Aggressive Power Metal Bands...

In response to the original post:


They're a Polish band - actually featuring 3 members of Polish death metal bands, and one hard rock singer. They sound like you'd expect members of Vader and Decapitated to sound like if they were covering Judas Priest! Good stuff.
Man, there is always a Dodens on every fucking metal forum in existence...and even in every fucking metal chatroom!

You know what I mean...the homofag who knows every fucking thing about metal, and whose opinions are automatically correct and well, aren't even really "opinions"...because they are "fact".

And he's got proof that he is a billion times more metal than you...right here: his favorite bands are Warhammer, Abigor, Burzum, and Nargaroth. What more proof do you need?

You're too stupid to realize that this is all about you being a fucking faggot and not looking in the RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD for recommendations. It's there EXPLICITLY for that reason. I'm only an asshole to people like you that are not equipped with the mental faculties to comprehend simple operations and misinterpreting and overexaggerating every post I make.
Watch out for Deputy Dodens of the Forum Police! Don't write anything he does not agree with or does not like, or else!

When an opinion that differs from his arises, you know he'll surely be there to tell you that you and your opinion are both gay (not to mention...wrong). Watch what you type! Deputy Dodens is on the beat!
I love you, Dodens.
Man, are we off topic! I apoligize to the creator of the topic. As for aggressive power metal recommendations, I have none.

Well, I can think of a couple...Iced Earth, Persuader...etc...but I'm sure you already know about them.

(I smell a genre-debate-a-brewin'...)
Hmm, I feel an explanation as to why I created this thread is needed for Dodens because he makes it seem that I just spilled cool-aid all over his brand new white carpet.

The Request Thread:

According to the first post, that thread is setup where you already have a band in mind that you want to hear. "Yes, I want to hear Dragonforce because I have never heard them before. What song should I listen to first?"

That is pretty much the setup.

In my thread however, I do not have a particular band in mind and am asking for recommendations on those bands that I do not have in mind.

Secondly, that thread is not genre specific, whereas mine is. I do not want recommendations in black metal, doom metal, shit metal or any other kind of metal out there.

Thirdly, which I have stated before, it would be ridiculous to read through 40 pages of replies to find out there are no recommendations pertaining to the bands I might be interested in.

So in the end, as Cartman would say, "Whats the big fucking deal bitch?"

On topic though, I found a band called "Cellador" who sounds like Dragonforce, almost to the tee. Check them out!
And yes, I already know about Persuader and Iced Earth. On those two notes though, Persuader new album in a couple of weeks! w00t! Also, I hear Iced Earth is working on a new album which will be sort of like a continuation into "Something Wicked This Way Comes" If so, I hope they don't fuck it up! Jeesus christ, I hope they don't fuck it up! (Just as metallica should have quit long long ago, I hope this won't be true for Iced Earth.)
You're dumb. All you had to do was post the exact same thing that you posted here in the recommendations thread. THAT IS HOW IT WORKS. It's very simple. If you say "I want some aggressive Power Metal bands, you're not going to get random doom and black metal. The purpose of that thread is to take the place of ALL of these threads. You don't ave to read through it, you just have to post in it and wait for responses. It would be so much fucking easier with A MODERATOR HELLO DERON GET SOMEONE IN HERE THAT WILL DO THEIR FUCKING JOB so they can simply merge all of these extraneous threads into the official one.
The way I see it is, Dodens, you are the only one who fucking cares. So what if someone posts a topic on recommendations? He got responses, did he not?

You know what that means? Shall I spell it out for you?

Some people (all of the ones who actually decided to respond) actually don't mind there being a recommendations thread outside the recommendations thread! You gotta admit that when someone asks for help in any subject that you know quite well, it feels pretty good to help that person out. And not only does it help the person in need, it is also a way to brag...without bragging.

Then there is you. You have some sort of irrational hatred towards recommendations threads. Yes, you might be knowledgeable in some areas of metal, but instead of taking the time to actually do something constructive (i.e., help a fellow metalhead out), and actually stay on topic (yes, we are quite aware of the recommendations thread...quit parroting that shit), you take the time to degrade and mock the person making the request. How grown up is that?

You know...if you don't like them (the recommendations threads), simply click the back button on your browser...really. It's that easy. You may not believe me...but just try it...once, and be respectful of those who are having a contructive conversation about the said topic...

...and above all, quit being such a fucking lamer.

You have a real talent for ruining/ending threads. Whenever one appears that you don't like, you just pop up like a fucking zit, and start squirting your puss-filled trash talk all over the fucking place...and it's over.

We all get it, Dodens...we all know that you don't like recommendations threads. That's great. The rest of us don't mind them. Please don't shove your egocentric opinions down the rest of our throats, and ruin it (or try to anyways) for the rest of us.
earthwormzim said:
The way I see it is, Dodens, you are the only one who fucking cares. So what if someone posts a topic on recommendations? He got responses, did he not?

You know what that means? Shall I spell it out for you?

Some people (all of the ones who actually decided to respond) actually don't mind there being a recommendations thread outside the recommendations thread! You gotta admit that when someone asks for help in any subject that you know quite well, it feels pretty good to help that person out. And not only does it help the person in need, it is also a way to brag...without bragging.

Then there is you. You have some sort of irrational hatred towards recommendations threads. Yes, you might be knowledgeable in some areas of metal, but instead of taking the time to actually do something constructive (i.e., help a fellow metalhead out), and actually stay on topic (yes, we are quite aware of the recommendations thread...quit parroting that shit), you take the time to degrade and mock the person making the request. How grown up is that?

You know...if you don't like them (the recommendations threads), simply click the back button on your browser...really. It's that easy. You may not believe me...but just try it...once, and be respectful of those who are having a contructive conversation about the said topic...

...and above all, quit being such a fucking lamer.

You have a real talent for ruining/ending threads. Whenever one appears that you don't like, you just pop up like a fucking zit, and start squirting your puss-filled trash talk all over the fucking place...and it's over.

We all get it, Dodens...we all know that you don't like recommendations threads. That's great. The rest of us don't mind them. Please don't shove your egocentric opinions down the rest of our throats, and ruin it (or try to anyways) for the rest of us.

When you're here for more than a month, you little pissant, you'll get sick of seeing carbon copy threads over and over again. And in case you didn't realize, I posted a substantial list in response to the poster, so fuck off and die, please. You're obviously not "well aware" of the Recommendations thread and its purposes, because if you were, you would fucking use it LIKE ALL THE REGULARS. Have you noticed it's only new, squalid little shits that make them instead of posting in the designated area? They do that because they know that, not only is it annoying to have to surf through a wave of generic threads, but it's equally annoying to answer the same question 30 times. There are reasons for what I say. One of them is boredom. But there's also some sincerity. I'm sick of these damn threads, and I want a moderator to merge them all into the proper thread. I don't think that's so fucking much to ask. There's a reason why, for example, there's only one haul thread, and only one metal game thread, only one member pictures thread, etc. We don't need every user to have their own thread.
Oh joy, I officially have my FOURTH forum pet. The last one (Al Bundy) wasn't much fun...