25 Most Important METAL bands

Take off Possessed. They may have been the co-inventors or even the inventors of death metal, but Death were far more successful and lasting than them.

Take off Morbid Angel. They're good but just sort of did the Florida DM thing better than most with a very talented guitarist. Maybe an honorable mention. I think this list needs some more doom and power even though death is my favorite genre. The leader and most important from each genre is more important that secondary or tertiary bands from death or black.

On the Carcass issue. They invented goregrind and created a major milestone for melodic death. Sandwiched in between is an amazing death metal album. They definitely deserve to be there.
Take off Opeth and put something like Sarcofago. There's too many important bands to even consider.
cookiecutter said:
Take off Possessed. They may have been the co-inventors or even the inventors of death metal, but Death were far more successful and lasting than them.

NO NO NO. Lose Death, keep Possessed. Without a doubt. Who cares if Death became more "successful", their early stuff wasn't half as revolutionary as Seven Churches, which I would just remind you was in NINETEEN EIGHTY FIVE.

Opeth should go. They're just a wanky blemish compared to the rest of the list.

Dream Theater should go. They're basically a side track from the extreme metal theme that Master of Lightening summed up well a few posts back, and I can't really see what influence they had except maybe on even more proggy stuff, which I think tends to be shit so there.

Oh yeah and I say again - SEPULTURA.
Krakatau said:
Dude, only one power and one prog band are on there, and aside from Sabbath, Maiden, and Priest, the rest are either thrash, death, or black metal (extreme metal bands). How about Queensryche? Dio? Fates Warning? Manowar? (lame and cheesy and maybe even gay as hell, but very influential to power metal). Hey, maybe even Yngwie. He did spawn neo classical metal after all. And not only is he one of the most influencial guitarists, but Jens is one of the most influencial keyboardists.

Good post Krak.

That list is so freaking biased.

You have to put Faith no More on that list too. They were innovative...WAY more so than just about every band on there. They are so versitile in metal that you can't even label them as a genre.

I'd also put in Suicidal Tendencies or DRI. Great crossover bands that didn't need pure speed to be heavy.

Read please:

MasterOLightning said:
What can I say? I think extreme metal is much more interesting and mature musically, and it deserves to be recognized as such. Extreme metal is the full expression of what metal had been moving towards from Black Sabbath until the mid-'90s. The bands selected pushed the limits of metal and turned it into what it is today.
MasterOLightning said:
What can I say? I think extreme metal is much more interesting and mature musically, and it deserves to be recognized as such. Extreme metal is the full expression of what metal had been moving towards from Black Sabbath until the mid-'90s.

More interesting?

When's the last time Morbid Angel, Suffocation, etc bothered to write creative songs that don't sound the same?

"Hey, let's throw 1000 blastbeats a second at the listener for our opening song! Then, we'll follow it up with some more of the same! I know! For our 3rd song...we'll surprise the listner with more unrelenting walls of sound with crazy guitar shredding that is so all over the place people think it's genius, but really it's just fast. We'll drop in 6 more songs with that pace, and to close the album, we'll end it with another brutal mix of guitars and blastbeats!"

Yeah - real interesting.

Morbid Angel and Suffocation? Same freaking band with a different name.

I get they are good for the genre, but when making a list of important bands, pick different ones that brought something new to the table for people on the whole.

More mature?

Go to www.darklyrics.com and look up the lyrics of half of those bands. Mature they are not. They are something a 13 year old kid would write. Garbage. I'm all for death or extreme metal, but don't think for one second they are "mature" in the truest sense of the word. Moshing in a pit to lyrics about gutting a virgin whore isn't exactly a good representation of mature and intelligent.

Those bands didn't do anything groundbreaking - they just took the next logical step in making things heavier or faster.
SheisMySin said:
More interesting?

When's the last time Morbid Angel, Suffocation, etc bothered to write creative songs that don't sound the same?

"Hey, let's throw 1000 blastbeats a second at the listener for our opening song! Then, we'll follow it up with some more of the same! I know! For our 3rd song...we'll surprise the listner with more unrelenting walls of sound with crazy guitar shredding that is so all over the place people think it's genius, but really it's just fast. We'll drop in 6 more songs with that pace, and to close the album, we'll end it with another brutal mix of guitars and blastbeats!"

Yeah - real interesting.

Morbid Angel and Suffocation? Same freaking band with a different name.

I get they are good for the genre, but when making a list of important bands, pick different ones that brought something new to the table for people on the whole.

More mature?

Go to www.darklyrics.com and look up the lyrics of half of those bands. Mature they are not. They are something a 13 year old kid would write. Garbage. I'm all for death or extreme metal, but don't think for one second they are "mature" in the truest sense of the word. Moshing in a pit to lyrics about gutting a virgin whore isn't exactly a good representation of mature and intelligent.

