:( As I have said before, since concerts are all like 200+ miles away, I have to choose between going to concerts or buying music. Concerts win out right now. One day I will be able to afford having a legal collection.

You're lucky living in a open minded country where there are many metal shops there where you can buy metal albums.
You're lucky living in a open minded country where there are many metal shops there where you can buy metal albums.

I would imagine any primarily Islamic leaning country probably doesn't take kindly to metal. :erk: Hell, The majority of the US doesn't take kindly to it either, it's just that it isn't suppressed.
It is definitely more "br00tal" as a whole than anything else they have done.

The hell does that mean?

Or rather: which album does it sound closest to?

You're lucky living in a open minded country where there are many metal shops there where you can buy metal albums.

Hey, at least you're allowed to use the Internet. You could be living in Syria or some shit.
I thought Cuba did too.

Anyway, Syria bans a shitload of websites.

edit: I think they also had (or still have) a really high tax on Internet access. But anyway I thought my comment would be more relevant if I used a country that neighbors his own.
Well they took a lot of flak from the elite metal community. They are probably trying to be taken seriously. There is still plenty of groove present but it's not as obvious as in TLKW.
Illdisposed has a new record coming out 8/28 and they are also re-releasing 1-800 Vindication and Burn Me Wicked to a worldwide audience on the same day

1-800 Vindication is such an awesome album.

Definitely, it fucking slays


1-800 Vindication and Burn Me Wicked, the two Roadrunner albums are sold out and taken out of their catalog. But Roadrunner licensed the albums to Massacre Records who will re-release the albums on the same date our new album will be released: August 28th 2009! This time they will be released worldwide! The albums will contain bonus tracks.

After having fulfilled our contract with EMI Music Publishing, both EMI and we agreed that it's time to move on. So we proudly present our new publishing partner: Warner Chappell."