Yes, it's very early, but what are your thoughts on McCain?

Going into the 2000 primaries, I was afraid he wasn't conservative enough. Now, I don't know what to make of him.
Going into the 2000 primaries, I was afraid he wasn't conservative enough. Now, I don't know what to make of him.

That is to bad...let me make this real brief. If Hillary Clinton runs for president, she will win.

(CBS) To call them a political odd couple would be a rash understatement.

Conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch will host a fundraiser for liberal New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, the Financial Times reports.

How retarded is that? A ‘conservative’ will host fundraiser for the ‘liberal’ New York Sen. Hillary Clinton? Let that sink in, the owner of Fox News is on Hillary’s side. The liberals hate Fox News and the conservatives hate Hillary Clinton.

If Hillary runs for the Democratic presidential nomination, she will win and then she will be our next president, unless of course the American political establishment takes a major shift within the next two years.
i'm kinda on the fence about McCain. there are times when he strikes me as trying too hard to be all things to all parties. i think that's what cost him the nomination. hardline GOP members dont want to run a candidate that might fold on key issues, when put under pressure.

it's still early, but 2008 may be his year. i want to see who else is out there before i back anybody.
right now, i'm just not comfortable enough with McCain to tout him as the savior of the GOP.
IF Hillary runs I dont think she will win, its just like if a jew or black guy ran. There are enough people still racist/sexist enough to vote for the other party to keep a woman out. Unless all the woman voters came out and solely voted for Hillary, I dont see her winning.

McCain, I dont really know his politics too well. I havent seen him do anything totally stupid. And, Vietnam POW for 5 1/2 years, would get my vote. Thats a guy with some serious cajones.
IF Hillary runs I dont think she will win, its just like if a jew or black guy ran. There are enough people still racist/sexist enough to vote for the other party to keep a woman out. Unless all the woman voters came out and solely voted for Hillary, I dont see her winning.

McCain, I dont really know his politics too well. I havent seen him do anything totally stupid. And, Vietnam POW for 5 1/2 years, would get my vote. Thats a guy with some serious cajones.

I agree. Hillary has NO chance to win in '08. She's the most hated person in the nation not named "George Bush". And she's female. Let's not forget that.
IF Hillary runs I dont think she will win, its just like if a jew or black guy ran. There are enough people still racist/sexist enough to vote for the other party to keep a woman out. Unless all the woman voters came out and solely voted for Hillary, I dont see her winning.

McCain, I dont really know his politics too well. I havent seen him do anything totally stupid. And, Vietnam POW for 5 1/2 years, would get my vote. Thats a guy with some serious cajones.

It is the political establishment that will get her in office. In addition to that, she is already ahead of others in the Democratic presidential nomination, she would win that one and then she is most likely to be put into office rather then some Republican white male who supports the war in Iraq. Another Democrat is going to have to beat her in the Democratic presidential nomination, or else she is likely to be our next president.
I agree. Hillary has NO chance to win in '08. She's the most hated person in the nation not named "George Bush". And she's female. Let's not forget that.

Most of our politicians in America are hated, but they still have a loyal bloc of voters. Hillary most certainly does, she also has the owner of Fox news on her side, something that would shock all the 'patriots' in America, so she is likely to be the next president of the United States unless another Democrat can be her in the Democratic presidential nomination.
Most of our politicians in America are hated, but they still have a loyal bloc of voters. Hillary most certainly does, she also has the owner of Fox news on her side, something that would shock all the 'patriots' in America, so she is likely to be the next president of the United States unless another Democrat can be her in the Democratic presidential nomination.

We are assuming that all women, minorities and homo's are going to vote for her. There are many women out there that resent Hillary for staying with Bill. They recognize that she compromised her self-worth for political power. Not that many have not already done the same.
Putting aside the fact that Hillary is a carpetbagger, a female and was the first lady to an impeached president. If she runs, you will see the ugliest muck-raking and smear campaign since George II ran. Additionally, northeastern Democrats have never fared well in runs for the White House.
she will lose no matter what.

I completely agree with that. If the Dems think they have the presidential office locked and this is their best candidate for it, then they will be extremely disappointed with the election results. It would be the first time I voted Republican in a presidential race if that is all the Dems can offer us(not even sure I would vote:erk: ). Hillary running would be a guaranteed win for republicans.
I completely agree with that. If the Dems think they have the presidential office locked and this is their best candidate for it, then they will be extremely disappointed with the election results. It would be the first time I voted Republican in a presidential race if that is all the Dems can offer us(not even sure I would vote:erk: ). Hillary running would be a guaranteed win for republicans.

I don't think she would win either. Some Dems probably think if they hold the states they took in 2004 with Kerry and pick up a swing state or two, they have a shot. But likely, she'll finish no better than Kerry, and not be able to take Florida or Ohio either.
We are assuming that all women, minorities and homo's are going to vote for her. There are many women out there that resent Hillary for staying with Bill. They recognize that she compromised her self-worth for political power. Not that many have not already done the same.
Putting aside the fact that Hillary is a carpetbagger, a female and was the first lady to an impeached president. If she runs, you will see the ugliest muck-raking and smear campaign since George II ran. Additionally, northeastern Democrats have never fared well in runs for the White House.

The thing with Hillary is that the establishment wants her to be president. The country is already angry with the Republicans, that is why the Senate and House belongs to the Democrats. Another thing as you pointed out, she will get the minority and queer vote, in addition to that she will get support for conservatives for NEVER voting against any major Iraq military spending legislation. The only thing that will keep her out of office is if they Democratic and Republican party goes from jackasses like the Clinton and Bush families to real American patriots.

Thanks to all of our activists in all 50 states, the Democrats will control the House of Representatives in January 2007. Rep. Nancy Pelosi from California will be the first female Speaker of the House.
This is a momentous day for Democrats and for women. We couldn't have done it without the 50-state strategy and the efforts of our activists everywhere. If you're wondering what this means for policy, Tracy previewed a Democratic House a few weeks ago.

That is a ‘momentous’ day for women? HO HO, I would hate to see one of their bad days. I’m opposed to anti female nonsense, however, these (male) Democrats are just trying to get their votes with this kind of rhetoric. However, with the country in shape that it is now, do women really want anything to do with the Federal government?
You may, or may not, have been joking, but I really do think the hatred for her is so strong that some crazed reich-wing zealot might just take her life. (or attempt to, anyway)

Why hasnt someone tried to take out Bush? If I were to believe the media 100%, everyone hates him more than the democratic KKK hated free blacks voting.
No she will be killed before she takes office, she will lose no matter what.

LMAO...take it easy Hawng, the thought of that must piss you off. If Americans don't want her in, every single person is going to have to stand against it.
Hillary could pose a threat against a bland candidate like McCain but, she wouldn't win. If Rudy wins the Republican primary, she won't stand a chance. He would grab the traditional Republican vote and steel some votes from the dems with his less than conservative stance on some issues.
Why hasnt someone tried to take out Bush? If I were to believe the media 100%, everyone hates him more than the democratic KKK hated free blacks voting.

Hey., good point! Thanks for jogging my memory! Now, remember how many people tried to kill Bill Clinton? There was that crazy guy firing on the White House with a machine gun, for which they permanently closed down that stretch of Pennsylvania Avenue; and that guy who crashed his small plane into the side of the White House.... and at least one or two other half-assed attempts.

Nobody's even made a quarter-assed attempt to bump off Dubya. Economy must be too good or something.

Oh, and McCain's a banana. Wouldn't vote for him with a 10-foot pole.
