Aggressive Power Metal Bands...

Dodens Grav said:

I feel better now. I'm going to sleep. I have to take care of my nephew tomorrow and study for finals. And find a way to get there.

I'd offer you a lift

Can't you just catch a bus or something or would you get too many diseases from the commoners.
Entropiastrife said:
Eldritch, Grave Digger, Angeldust, and Wintersun would fit that description imo

DemonHelm said:
Wintersun indeed kicks ass, but I don't think they can be classified as power metal.

Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
You know what annoys me just as much as un-needed recommendation threads?

Threads that go way off topic in an amusingly hypocritical manner.

And what strikes me as interesting is that it is the people with over 200 posts who are responsible for the loss of focus on the topic. These two guys above stay on topic wonderfully. Thanks guys. I'm sure EternityAblaze appreciates your input.
petehis kahn said:
I'd offer you a lift

Can't you just catch a bus or something or would you get too many diseases from the commoners.

There's no bus going from my city to university, unfortunately. I'm going to see if I can borrow my relative's car for a couple days.

Teh Grimarse said:
non-americans have no appreciation for how utterly fucked american public transportation is.


earthwormzim said:
And what strikes me as interesting is that it is the people with over 200 posts who are responsible for the loss of focus on the topic. These two guys above stay on topic wonderfully. Thanks guys. I'm sure EternityAblaze appreciates your input.

The topic, which IN AND OF ITSELF SHOULD NOT EXIST INDEPENDENT OF THE DESIGNATED RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD, has been MORE than addressed, and is effectively dead. I myself supplied a list of dozens of bands.
Awe, you guys are so sweet to each other. Grim, Dodens wants to know if you are ever going to pick up the dinner tab when you guys go out on a date.

Yeah, you did list a dozen bands, then you called the man a fag. Do you think he will even look at any of those suggestions after you called him a fag? Lol. You wasted your time. And what's even better, he, and I continue to waste your time. I'm telling you, buddy...just push that back button on your browser. It'll save you a load of time, and your headaches will go away.

Btw, what the fuck is with that posting of your essay on this forum anyways? What a lame attempt to ruin another's topic.
It wasn't an attempt at anything. I just finished writing it so I figured I'd post it. Also, I didn't "waste" my time assembling that list because I didn't make it for this thread. You'd know that - and this brings us full circle now - IF YOU FUCKING LOOKED IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD YOU CUNT. :)
Teh Grimarse said:
"topics" are overrated.

Then what the fuck is a forum for? Why does it even have topics? It should be just one giant lump of discussions...with no topics at all.

And, Deputy Dodens...

If you wanna post your essay, create a new topic, and call it, "Read my essay". Don't plaster that shit on someone else's topic. Oh, wait, that would be a bad idea woudn't it? If you did that, no one would read it. So, you deliberately post it on a topic that is actually getting hits, in hopes that you might actually trick someone into reading it.

You veteran forum posters have no respect, and don't understand common courtesy.
Nobody reads my essays anyway. I don't have a reason to do it. Now would you kindly hop off my balls? I've taken off your leash. Run free from my bosom. Explore the vast recesses of the internet independent of my nourishing teets.
That was fun. Talk to you guys later. Happy posting!

Time to either start a new topic, or respond to other topics. Yay!
earthwormzim said:
That was fun. Talk to you guys later. Happy posting!

Time to either start a new topic, or respond to other topics. Yay!

Looks like you got the basics of forums all sewn up.
earthwormzim said:
Actually, this was your question.

I did not know you had to be "qualified" to voice your opinion on people who deliberately come to the forum to talk trash. You've been here since January. Are you qualified? If so...what are the qualifications that you meet?

Is it that you have ">100 posts"? Boy, that sure is an arbitrary number. If you can pick a number like that, than so can I. I say you have to have 17. Therefore, I'm qualified.

He's been here since then because he got banned for a shitty reason.
teh Grimarse said:
Literally, that's what it said when I tried to log in. "Banned for posting Living Colour
You have no idea who each person is or what they're like. Thus,

And quit trying to fuck with Dodens. You will lose
hammerfall and galloglass are good galloglasses new cd isnt as good as legends from now and nevermore but it still is decent
Galloglass are decent. sweet, Dodens has a fanboy! Is your tongue brown, by any chance?

Did you hear about that metal kid that lives in [anytown], USA that is like way super-famous among the metal crowd because of how many posts he has on a metal forum? Yeah, neither have I.