Personally I'll take someone with a range that includes one hell of a soft falsetto register over someone who needs to distort their voice to cover things up, but to each their own I suppose. That's just the way of the word. Some people love cookies, and some don't.
I find it's usually best to at least attempt to get the facts before passing judgement. You never know you might be listening to the "blacksheep." In this case you're only problem was the vocals, and had you done a little more digging you would have seen it's the only track on the album like that. Like all songs worth listening to when I first heard it I too was a bit thrown off. Although in the context of the cd it's a very cool song imo.
I did post the first track on the record a few comments before it. Perhaps you missed it?Yep. I was just commenting a video though, and at the moment im not searching that scope of the musicworld.