Worst Vocalists In Metal

^^nah pretty sure he meant black metal iirc

you are correct, i cannot stand this absurd screeching. Sounds like a pig being slaughtered crossed with someone playing with velcro. Even more absurd than most Death Metal vocalists.

The only extreme vocals i can tolerate is when they actually ENUNCIATE their vocals and i can actually decifer at least some of the lyrics. Otherwise they might aswell be singing about what they had for lunch or something as banal.

Bowel movement is quite apt really, sounds like they are trying to shift some humungous dry turd and splitting their ring in the process.
And any growler who does that ultra low growl that sounds like burping (IE Psycroptic).

Bullshit! Burpcore style rules!

Shagrath was fucking terrible from Puritanical onwards. However, he did some really good powerful stuff on Enthrone and Spiritual.

Otherwise, yep, Dani Filth gets my vote.

And that guy from Weakling is so bad he's good, it's like he's come full circle.
I forgot about dave mustaine, he's awful. I remember someone said he sounds like donald duck getting fucked with a christmas tree which pretty much sums him up perfect.

Second place goes to the guy on the Gathering's "Almost a Dance." He sounds like some kind of off-key rennaissance fair attendee.[/QUOTE]

The singer almost sounds like a crappy mike patton.
Mustaine is the one who's annoyed me the most by preventing me from enjoying some music I'd like to get into but I'm sure there's worse...
I can't remember the name, I'm thinking Norma Jean, but it sounds like the singer is dying. And the music seems to make no sense either, I'm not sure what you would call it, noisecore?
Dave Mustaine
LaBrie and all the other neo-prog metal (whatever it's called) singers
The power metal genre has a heck of alot

lol at someone saying Mendonca, he's far and away the best of his style.
i never said mendonca was the worst, i said i disliked his vocal style but think he's perfect for the type of music he's playing...and he definitely runs miles around j. davis
mark boals is fucking terrible, makes my ears bleed.

also i agree bono is a cunt

by the way

wankerness's sig:

that kid on the left looks like geddy lee