Your home: How do you live? Feel free to post some pics too

The only dvds I buy are concerts, well I have LORT trilogy deluxe edition (but it was a x-mas gift, I woudn't buy it myself)
Ralf said:
acting was only a step on his way to take control over the world
I honestly believe this. In all his election speaches he has always talked about dictating and he enjoys having people cheer his name and stand with huge pictures of him.

I won't be suprised if he gets the constatution changed and runs for President in 2008.
I guess I woudn't. I can't even take care of myself, so I woudn't dare to take care of whole nation.
Ralf said:
lol, is he really that bad? I mean i have totally no idea about politics :)

oh yeah, he's fucking this country up bad. I heard a saying "George W. Bush couldn't pour piss out of a boot if instructions were preinted on the Heel."

He really is being viewed by many as the worst president ever.
-Gavin- said:
That's in my collection.. But it's not the best....

That or Conan. Just love the part when they're walking in a village drunk as fuck (just drank the Black Lotus) and Arnold hits a camel right in the head and then says "Yew Oll Sleuthz!"