe some day…

187. What do you think of Hearse?
Sorryarse women drooler. Poking or trying to poke everything that moves. I recognize my old self in him. :lol:
188. What do you think of Mazah?
A very good listener. ;) Easygoing. Not the easiest type to decrypt.

189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries?
They suck ass.
190. What do you think of Farmakon?
Read question number 189.

191. What is your favorite sex position?
Woman on top
192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?)
And to be more exact, I mean CLEAN genitals, not festival genitals after 3 days without a shower

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle?
194. Like to recieve/do some spanking?

195. what do you think of while having sex?
The partner
196. Do you like the scent of heat?

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex?
I won’t even bother to answer this.
198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay?
The naughtiness

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman?
Of course foreplay!
200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions?
Not at all

201. Want more sex related questions?
Don’t care
202. Have you given/received a single red rose from someone?

203. What color are your bedroom-walls?
204. Do you talk with yourself?

205. Have you been diagnosed with some mental illness?
206. What do you think of people who don´t drink, smoke or do drugs?
None of my business.

207. Classic: what would you take along with you to an island? only one thing.
A horny, hot girl.
208. What is the best pick up -line you know?
Is there a good one?

209. Toilet seat, up or down?
210. Will I survive from 3-day-no-internet?
I feel sorry for you if you don’t

211. Is Madonna the queen of pop?
I don’t care
212. Is Elvis the king?

213. Do you have a massaging(?!) shower?
214. How many boy/girlfriends have you had?
1 (HAHA! Take that!)

215. Will you ever get married?
I hope
216. Wanna live in the countryside or in a city?
In a countryside

217. Nuclear Power Plants?
I don’t care
218. Are you often commando? (without underpants)
yep… at home all the time

219. Boat or airplain?
220. When was the last time you cried?
Maybe a week ago or so.

221. Hugging or kissing?
222. Do you like going to buy food in a market?

223. What is your e-mail address? (no, no catch...right)
224. Are you into sports? like watching, not doing.
Football, bowling, golf and curling.

225. When was the last time you visited in some amusementpark?
1.5 yrs. Ago.
226. What is/was the best ride?
Tornado or something like that (a rollercoaster)

227. Are you superstitious?
228. About what thing you´re happy it is over?
A Warm Glimpse studio session.

229. How many times in a week you eat junk food?
230. Do you like old people?
Why not.

231. Want more sex?
All the time
a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album)
yes. Can’t remember.
b. ) And what was the reason of it?
Probablythe current feeling.

233. for musicians: Ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic on the wall and stop playing/singing for once and for all?
Once in a while
234. for musicians again: In what state of mind you usually feel urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)?
can’t say.

235. Have you ever found cure in music for your mood/depression?
(if yes, tell abit about it)
yes. I’m lazy and won’t tell. Every now and then a full blast killgrowldeathpounding helps me relax if I’m pissed off. Listening to Hellacopters or other action rock makes me wanna drink oh so much!
236. What saddens you the most in your life?
That someone doesn’t have the same feelings I do… the normal stuff.

237. What is the best song ever? (name only one song)
Supersuckers – Dead Meat
238. Have you ever thought of commiting a suicide?
(when yes, what made you not to do it?)
Yes. Reason.

239: Have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide?
240: and to stick with my image:
a.) Do you sleep naked?
b.) Do you sleep blanked/pillow between your legs?
Hell no
@rahvin: Thankyouthankyou, dear :) I´m now having little bit difficulties in getting in the net, but I´ll try hard...

@Marko: :p

231. Want more sex?
not really, no
a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album)
Anathema´s Judgement has this one song...don´t recall the name right now.
b. ) And what was the reason of it?
It reminds me of someone who is no longer with us

233. for musicians: Ever got so frustrated by your own skills that you just want to throw your instrument/mic on the wall and stop playing/singing for once and for all?
Blaa :p
234. for musicians again: In what state of mind you usually feel urge to create music or play/sing (when you're feeling sad, happy, lunatic...)?
Blaa :p

235. Have you ever found cure in music for your mood/depression?
(if yes, tell abit about it)
Every time I feel bad Hypo makes me feel better. Fuck U- song makes me laugh every time, no matter how pissed I am.
236. What saddens you the most in your life?
That people don´t understand eachother.

237. What is the best song ever? (name only one song)
Hypocrisy: Buried
238. Have you ever thought of commiting a suicide?
(when yes, what made you not to do it?)
I have thought how it would be like if I DID commit suicide. That has kept me not to think it more.

239: Have any of your friends committed or tried to commit a suicide?
Yes and yes
240: and to stick with my image:
a.) Do you sleep naked?
No, I find it extremely uncomfortable
b.) Do you sleep blanked/pillow between your legs?
Maybe some time during the night.
rahvin said:
185. what do you think of horza?

i just gathered he's got himself all figured out

This one's stuck into my mind for some reason. Maybe because I have all but got myself figured out. You're not telling me I give an impression of a self-confident person with an iron strong esteem?
lumitalvi said:
a. ) Ever cried while listening some album? (if yes, what was the band/album)
Anathema´s Judgement has this one song...don´t recall the name right now.
That must be One Last Goodbye. Corkingly sad song.
241. Don't you just hate it when tramps come and stand next to you on the bus and make you stink for bloody ages??
242. Don't you just hate it when you're on a shitty computer where IE is set up so that only one instance of it can be open at any time and it's really bloody awkward and you hate it but can't be arsed to change it since you'll be going to a really boring maths lecture in 5 minutes anyway although you don't know why since you'll probably fall asleep anyway since you actually got up at a reasonable time this morning instead of sleeping in for ages??
Rusty said:
That must be One Last Goodbye. Corkingly sad song.

Corkingly, eh? ;)
It might be One Last Goodbye. Anyway it´s the song number 6.

241. When anything like that comes standing next to me...:yuk:

And whattefuck was that Hearse´s comment about?? :err: went right past me :D

Tomorrow morning(8-10 in my time) I´ll be here for 2 hours again..maybe I´ll figure some q´s again. Hoping to have some company from Rusty and Rahvin :p
lumitalvi said:
Corkingly, eh? ;)
It might be One Last Goodbye. Anyway it´s the song number 6.
Yes, that's OLG. The next song is also corking, Parisienne Moonlight. <3

lumitalvi said:
Tomorrow morning(8-10 in my time) I´ll be here for 2 hours again..maybe I´ll figure some q´s again. Hoping to have some company from Rusty and Rahvin :p
Unfortunately from 8-10 your time I'll be asleep, or maybe just waking up to go to uni. :(

I'm just about to come up with some slightly more normal questions. :p Aren't you all excited??
Horza said:
This one's stuck into my mind for some reason. Maybe because I have all but got myself figured out. You're not telling me I give an impression of a self-confident person with an iron strong esteem?
the impression i got was that you know yourself very well, not necessarily that you're confident in your skills or anything. in more than one occasion you state something about how you are or what are your views, and that does come out as strong as iron, yes. at least to me. :)

243. Whereabouts do you live (middle of a city, edge of a city, town, village, middle of nowehere etc)??
244. Is it in a nice neighbourhood, or a shithole??

245. Do you live in a house or a flat/appartment??
246. How many floors/storeys does it have??

247. How many rooms??
248. Do you have any sort of garden/yard, or even a flower-box on a window sill??

249. How much do you like living there??
250. Who lives there with you (including pets)??