"you just don't understand"

Amarantus said:
Cute. :Spin:
Thoth-Amon said:
Now there are certainly many great groups and musicians outside of the classical tradtion, some even come close in terms of making outstanding music. But none have been able to meet or exceed the beauty and musical excellence of say Mahler's 9th or Wagner's Ring Cycle.

you are entitled to think that Wagner is the best thing ever.

my point in this particular case was that orchestral/symphonic music no longer can be considered a "cutting edge" artform in almost any way due partially to several hundred years of previous innovation but mainly because of several hundred years of overexposure, and so it has therefore been invalidated as a current art form. "art" must be new and different. that is my qualifier for it being "art" and not just "entertainment". if it does not challenge any standards, if it is just immitation of something popular that was created for no purpose other than to achieve the same level of popularity as what it is immitating, then it is just "entertainment" and therefore IRRELEVANT TO THE CURRENT STATE OF ART.

i can't remember where i was going with this.

i need either sleep or more drugs.
Teh Grimarse said:
i say again...


both king diamond and, to an extent, mercyful fate were, even back in the 80s, still totally generic in every aspect but the IMAGE. musically they were a decade behind the cutting edge, nothing even remotely revolutionary.

so, um, yeah.

Go spout your ignorance somewhere else. Until you compose something as great as what MF/KD have done and prove you can even fathom the amount of talent they have, is the day I will accept your opinion.

Now shut the fuck up.
i actually like king diamond compared to how much of a faggot i think you are.

but that's ok cause you don't matter and you won't be here in a month.
i would also like to add that i've been doing this for like 8 pages now and i'm an idiot for arguing with idiots. i really should know better.

i guess i'm done now.

peace and love to all, now go listen to Jeff Buckley.
Teh Grimarse said:
you are entitled to think that Wagner is the best thing ever.

my point in this particular case was that orchestral/symphonic music no longer can be considered a "cutting edge" artform in almost any way due partially to several hundred years of previous innovation but mainly because of several hundred years of overexposure, and so it has therefore been invalidated as a current art form. "art" must be new and different. that is my qualifier for it being "art" and not just "entertainment". if it does not challenge any standards, if it is just immitation of something popular that was created for no purpose other than to achieve the same level of popularity as what it is immitating, then it is just "entertainment" and therefore IRRELEVANT TO THE CURRENT STATE OF ART.

i can't remember where i was going with this.

i need either sleep or more drugs.

There are still composers composing today who are making incredible music: Part, Glass, Gorecki, Penderecki, Tavener, Reich, Ligeti, etc. While their music may not appeal to the masses it is hardly irrelevant. And frankly neither are older works like Berg's Violin Concerto or Mozart's Don Giovanni. Why? Because though they may not be in a popular or contemporary style these pieces still speak to us at our deepest emotional levels. Older classical music is not irrelevant because it still teaches, inspires and moves musicians working in newer styles. And newer composers in the classical medium are continuing to evolve and push the envelope and hence are not irrelevant. Perhaps it is you who need to broaden your horizons before making sweeping generalizations about whether or not others need to expand their horizons. And yes I admit there is much music in various styles (including metal) that I should hear but have not. So yeah in a sense I need to broaden my horizons. But to say that I know nothing about music, or that I don't know good music when I hear it, or that I'm simply sticking with a few things I like and not trying new things is simply incorrect.
Teh Grimarse said:
i would also like to add that i've been doing this for like 8 pages now and i'm an idiot for arguing with idiots. i really should know better.

i guess i'm done now.

peace and love to all, now go listen to Jeff Buckley.

Yes time to end this "discussion". But if anyone has proven they are an idiot it is not I.
Amarantus said:
Go spout your ignorance somewhere else. Until you compose something as great as what MF/KD have done and prove you can even fathom the amount of talent they have, is the day I will accept your opinion.

Now shut the fuck up.

Thank you.
Thoth-Amon said:
And yes I admit there is much music in various styles (including metal) that I should hear but have not. So yeah in a sense I need to broaden my horizons.

that's all i wanted you to say.

was that so hard mate?

Teh Grimarse said:
that's all i wanted you to say.

was that so hard mate?


No, but you need to also. And just because there is alot I haven't heard it does not make me to be the un-educated phillistine you have made me out to be.
Teh Grimarse said:
remember this...

you started it.

with your judgemental little fucking opinions...

Sigh. Here we go again... I was judgmental because well it sounds bad while Miles sounds good. I think you just can't believe that someone who knows about music can possibly disagree with your tastes.
Zhou Tai 04 said:
Generally speaking, just listen to what you like and don't harp on other people for having an opinion you don't agree with. It's pretty immature.

Aren't you that asshole that listens to Christian black metal?
I'm VERY disappointed with you, Grimace. Mercyful Fate was not merely a generic Heavy Metal band. They brought a lot of new elements to the table, they didn't merely ape their predecessors like most bands. This really has nothing to do with King Diamond, either. I'm talking musically.
thats why i said "to an extent" when referring to MF.

i'll give that they were somewhat more "progressive" than similar bands of similar popularity at the time, but at their core they were still Priest worship (maybe worship is strong, but...), and at their best they weren't as innovative as more than a few NWOBHM bands that preceeded them.

so pfft.
Teh Grimarse said:
thats why i said "to an extent" when referring to MF.

i'll give that they were somewhat more "progressive" than similar bands of similar popularity at the time, but at their core they were still Priest worship (maybe worship is strong, but...), and at their best they weren't as innovative as more than a few NWOBHM bands that preceeded them.

so pfft.


Grim, stick to being amusing, trying to argue coherently does't suit you, especially with shit like that :rolleyes: