Your last purchase??

yeah but im sure mr martin still has a long way to go before he dies.. although i do get kind of annoyed he seems to spend more time writing on his blog page than actually finishing a dance with dragons.. its due out in september and he hasnt even finished it yet! somehow i don't think it's coming out on time.

and yeah, grrm doesnt have a facebook either.. i wish he did tho! just so i could become a fan of it.. lol!
I might be getting one of these soon:

Six pack of Deschutes Black Butte Porter
Six pack of Sierra Nevada Summer Lager
Six pack of Sierra Nevada Porter
Six pack of Sam Adam's Honey Porter
Six pack of Firestone Double Barrel Ale
I'm ordering one of these (RG1527) tomorrow:


I have been reading reviews all over the internet non-stop for days and this even seems to top a UV777 overall in terms of quality. According to random people on the internet, though.. I played a $380 RG7321 at guitar center today and it feels so much better than my RG7420 ever has. Hopefully this one is even better.:Smokedev: