Your Gateway Metal Bands

I grew up with Black Sabbath and Metallica.Then i started listening to Korn, System of a Down, and Slipknot. Then i started listening to Lamb of god, and that changed my life. from there i went to CoB and Amon Amarth. then it grew like wild fire...
I really didn't care that much for music until I heard Marilyn Manson's "The Beautiful People" back in '97 or so. I was about 9 or 10 at the time and this type of music just seemed so dark and interesting. Eventually I obtained a copy of Antichrist Superstar and listening to this album proved to be quite the experience, having quite the impact on me and ultimately changing the way I viewed music.

From this I got into bands like Rob Zombie, Nine Inch Nails, KoRn, Genitorturers, Rammstein etc. Around this time I had also developed a taste for things of a gothic nature. Eventually, seeking something heavier and darker I got into Cradle of Filth after seeing the video for "Her Ghost in the Fog". This was still when Cradle of Filth was commonly referred to as symphonic black metal (not "extreme gothic metal" or whatever load of lulz people call it these days) so from here I got into black metal and eventually branched out into other forms of metal.

I've amassed a pretty nice collection and can still listen to the very first CDs I purchased; I'm just not the kind of person who goes through phases and dislikes bands after listening to them for a period of time.
Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Metallica, Anthrax, and Judas Priest for me. From there I got inot more underground Thrash and NWOBHM bands and eventually into Death metal and Black Metal
I agree that technically Linkin Park along with other groups in style at the time like POD are 'rap metal', while nu metal is more korn/slipknot/disturbed, and similar acts such as sevendust godsmack and soil would be post-grunge, though the overlaps are unclear. But the whole family of genres is often just called "nu metal" just as some like to speak of rock, metal, and grunge but the umbrella term "rock" can also apply to all those and others. So I think it's pointless to argue whether "nu metal" applies to rap metal groups, when it can or can't depending on the context
I can't remember exactly when it was (probably around 93 or something) I bought my first 2 metal CDs...Altars of Madness and Blessed are the Sick. I bought them mainly to try something different and heavier than what I was listening to at the time (punk and hardcore). Bought these 2 cds mainly because of the cover art as I didn't know anything about metal but it turned out to be a pretty damn good choice as I've enjoyed both albums immensely.
Also Linkin Park and Metallica... then KoRn, Slipknot, Slayer, Children of Bodom and all mainstream stuff like that. Then, after listening to CoB for a while, I started listening to more melodeath and it became my favourite metal genre (afterwards came also doom metal, black metal etc.)
For me it was a combination of Aleitheian, Dimmu Borgir, and Megadeath. After that, I expanded across multiple metal sub-genres and even played guitar/sung death metal vocals in a couple of bands.
I started out with pop-punk/alternative music when I was 12-13 years old. It wasn't until I heard System of A Down when I was like "I want more of that!". I really got into Iron Maiden shortly after and other mainstream stuff of my day like Slipknot, etc.

Anyway, I got into extreme metal after I heard Amon Amarth's "Death in Fire". I was around 14 at that time, and the rest is history.
My first taste of metal was Metallica. And Justice for All being my first album. Then I heard "War Pigs" on the radio and that turned me onto Black Sabbath. Not long after, I started to get into Slayer, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Iron Maiden and Pantera. I still listen to these bands, with the exception of Pantera. I don't find them absolutely abhorrent like some do but I never have the urge to listen to them anymore. They became obsolete when I got deeper into metal and found better bands.
I went from Limp Bizkit - Linkin Park - Metallica - Arch Enemy and it just quickly took off from there.

Not proud of it, but I do still listen to some of that stuff from LB AND LP. Oh well.
Hair metal in the 80s (What do you expect? I was a little girl in the 80s and thought most of those bands were "cute", haha!). Then I started watching the Headbangers Ball in the late 80s until it was cancelled and liked pretty much everything played on that program.

When I was about 15 or 16, my best friend in high school started dating a boy who was into "extreme" metal. Thanks to him, I had recorded copies of Deicide's Legion and Emperor's In The Nightside Eclipse that got worn out. Then it went "downhill" from there :D.
Rock (Midnight Oil, Radiators, Violet Femmes) - WASP/Motley Crue – Metallica – Slayer and other thrash – death metal esp. Morbid Angel…other (“alternative”, punk, some electronic)…now Porcupine Tree, Ihsahn, Enslaved, etc. and everything aforementioned!

Pretty much skipped/didn’t get into nu metal/rap metal.
Black Sabbath 1973
Van Halen 1978
Scorpions, Riot, Judas Priest 1980
Iron Maiden 1982
Slayer, Metallica, Exciter 1983
Possessed 1985
Dark Angel, Kreator 1986
Death 1988
Cannibal Corpse, Entombed 1990