Those bands didn't do anything groundbreaking - they just took the next logical step in making things heavier or faster.
SheisMySin said:
When's the last time Morbid Angel, Suffocation, etc bothered to write creative songs that don't sound the same?
On their first three albums from each band.

SheisMySin said:
Morbid Angel and Suffocation? Same freaking band with a different name.

SheisMySin said:
I get they are good for the genre, but when making a list of important bands, pick different ones that brought something new to the table for people on the whole.
Both are considered originators of death metal as we know it

SheisMySin said:
Go to www.darklyrics.com and look up the lyrics of half of those bands. Mature they are not. They are something a 13 year old kid would write. Garbage. I'm all for death or extreme metal, but don't think for one second they are "mature" in the truest sense of the word. Moshing in a pit to lyrics about gutting a virgin whore isn't exactly a good representation of mature and intelligent.

Take your own advice and look up those lyrics. Gore isn't the lyrical focus of either of those bands.

SheisMySin said:
Those bands didn't do anything groundbreaking - they just took the next logical step in making things heavier or faster.
Lol, no
SheisMySin said:
More interesting?

When's the last time Morbid Angel, Suffocation, etc bothered to write creative songs that don't sound the same?

"Hey, let's throw 1000 blastbeats a second at the listener for our opening song! Then, we'll follow it up with some more of the same! I know! For our 3rd song...we'll surprise the listner with more unrelenting walls of sound with crazy guitar shredding that is so all over the place people think it's genius, but really it's just fast. We'll drop in 6 more songs with that pace, and to close the album, we'll end it with another brutal mix of guitars and blastbeats!"

Yeah - real interesting.

Morbid Angel and Suffocation? Same freaking band with a different name.

I get they are good for the genre, but when making a list of important bands, pick different ones that brought something new to the table for people on the whole.

More mature?

Go to www.darklyrics.com and look up the lyrics of half of those bands. Mature they are not. They are something a 13 year old kid would write. Garbage. I'm all for death or extreme metal, but don't think for one second they are "mature" in the truest sense of the word. Moshing in a pit to lyrics about gutting a virgin whore isn't exactly a good representation of mature and intelligent.

Those bands didn't do anything groundbreaking - they just took the next logical step in making things heavier or faster.
You're being stupid. If you don't know anything about death metal, don't post about it, because this post is essentially flamebait and will do nothing but shit up the thread.
SheisMySin said:
Morbid Angel and Suffocation? Same freaking band with a different name.

Not that they sound even remotely similar

SheisMySin said:
Go to www.darklyrics.com and look up the lyrics of half of those bands. Mature they are not. They are something a 13 year old kid would write. Garbage

A lot of DM bands actually do have lyrics that are pretty "mature". Examples;
Disavowed and Decrepit Birth. But then again, I bet you've never even heard of these bands, as it seems you don't know a shit about the genre in question.
Great...some profound lyrics....as if any of you sing along to them, or can understand the words.

This is really hard! I knew there would be a Death vs. Possessed debate. On Death's behalf, they nearly invented technical death metal on Human. They are the most tehcnical DM band on the list. I have a harder time supporting Possessed, who only made one significant album.

It's funny how almost none of these bands are making relevant music today.

I'm not an expert on doom, so Cathedral or Candlemass? I wouldn't put either Anathema, My Dying Bride, or Paradise Lost because they seem to diminish each other's importance. No one of those was more responsible for that scene than the others.
>>>Second warning.

Dude, why is that a warning?

It's totally relevant to the discussion. I like death metal and extreme metal as much as any of you, but come on...does EVERYONE here really sing along to death metal?

In one thread, someone is arguing that vox are only rhythmic additions to the song, not meant to be heard...then in this one, people are implying they are so mature and smart.

I hardly ever cuss, or personally insult anyone...yet you're going to give me the warning over people who just spout off profanity posts with nothing constructive to add?

SheisMySin said:
>>>Second warning.

Dude, why is that a warning?

It's totally relevant to the discussion. I like death metal and extreme metal as much as any of you, but come on...does EVERYONE here really sing along to death metal?
I do

SheisMySin said:
In one thread, someone is arguing that vox are only rhythmic additions to the song, not meant to be heard...then in this one, people are implying they are so mature and smart.
Lyrics. There is a difference between vocals and lyrics.

SheisMySin said:
I hardly ever cuss, or personally insult anyone...yet you're going to give me the warning over people who just spout off profanity posts with nothing constructive to add?
You're NOT adding anything constructive yourself, you're being inflammatory for the sake of it. As you don't know anything about death metal, just leave it. What you're doing is leading nowhere, you're only pissing people off.
Although I vastly prefer Candlemass, I have to say that Cathedral was more important overall to Doom Metal. I also have to say that, although I vastly prefer, once again, Possessed over Death, due to Death's evolution and influence, Death would be on the list over Possessed. I also agree that the list is biased toward Extreme Metal, which is slightly unfair. I think that Manilla Road and Fates Warning or Queensryche should be on the list, as well as Helloween.