You laugh, you lose

I'm just bitter because I didn't get into Maryland because I had to compete with loads of people who got considered above me for writing something like "I overcame black stereotypes" on their college essays.
Isn't playing the "race card" a black stereotype? :lol:

Yeah, unfortunately. I hate it when people use it to cover up any wrong they did. In one of my classes in high school last year, this African American student was bullying a kid, and after a few weeks of it, I stepped in and said "dude, you're pathetic. You're probably gonna end up working at McDonald's." I said that because all he did was fuck around in class. Later on he told people I said "all black people work at McDonald's." Whatever, things eventually blew over and we played a peaceful game of Pokémon together.

On a similar note, in my high school, there was this one spot where the three most busy hallways in the school would converge, and there was a group of minorities who would stand in a crowd branching from the wall out into the middle. We called it the "oil spill." No one would tell them to move out of fear of being called racist.
Seriously. I've ranted about this before, but the way to get rid of racism is to get rid of the idea of race, not bend over backwards to find little tidbits of information that equalize everyone in the standards used by people to justify slavery. Sure, the Mongols went undefeated until they fought black people, but that doesn't fucking matter. People are people. There hasn't been enough evolution to separate specific "races" (which don't even exist) by nature and intelligence.
When people say that the "idea of race" causes racism, I have to laugh. At best it's pointless observation, and at worst it's a way to justify majority privilege and racism.

Of course if we got rid of the social construct of race there would be no racism. If we got rid of the social construct of social class there would be no classism too! That would be great, why has no one tried that? Race has been socially constructed to matter in our society and however many smartasses say that we should just "get rid of the idea of race" it won't be gone. It's better to try to forge a diverse and tolerant society that celebrates the differences within it, than to try to artificially weld together different races, even if these races are not naturally different.

Trying to ignore or destroy the idea of race also prevents actions meant to aid people of disadvantaged races or to remove the privileges of the advantaged races. You can't expect a problem to go a way by removing its name.

If you don't believe in white privilege then you are an ignorant fool. Income is a big divider in this country (look at the recent occupy protests) but race is also a factor that plays into it.
I think the idea of race can be gone, but it would take a long time of intermarriage before people start realizing that it's an outdated social construct that has no space in our minds in any other way than remembering how people thought in our time.

If I remember correctly, the idea of race was created by the Spanish, the British, and the Portuguese during a time when human rights were first being taken seriously in order to justify maltreating other humans.

The idea of race isn't nearly as vital to a functioning society as the idea of class. Therefore, society can survive it being taken out of the environment.

Edit: The word "race" also used to mean something closer to "species." The idea that Africans were of a different race (species) was what justified denying them human rights.

What's white and fourteen inches long?
Absolutely nothing!

What do you call 500,000 white guys jumping out of a plane?

What do you call a bunch of Crackers in a circle?
A Dope Ring!

What do you call 300 white men chasing a black man?
The PGA tour.

Why do so many white people get lost skiing?
It's hard to find them in the snow.

What did they white guy do before his blood test?
He studied.

How long does it take for a white women to take a crap???
9 months

What's the difference between a white man and a snake?
One is a evil, cold-blooded, venomous, slimy creature of Satan, and the other is a snake.

How many white men does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
One, white men will screw anything.

What's the flattest surface to iron your jeans on?
A white girl's ass!

What did the black guy do with his M&Ms?
Eat them What did they white guy try and do with his?
Put them in alphabetical order

What did a cracker see when he looked at his family tree?
A straight line!

A cracker girl came up to her dad who was sitting in a beaten up armchair. "Pa, kin ah borrow the truck to-nahgt?" she asked. Her dad looked up to her and said, "Darlin', yew know what yew haf t'do if'n yew wants to borrer th' truck." "But Pa! Ah haf t'go naow!" the cracker girl cried. Her daddy stood up and unzipped his pants. "Yew know perfectly well what yew haf t'do. On yer knees, *****!" The cracker wench complied and started sucking her dad's ****. After a few seconds she stopped in disgust and looked up to her dad. "Gee Pa, yore **** shore tastes like shit!" Her dad slapped his forhead and said, "Dammit, Ah forgot! Ah already loaned the truck to yer brother just a few minutes ago!"

What does a white woman make for dinner?

What does a white woman and a tampon have in common? They're both stuck up ****s.

How did the West Virginian mom know when her daughter was on the rag?
Her son's **** tasted funny.

What do West Virginian's do on Halloween?

What do you call a White man with a sheep under each arm?
A Pimp.

What do you call the moisture between two white people having sex?
Relative Humidity.

Jim Cracker is WHITE!!
How white is he?
He's so white, during the L.A riots, he went out and bought a TV.

What do u call a caption wafer in the toilet?
A soft azz cracker

How many white girls does it take to screw in a light?
None, white girls can't screw
Only a few of those were good. As a professional "white" person, every other ethnicity needs to learn that cracker isn't a real insult. On a scale of 1 - 10, where 10 would equate to my pals, cracker is probably -3.
Not enough people see the contradiction of "getting rid of the idea of race" and "celebrating diversity."

