From the holy kingdom of Harmonia
I've come to the conclusion that thrash in general is quite lame (with lots of excepts
), so that a revival is lame isn't that big of a suprise.

Thrash really isn't lame. It's just that it is a genre that leaves very little room for variation. Trivium's sound is really pretty "un-thrashy". It's way too melodic (for thrash), and lacks the pure aggression the majority of thrash has.
So... the worst trend in metal is trendcore poser garbage where unmetal metro-homosexual bands try to combine elements of watered down mainstream music with the most superficial elements of metal in a pathetic attempt at being the next big thing in the world of blasphemic modern tv-metal...ahem...Trivium... (this does not include all metalcore bands btw).
Trivium is NWOASM
and the thrash revival is lame. too much Bay Area not enough Teutonic.
Mantic Ritual are easily the best band to come out of this whole new wave of retro thrash movement.
You only hate Mantic Ritual because they aren't on some indie label or self-produced, amirite?
BMTH is a terrible example of deathcore. check ASP out instead.Deathcore is what I despise the most. I wish BMTH would just drop dead and never make another attack on my ears again. Who honestly enjoys little emo pricks screaming like a bunch of pussies?!
grindcore does not have burping vocals. it has low raspy growls that sound like they use a lot of air. done right, it's awesome.I think "burping" vocals sound pretty kickass if they are used in moderation. But too much of it just sucks. Probably why I don't like grindcore.