What contradiction? You can celebrate diversity without labeling people black, white, etc. A race is not the same thing as an ethnic group. While they are social constructs, they are different. Mexican is an ethnic group, Hispanic is a race. Colombian is a different ethnic group belonging to the same race.

Vimana is correct. Enjoying the different flavors of culture is entirely different than affirmative action type plans, articles on how many minorities hold various types of leadership positions, etc.

The trouble with diversity today is that it's often used as a kind of smoke screen to generate apparently significant discussion (about racial profiling, affirmative action, etc.) whilst obscuring matters of class inequality and economic issues.

I believe that "celebrating diversity" allows upper-middle class and wealthy people to ignore economic inequality while feeling positive that they're being racially tolerate/progressive.

Also, I agree with Zeph that historically there is a problem with "celebrating diversity," because nearly every single holiday or commemorative event designated for the recognition of marginalized races has been created in reaction to the progressive demand for reparation.
Now I don’t know about blacks as we don’t have those around, but gypsy women are obviously much sluttier than white women.
From the Nickleback shoutbox on

"I have a friend who works for the military, at an Air Force base located in the Rocky Mountains. I'm a bit older than you guys, so perhaps referencing NORAD from the movie "War Games" to describe the facility in which my friend works wouldn't help much, but that's all I got. It's like a fortress built inside a mountain. The intent was to keep military high command functional in case of nuclear fallout. Anyway, my friend is an engineer. He's had jobs with the AF working in ballistics, munitions, and lately he's been working on a special project in the disposal of plutonium by-products. So my buddy and I get together one time per year to listen to rock music, drink a few beers, frot, go to some concerts, frot, hang out, you know the usual stuff. In this last trip, I expressed my frustration that my PC always spontaneously explodes into a thousand fiery pieces of liquid hot magma and semen whenever I attempt to burn and listen to Nickelback."
"My friend got a pensive look, and then after a long pause he said, "Let's go for a drive; I have something to show you." After my erection abated (because just mentioning Nickelback causes a deluge of blood to descend to the penile shaft - scientific fact), we drove to the AF base. We went through various checkpoints, and each one had more security than the last. The final checkpoint was a fully body scan and imprint. We went down a long hallway. I caught a glimpse of things going on in a few rooms on the side. There was a "hum" sound emanating from the end of the hallway, and it grew louder as we approached. We entered through a gigantic steel door that was one meter thick. The door closed behind us, and I heard pneumatic pressure locks sliding through the door and the door's casing."
"The hum sound was coming from a bluish glow in the center of the room. Imagine the center of the Death Star from Return of the Jedi. There was a pillar on the ground which ended in a pyramid-shaped tip. From the celing there descened a similar pillar which ended in a tip. Lightning bolts raced across the two pyramids, meeting in the middle in a bluish cloud of energy. The room glowed. There was so much energy and power in the room that my watch stopped working and the silicon circuits in my cell phone melted. I asked "Dude, what the fuck is THAT?" My buddy responded and said, "You'll never believe it until you hear it for yourself, but we managed to digitally rip a Nickelback CD, "All the Right Reasons," but so far this technology has only yielded one song - Photograph." I asked how they managed to do it. He said that a few weeks ago, Steven Hawking came by the facility."
"As you know, Dr. Hawking is in his present physical condition because he attempted to rip a Nickelback CD, and his PC exploded in his face, emasculating him and crippling him for life. But at the very least, we now he's not gay anymore, so there is a plus to the side-effect. Anyway, Dr. Hawking said that by bending space-time, by harnessing the hypernova powers of the black hole at the center of our galaxy, which he did, we can actually travel back to the moment Chad and the boys recorded the track onto its analog source (made, of course, from alien components). Dr. Hawking filtered the sound down to 96 decibels using this technology, and while he was bending space time, managed to tap one of the three women to date who has survived a vaginal ejaculation from Chad himself. "
"He said by harnessing the power of Chad's semen, we can actually bend space-time more effectively than the power of the black hole, travel back to the moment All the Right Reasons was recorded, filter the sound so we don't spontaneously explode, and put it into digital form. The semen acts as the active agent. My buddy said that the electricity and power wasn't traveling TO the object in the middle, but that the lightning was emanating FROM the object in the middle, and that it required nuclear fusion to hold the model in balance. The object in the middle, suspended between the two pyramids, was a drop of Chad Kroeger's sacred and unstable semen."
"The lightning wasn't really lighting - it was his sperm leaving the semen and trying to find eggs to fertilize. By using the semen to coat the CD, the music can be digitally recorded without the spontaneous nuclear blast. The reason why they've only been able to rip Photograph and not the rest of the CD is because there is only enough to coat a CD for one song, and Dr. Hawking chose Photograph (it's his favorite). With future mining efforts to obtain more of Chad's semen in the works, perhaps we'll see the rest of the Nickelback discography before the atomic decay takes over and the elements are reduced into pure energy and escape our universe. I'll keep you guys posted. This is the biggest breakthrough in science, if you can even call it that. The CD is only palayable at the facility. My buddys team is looking for ways to distribute the file. Any scrobbling you might see outside of my account is a fake. (People always pad their Nickelback scrobbles, but you knew that)."